Changelings Need Love Too 2,337 members · 1,539 stories
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In the end of Season 6, the Mane 6 returned to their home and found that their imposters (Black Changeling) were all still here. After hearing about how their queen had lost and that a new king had ascended, they surrendered to the Mane 6 and they were forced to do charity work to atone for their crimes while under the Mane6’s supervision. However, they refused to give up the love they currently had in order to become colorful Changelings and join Thorax’s hive, saying they will find their old queen once they had atoned from all their crimes.

The Mane6 let these Changelings turn into Changeling versions of themselves, to better identify which pony each Changeling belonged to.

Laughter’s Changeling:


Pinkie Pie lets her Changeling help her with the bakery work and parties, at first, her customers and their children were afraid of the Changeling. But after a while, they grew fond of it and got used to it presence. Some were even beginning to make contact or talk with it without fear anymore. Changeling Pinkie Pie was also happy with this work, because they gave love to it freely without any need for it to steal it at all. For the first time in its life, it could finally smile and laugh with unhindered joy.

Generosity’s Changeling:


Being Generous doesn’t mean Rarity will have a completely open mind without any doubt. She still has to have some doubts in the Changeling she was supposed to watch over. After all, this species has caused her much trouble twice already. It made her unsure if this scary looking creature could be good.

But once she got to know it better, understanding its reasons for its bad behavior (because it was taught to be one), she started to believe that maybe a Changeling can change after all, perhaps it really was possible to teach one to be good. It can be taught what was the right and wrong things to do and learn from those experiences. A Changeling is also quick to adapt to many things, and her Changeling proved this by being able to keep up with her work. It also learned to be generous like her by helping her and others without asking for anything in return.

Well….Maybe it still got love to feed in return, but that’s acceptable, since it no longer steals it from unwilling ponies anymore.

Loyalty’s Changeling:


Rainbow Dash didn’t like it, to have somepony masquerading as her, because she thought of herself as too awesome for anypony to pretend to be her. So when she got tasked to watch over the Changeling who pretended to be her before, who was now a Changeling form of herself, she always challenged it to a race every time she had the chance. Simply to prove how awesome she was, and how much better the original was over the imposter.

Changeling Rainbow Dash tried hard to keep up with the athletic mare. But even if it shared the same appearance as Rainbow Dash, it didn’t share her athletic skill and was always left behind.

One day Rainbow Dash’s mind was too far focused on her race. She increased the speed of her flying until the Changeling couldn’t follow her fast enough, where it disappeared from her vision. When she reached the goal and waited for it, she had to wait half an hour before this Changeling finally came back into her vision and reached the goal itself.

Rainbow Dash thought about mocking for its slowness, but then she realized that she had forgotten her supervising task and this changeling had actually left her custody several times. This Changeling could have used this opportunity to escape from her. But it never did; it always came back to her. Somehow, that made her realize that even a Changeling can be loyal too…

Her mind had now changed. Now, she wanted this Changeling to be more like her. She was going to train this Changeling to fly faster, even if it couldn’t fly as fast as her, she was going to make it become the fastest flying Changeling at the least.

Honesty’s Changeling:


Applejack was an honest pony, which is why she doesn’t trust in this Changeling she is supposed to watch over. She believes that these creatures are always dishonest, that they are always lying and can never be trusted. She locks this Changeling inside the barn at night instead of letting it sleep in her house, because she doesn’t trust it at all. She wanted her family to be safe from it, and the Changeling agreed to her decision, saying it was alright with it. But Applejack knew it was lying, she just doesn’t like it…

The Changeling helps Applejack with every chore she has, even if Applejack doesn’t trust this Changeling, she still always asks it first, if the work is too much for it or not. But no matter what, it always said yes, always saying it can do it, always saying it’s fine. But Applejack knows that it’s lying to her again and again…And she hates it….

The Changeling kept working for her, kept lying to her, and Applejack never liked it doing so…She kept giving it more hard work, yet the Changeling kept doing all of it without saying no or ever complaining…But Applejack could see through all of its lies…She could feel this Changeling continuing to get weaker and weaker each day…

Until one day, its body couldn’t take it anymore…A Changeling’s ‘full of holes’ leg wasn’t made for bucking apple trees and it finally broke this time. Applejack knew it…But the Changeling kept pretending that it didn’t hurt at all and was still trying to keep working…Applejack couldn’t take it anymore…So she took it back to the barn.

