The League of Ordinary Gentlecolts 28 members · 0 stories
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What ideas in this ponyverse do you think are interesting ideas. For starters ever since I read xenophilia I have thought the idea of herds to be quite interesting. Now that would be hard for this world seeing as how it seems instinctively humans are not bisexual. However on thought it seems real heart-warming for that kind of large family love. Not in the sense of sex even, just being together as a whole. The world frowns upon polygamous relationships but I don't see whats wrong if it is actual love and not a dominance thing. Also I think the civilizations like Rome and Greek as well as other older ones had the right idea about currency. Yeah nowadays we would have to ban the use of most jewelry but gold, silver, and bronze as currency was a smart idea. There was less forgery due to the fact of how to fake gold asside from weight. Silver alittle more easy and bronze easy for color but danm hard for weight and color. Those are some of my ideas more to come please give your own and if you see flaws in these please enlighten us to these flaws as everything and every idea has them.

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