Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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I am writing a story Becoming Whole and I'm going to rewrite it.  There is however one problem: I cannot think of a better name for the unicorn filly in the story.  I would like any suggestions on good names for a green coated filly with a purple mane and tail.  Please give me whatever ideas you have.

5958904 Cabbage, that's green and purple.

How's Lavender Jade sound?

I came here to see if anyone was talking about Making Changes.

5958904 How's Green Goblin sound?

No? You mean you don't want to write a young filly as being an evil cackling maniac?

There's no pleasing some people. He is like, the most green and purple thing since violets.

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