Applejack was crying as she was curing the Changeling’s injure leg…The Changeling wondered why she was crying, so Applejack asked the Changeling why did it keep lying…Why…Why can’t it be honest just once…Why can’t it stop wearing its mask…She hate the way it lie…

The Changeling looked at the pony…It wondered why she was sad, most ponies were always happy when it was lying…But why was this pony hurting so much…Finally…It decided to be honest for the first time in its life…It told her that it was afraid to be honest…If Applejack knew that it didn’t like sleeping in the barn or that it wasn’t comfortable to work on some work, then it feared that pony will decide to lock it up inside a cage or worse…Decide to end its life…

Changelings can’t be honest; lying is what Changelings need in order to survive. Nopony likes Changelings for what they truly are, that’s why it has to keep wearing its mask. If it need to be loved, it has to lie. It have to pretend to be someone else and it must keep its target happy. The Changeling said that it doesn’t like lying too, but it has no other choice if it wants to survive and remain alive.

Applejack said it doesn’t need to lie anymore, and that she wants it to be honest with her from now on. With tears welling in its eyes, the Changeling listened to it and finally decided to show its true feelings. It cried like a child, it told Applejack that its body hurt so bad…And that it was very hungry too, because Applejack doesn’t give any love to it at all, as it was afraid to feed love from anypony. The barn is too cold for its kind, and some chores in the farm are too heavy for it to do without injuring itself…It told Applejack everything it was hiding inside. Every fear, every want and every need, without hiding anything…

For the first time in its life, there was somepony who let this Changeling show that it can be honest too….

Kindness’s Changeling:


The Changeling that Fluttershy watches over was actually considered the caretaker of the group of Changelings. She was like a stepmother who helps her true mother watch over the children. It has a duty to take care of the health and food supply for all of the other Changelings, so it would always be the one who volunteers to find love when the members of the team are unable to find it on their own and that’s why it was chosen to be disguised as Fluttershy, because it had a personality as similar as hers.

Ever since it started to harvest love, it always believed that ponies and other sapient beings simply existed as sources of love for Changelings. It always had to pretend to be so many ponies in order to gain enough love. Not only for itself but for the other Changelings that failed to find love on their own as well. So many masks, so many roles, it trained itself so hard to be the very best actor it could, but in the end, it lost itself…It no longer knew who was it’s true self anymore…

But Fluttershy saved it. She helped it to find its true self again and told it that it didn’t need to be anypony but its true self around her. She also proved to it that sapient creatures such as herself were not the only the source for love. She introduced it to all her animal friends, taught it how to take care of them, and how to make them like us, assuring her that Changelings don’t need to pretend to be anyone but themselves when being around these animals.

The Changeling also discovered that animals do indeed produce love as well, even if it’s not as high an amount as ponies, but it’s still love no less.

Fluttershy also taught it the way of kindness and how to gain love from either people or animals with it. She taught it how to be a better pony, how to be loved without pretending to be or replacing some existing pony. She helped it to learn and create its own original disguise and to gain love from everypony while it acted as its true self. She helped it to become the most kind Changeling in existence.

Friendship’s Changeling:


Twilight had quite the problem with the Changeling she was supposed to watch over. The reason for this problem was because this Changeling who was disguised as her, wasn’t a master in magic like her or had a personality similar to her at all. But rather, it was simply because it was the commander of the infiltration team. This Changeling took everything really seriously and seemed to not open it mind to her ever. It always made itself look tough and stoic around her.
It’s true that it worked hard on anything she requested and did much charity work without any complaints. But she really wishes it would be friendlier to her, just like other Changelings who started to be friendly with her friends.

So she started to investigate and see how her friends were able to make their Changelings open their minds and be friendlier with them. It seemed like each of her friends used each of their reputable elements to win their Changeling’s heart. Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty and kindness…But what about her? Her element was magic, but she did not think using magic to make Changeling be her friend was the right thing to do. But then she remembered her second title. She was the Princess of Friendship too. Maybe she can used friendship to win this Changeling’s heart.

Therefore, she started to talk with her Changeling more often, even if it did not need to talk back or when talk was necessary. She made the room it lived in more comfortable for it to rest each day and made sure to not over work it. She wanted to make her place feel like a home for it, more than its prison and show that it was thought of as a roommate, rather than a prisoner. In the meantime, she started to investigate Changelings as well, to understand more about it’s personalities and everything else she needed to know.

