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Comments ( 4 )
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Social media is back. Of course, I know what the title makes me think of...

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I'm of two minds about all of this, honestly. On the one hand, it's good that we finally have a release date and trailer. On the other hand, I still have no idea what they're doing this season. It's something that's bothered me about the advertising for most of Chibnall's run, really. It's flashy and grandiose, but with very little actual information to fuel speculation.

That's not to say I won't speculate regardless, mind you. So, glitching reality, twisted timelines, a forgotten past, and alien foes coming through the cracks? It's definitely too much to hope for, but it sounds like a TV adaptation of Unnatural History.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Holding your cards close on a new series is both good and bad. It would be nice to have a better idea of what's coming up. But, you know, the end of Peter Capaldi's run would have been better without advertising spoiling that the Master was going to show up. And wouldn't it be interesting to have the Doctor unexpectedly regenerate one of these days?

I'm keeping expectations low, but this is sounding like a convoluted unraveling timeline, timeline in flux type story, which I like. The Doctor's history being erased and altered sounds interesting, and I could easily see potential for some stuff with Jo Martin's Doctor going on. (Maybe Jo Martin's Doctor is from the other timeline, and her showing up was early signs that things were fracturing?)

I'm kinda betting it'll end with them having fixed things and the timeline is rectifying itself, but they aren't sure where it's going to settle down on, leaving Russel T Davies with a totally blank slate to do anything he wants with the next series...

--Sweetie Belle

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