Monster Hunter 228 members · 36 stories
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Found this and wondered...could this actually happen in game?

Don't know, haven't gotten far enough in game to find out, hell i haven't even gotten far enough to fight a Deviljho yet, though I hear there tough as nails.

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2355973 There's an event quest in 3U with 3 deviljho :derpytongue2:

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2356346 tough as acidic serrated nails, and the subspecies? don't get me started...

Group Admin

Double Devil Jho quest with unstable environment?

Group Contributor

2356394 nope, I think there's an arena quest with three of them

Group Admin


So there is a quest like that! I was making a guess myself.

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2356428 me and my friend attempted it with no armour, let's just say that it was short lived....

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I see you like to live dangerously! :rainbowlaugh:

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2356455 well once you get all equipment, there's not much to do, so I get bored a lot :pinkiecrazy:

hm, well cant be harder the soloing Fatalis, so i should be ok.

Fatties are easy... Black and Red ones, anyway. The Jho is one of the few monsters I HATE... them and Lavasioths... And Nargas... Evil bastards, all of them.

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2356631 it depends on which fatalis, I don't really count white, it's just got a cheap amount of HP ant attack

Nargas are fun though, though I will admit Lavasioths are a fucking pain. Then again, I'm a duel swords fighter, so it always takes a few tries before I finally learn everything about my opponent to actually beat them.

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2356753 narga is best... thing :rainbowlaugh:

They really are, there fun to fight, have one of the most awesome monster move sets i have ever seen, the only monster I think is funner to fight against is the Jinouge(at least I think that's how you spell that name).

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2356780 sadly, the great thunder acrobat got it's name changed to the terrible Zinogre...

That sucks, I liked the other name better.

Group Contributor

2356856 Yesh, Zinogre is it's translated name, SOO... Zinogre is best acrobat?

Yeah, I mainly use bows, and Nargas are hard to hit, and even harder to doge. One of my favorites are Rajangs. I love my Rajangs. And Plessys.. :pinkiecrazy:

oh don't even start me on Rajangs:flutterrage:, those things will forever be my bane with any weapon.

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2356886 at least plessy's hipcheck got nerfed in 3U

Ice bow, Rapid shot, Stick closeish, and always doge to your left. Easy.:pinkiecrazy:

I always got the ones that spammed that stupid swiping attack, then followed up with one of there lightning attacks to top everything off, always ended up stunned.

Yeah, a pierce thunder bow just eats the Plessy.

That's why I always pull evasion+2 vs them. You can roll straight through the punches, and come up behind them for an easy couple hits.

I will have to try that sometime, though honestly now a days my favorite fight is still Fatalis, something about battling an ancient oriental dragon just gets me all sorts of excited.

Fattys just disappoint me. Sure, they hit hard, but they're ridiculously easy to dodge, and retaliate with a bow. They leave themselves open so much, and are so inaccurate it turns into a sad fight if you're using a bow... White ones, though, now THEY are a different story...I hate the white ones.

White ones were the funnest for me, again I think its because I primarily use Duel Swords, but the challenge was a very nice surprise when I first ran into him.

of course my first reaction went something like, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!!!"

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