After investigating for a while, Twilight finally noticed something. It was true that this Changeling seemed able to do everything she requested without complaining. But somehow when it came to helping her sort books in the library, it always had trouble to do it and sorted books in the wrong places from time to time. So she asked if it had some trouble with reading or something, it did not want to tell the truth at first. But eventually, with every nice thing Twilight did for it, one day, it finally showed the result she wanted…It finally opened up to her.

Changeling said it didn’t have much knowledge in languages and other things, as Changelings don’t have a school like ponies do…They never went to school at all. They only knew how to talk properly and read simple words. But the books in this library were filled with words that it didn’t understand. Twilight asked it why it didn’t tell her in the first place. It said it didn’t want to show its weaknesses, especially to the enemy. A Commander Changeling like itself is supposed to be smart and strong. It is supposed to able to do everything it can, on its own…

Twilight smiled and said that everyone always had something they weren’t good at and its okay for them to ask for help from someone, because that isn’t a sign of weakness at all. She asked it if it wanted her to be a teacher and teach it everything it wanted to know. Changeling hesitated at first to accept help from a pony that was supposed to be its enemy. But then it realised that it doesn’t have anything to lose from accepting this and everything to gain. So it accepted her invitation to learn and became Twilight’s student.

Once it opened itself, this Changeling really surprised Twilight in every way. It’s curiosity and hunger for knowledge really reminded her of her younger self. The Changeling’s commander who was always serious in everything was gone, leaving only a bookworm Changeling who was not only Twilight’s student, but a faithful reading partner as well. Twilight was really happy that her friendship plan was finally working.

She can finally be friends with this Changeling, and in turn, that Changeling was happy to be friends with her as well. Because this pony gave her love to it so freely now, pure and delicious love, it didn’t need to steal scraps of love from Twilight anymore, when Twilight was not aware of it doing so like it always did in the past…

Assistant’s Changeling:


There were six ponies, but seven Changelings, as the last Changeling was disguised as Spike, So Spike volunteer to watch over this last Changeling himself. Twilight thought about protesting to this decision at first, because she thought he might not able to handle it. But since he is the one who be had befriended Thorax first in the past, it was actually fitting that he would be the one who fit this task the most. So with optimism, she let Spike watch over the last Changeling, and since Spike stayed with her in the same castle, she would still be able to watch over the both of them anyway.

The last Changeling was quite small, the same size as him. But it said that it was already an adult, explaining that this was as large of a body it could grow. That is why it was perfect to disguise as Spike, because the Changeling couldn’t disguise as something that was too big or too small from its original size. Spike wondered if there were any more reasons why it chose to disguise as him…

The last Changeling said that because it’s a sidekick just like Spike, (and the kick part is completely true), it is like the omega of Changeling’s pack. The weakest and smallest Changeling in this team of infiltrators, it was someone to kick around when the team was in a bad mood. The joker of the team to make them laugh, easy to ignore and be forgotten…The only reason the team needed to keep it, was because it was the only one that could disguise itself as a filly or colt.

The last Changeling disguised itself as a Changeling version of him. But it seems that it preferred a female version of him. It said that it just wanted to be in a female shape like all the other Changelings in the team. The last Changeling happened to be very obedient and helped Spike with every chore the he had in Friendship castle. His chores was done so fast with its help, so he had a lot of free time left each day from that point on.

Spike was always very grateful to have this Changeling as his work partner. So he treated it well and hung out with it after their chores were done. He introduced it to many funny games and movies. Taught it how to read so both of them can enjoy comic time together, and also found out later about this Changeling’s love drawing. It told him that it had drawn a funny picture on Fluttershy’s throne before when it was disguise as him. Sadly, it was kicked around by the others after doing that…

One day, the last Changeling smiled and said thank you to Spike with a happy voice. It said that this is the first time that someone noticed it, cared for it and made it happy. He was the first true friend that it ever had and the love he let it feed on freely was really delicious. It admitted that at first, it thought that Spike was a worthless sidekick, just like itself. But no…Spike wasn’t a worthless sidekick. He was an assistant, a supporter of the mane6, and it wished to be like him. It wished it could be more useful for its own team, it wished that someday they will notice it and see it as a friend on the same level as them.

Spike said Changeling can change, and explains that the other Changelings seem to be starting to change as well. They are less aggressive and friendlier now, after spending their time with each of the mane6. He believes that they will see it as friends now and he also said, that if it really wanted to be the perfect assistant, he will help train it, because he is the number one assistant to the Princess Of Friendship after all.

