Monster Hunter 228 members · 36 stories
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So those of you that played MGSPW that there is a monster hunter mission easter egg if you find trenya in one of the extra op missions.

NOW i always wondered how he got there...then i watched the yukumo village celebration cinematic and since i am VERY lazy with youtube videos i am going to describe what happens.

In the very beginning trenya and some guy i don't know are seen walking away from yukumo village as hunters and other people, villagers and all that gather as the celebration allot of characters from older games make cameos while cha cha goes to some felyne shop to buy mask and ends with the felyne idol mask, celebrations happens ends with a overlook of the village while fire works go off near a air balloon, in the very end trenya and the guy are loading fireworks into a cannon...TRENYA falls into the cannon and gets blasted to the sky...AND TRENYA so happens to end up in metal gear...seems suspicious since they launched a DLC quest that allows you to get material to make metal gear armor for you or your felyne comrade, you see a connection here?

Group Admin


Wow you're bursting with ideas now aren't ya? :pinkiehappy:

Well as for your theory, it's plausible in a silly sort of way. The MGS armor could have been designed from Trenya's stories when he came back to the MH world.

As to how he got to the MGS universe and back outside the magical explosion bit you can also allude to some experiment by Dr. Emmerich and Dr. Strangelove.

I am a very bright bulb :p :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Well care to visit my house then? Our bathroom lightbulb is starting to dim, we need a replacement!:pinkiehappy:

too be fair we don't know enough about the MH world to know. it could be a planet or a continent. for all we know it's a lost world kinda thing.

That is what i thought to, but that does not explain the island that looks like a cats paw do.

maybe a whole island was flooded with a rathlos and a tigrex, then transported to Metal gear verse?

When you wear said armor you turn into snake or the boss if you use a female character so i couldn't see how :P

Group Admin


Well Snake/ Big Boss met Trenya so of course they'd swapped stories. Not to mention I'm sure Trenya would not come back to the MH world without souvenirs!:pinkiehappy: Heck that can be spun into the origin of bow guns even!

they did make a dlc quest for monster hunter portable 3rd where you got vouchers to make naked snakes/big boss' battle armour

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