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With Order 66 being activated and the clones turning on their former Jedi generals gunning them down in hail of blaster fire. Where could a Jedi go to remain safe and hidden from the newly created Empire? This thread will detail a couple of places that Jedi survivors of Order 66 could take refuge to find some place where the Empire would not bother them.

The Hidden Temple

Located on the planet Arkinnea this temple once belonged to the Jedi Order during the days of the Old Republic. It was later abandoned as the Order became more centralized on Coruscant. After Order 66, a group of Jedi younglings of the Soaring Hawkbat Clan led by Jedi Master K'Kruhk came to Arkinnea as it was being used as a large scale refuge center for displaced persons following the Clone Wars. K'Kruhk hoped that he and his young charges would be unnoticed in a sea of faces on the planet. However during his time there it was discovered that the local militia in charge of the refuge camp was secretly executing refugees because they were angry that so many offworlders had taken shelter on their home planet. Little to K'Kruhk's knowledge a fellow survivor of Order 66 the wayward Jedi Master Zao had also come to Arkinnea. K'Kruhk and Zao led their young charges with the help of the native species on the planet to the ruins of the Jedi Temple. The Jedi's presence on the planet was detected by an former Republic navy officer turned Imperial named Teron who refused to believe the lies the Emperor had spread about the Jedi Order's betrayal. He promised to keep the location of the Jedi's temple a secret and also would deliver supplies when he could.

The temple was rebuilt and made into a thriving self sufficient community where K'Kruhk could continue the ways of the Jedi in peace without being threatened by the Empire. Soon rumors of the Hidden Temple left Arkinnea spreading to other Jedi survivors who sought out this refuge for themselves. Whether or not other Order 66 survivors found the Hidden Temple and the peace it offered is unknown but it is clear that this refuge allowed some small piece of the Jedi Order to remain hidden and protected from the Empire that was obsessed with wiping out all traces of it from existence.

The School of Hidden Wisdom

Founded on the remote Outer Rim world of Baltimn by former Jedi Ephaan Kenzon. This dueling academy housed a double purpose. On the surface it remained one of the galaxies dueling academies following the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire but also was a sanctuary for Order 66 survivors to find refuge. Kenzon after leaving the Jedi Order founded this academy to teach its members in how to duel but also gave force-sensitive members limited training due to Kenzon having been a Padawan when he left the Order. When Order 66 was activated Kenzon was careful to keep his association with the Jedi Order a secret while also gathering any survivors of Order 66 and bring them back to his academy. Kenzon was also careful not to attract unwanted Imperial attention which due to the remoteness of his home world made his job much easier. When the Galactic Civil War began, Kenzon offered his services to the Rebel Alliance and became one of its operatives. Around 4 ABY, the School Of Hidden Wisdom gained the Empire's notice but due to Palpatine's death over Endor it escaped further scrutiny.

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