So Spike took his Changeling as his student, just like Twilight took her own Changeling in the end.



Like many things in life, all good things must come to an end. The Changeling's charity work had finally reached its final day. And the day that both Changelings and Ponies were dreading had arrived. All seven Changelings never wished to leave, but they worry for their queen who was abandoned by all Changelings. They had to leave to check on her, so now they must say good bye to those who took care of them until now.

Pinkie Pie hugged her own Changeling so hard until her Changeling thought she was trying to break it, so it couldn’t leave and would have to stay at the hospital. But it somehow survived Pinkie Pie’s death hug, before thanking Pinkie Pie for the last party she hosted for it and the other Changelings, including every little thing she done for them. It said it will always remember the way of Laughter, so if it found anyone sad, it will make sure to find a way to make them laugh and smile.

Applejack gently hugged and comforted her own Changeling who was crying over her chest. It was really honest with what it felt here and cried with genuine sadness. It said again and again that it didn’t want to leave, but declined Applejack invitation to stay every time. It knew the team needed it, the queen needed it, so it had to go...Applejack wished it good luck on its journey and gave it saddle bags filled with Sweet Apple Acres apples, telling it to lie only when it was absolutely necessary and to never forget the way of Honesty.

Rainbow Dash still won every race she had against her Changeling, even as her Changeling tried hard to win against her until it finally become the fastest Changeling in the end. It told her it will train harder always and will return to challenge her for victory. Rainbow Dash smiled and said that she will always be here to accept it challenge when they would meet again. Deep down inside, she wanted to ask it to stay with her, but she knew, that the way of Loyalty she taught this Changeling means it will not abandon its friends, even for her.

Fluttershy and the other animals came to say good bye to her Changeling. Her Changeling cried a bit when it saw that all the animals were here for it, all willingly giving it final doses of love for its journey. The Changeling said it will miss them all, especially a little white squirrel that attached itself to it the most and helped it take care of the many animals all this time. But to it surprise, it showed that it wished to be Changeling's pet and go on the journey with it. The Changeling looked at her former keeper and asked if she was alright with it. Fluttershy nodded and wished both of them the best of luck. The Changeling hugged Fluttershy and said it will always remember her way of Kindness and would make sure to spread it to everypony it meets on its journey.

Rarity prepared four season clothing for her Changeling. She wanted it to be as comfortable as it could be on its journey. She told her Changeling that her boutique door was always open for it when it would return. She expressed that it was the best work partner she ever had and wished that someday she could entrust it to take care of one of her branches of the boutique. Her Changeling said it will remember her offer and promised to remember her way of Generosity.

Twilight told her Changeling that it didn’t need to go; it could stay here because she thought that someday, Chrysalis will return to her in the future, no matter if she would come here for revenge or help. But her Changeling said it couldn’t do it, it knew that their queen wasn’t exactly the best, but she was still their mother. She was willing to do many bad things so that her children could survive. But now, every Changeling at the hive had all abandoned her. It didn't know how she might be feeling right now, but it was likely to be very bad, and all it wanted was to make sure she was alright. It wanted to return to take care of her, show her that some Changelings still appreciated her efforts and won’t abandon her. Twilight understood its reasons and gave it a survival kit, map and many useful books for its long journey. Twilight hoped for it to return to Ponyville someday as an ally, not as an enemy...She wished her way of Friendship will make Chrysalis see the light someday....

Spike held his Changeling's hand and wished for it to have good luck on its journey. But somehow he could sense this Changeling still had some doubt in its decision. So he asked it if it was worried about something in particular. It said that it was afraid that it will become a useless sidekick again...It wasn’t sure if it was a good idea for it to go with the team, it didn’t want to be a burden on the group, it didn’t want to slow the team down on the journey to search for their mother...Spike smiled and told it that it was his number one student. He believed that it can be the good support of the team. It should have more confidence in itself and if it had any problems, it could always send a letter to him with the fire-spell he taught it. It listened to his encouragement and smiled, before it wiped away its tears and said that it will make him proud. The way of the good supporting assistant will always be with it.

All six ponies and one dragon observed all the Changelings remove their disguises and return back to their normal-selves once again. They waved good bye to them and they began flying away horizontally, wishing them all good luck and hope for them to return someday...


Oh god stop posting these.

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