Monster Hunter 228 members · 36 stories
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i'd like to do a monster hunter/mlp cross over story however i a few issues that make this difficult.

A. i get woefully backtracked when working on my own, yet i do well with group writing.
B. the people i write with have 2 other bronies and currently no other monster hunter fans

so if anyone would be interested in working on a complilation story give me a shout, lets bring monster hunter into the spotlight here people.

Group Admin

Generally on the same boat myself XD.
Wanna help and share my ideas, what can I do?

i actualy had an interesting idea for a premise but needs more shaping and alot of corners cut.

after years of arguing with princess celestia and numerous ponytarian groups the guild currently centered in zebrica has with the support of princess luna been given permission to set up a single outpost in the town of ponyville due to it's higher then normal monster activity and the fact that not all of the denzens of the everfree forest well be as easily swayed from attacks as the recent monsters have been.

what i need aside from help with the plot is somebody who would be interested in helping with the writing as well as some OC hunters. i got my own OC playing the experienced hunter (based on my game self G3 hunter on and offline) so what i need is moderate to recruit hunters. and i need someone who knows the newer monsters :twilightblush: my knowledge is limited as i'm not through ultimate yet and i couldn't handle tri.

i intend to have the fatalis be representitive of the villian since we all know that a fatalis can't be reasoned with or swayed by anyone. but i also want to show ponyvilles reaction to hunters see a peaceful town deal with some non-peaceful ponies.

the OC's don't have to be in pony form, willing to allow zebras, daimond dogs, minotaurs, or even dragons with the right jutification. no alicorns or draconiques for obvious reasons. changelings i might alow but they'd have to have some convient reason preventing them from changing.

here is a little example of a character description for what i'm looking for.

name: nina fiato
gender: female (yeah i use a female character, mainly for fanservice reasons :raritywink:)
race: pegasus pony
age: 29
colouration: sea green fur with grass green mane and tail.
cutiemark: crossed 'azure flaming pair'
guild rank: master hunter/trainer, disgraced
weapon speciality: dual blader (modifyed wingblades in this case)
secondary weapons: longsword, bow, some hammer
preffered weapon: azure flaiming pair
preffered armor: azure rathalos u
personality: stern, rough, heavy drinker, never say die mentality.
likes: hunting, music, booze, mega juice, hunting.
dislikes: the guild, fatalis, kirin, horneaters
bio: nina joined the monster hunter guild after her village which was close to scharade was wiped out including her family, she was only 17 at the time. at first her instructors wrote her off on the infamous 'won't last the first year' list. despite this she trained hard eventualy getting her full license and getting sent to a small moutain village. three years later she had yet to distinguish herself above killing a khezu with a kutku bow. then she joined a group of hunters calling themselves the 'azure rathalos crew' who helped her develop her skills finding a particular affinity for the dual wingblades as well as gaining her the parts needed for there symbolic 'azure rathalos u' armor. it was at this same time the leader introduced her to the drug 'meha juice' which gave ungodly stammina in battle but was both highly addictive and incredibly draining once the effects wore off. rising in there ranks she eventualy became right hand to the leader who taught her the crews ways of taking little 'trophys' from battles. several months later the crew pinned nina for a failed attemped at carrying off the skull of a lao shung lung. cut off from all recources but her own nina spent most of her time alone taking sucide missions until she was given the option to face the most feared of all monsters the fatalis. when she left the camp with only an old akantor bow she had managed to gain from her missions with the ARC and moderate gunner armor the liasion marked her as a casualty. the guild was surprised when a flare went up days later signaling for a monster corps pick up, from inside scharade.

when the guild arrived they found nina lieing on the camp bed battered and broken, but outside the camp lay the body of the fatalis, stone dead. years later nina finally stood for the guild final judgement clad in her azure rathalos armor, a string of eleven crystal eye's hung about her neck. not all there owners where dead. but they where all indeed half blind. the guild had decided that a hunter of such luck could not be tossed away. however to earn her place back within the guild she would be sent to a new outpost with only a select bit of equipment to train hunters so they could protect the local village.

(sorry wall of text there, don't expect everyone to have such a bio, and no she won't be central to the storyline, she's the old mentor past her prime, 'lion sensing the end' kinda character)
oh and forgot one more thing
distinguishing feathures: scar tracing across her left flank, threw her back between her wings and rounding up under her right eye.

hello? did i scare people off?:pinkiesad2:

Group Admin


Whoops sorry been busy with work and I kinda depend on notifications on what to check sorry ><

Will go through your ideas ASAP

Edit: Joining Equestria and the MH world I see, and the premise does have its merits. Be careful where you place your OC considering how powerful she already is.

I can bring my own huntress in named "Di", but my favorite armor for her has always been the Azure Rathalos Soul Z I'm split myself. You can use her as part of that "Az Rath Crew" if you decide to have them make an appearance. If not then I'll just switch to her switch axe weilding version from P3. Still not sure what race I'm gonna turn her into for the story. XP

I don't see anything else I can add in for atm, I can help with how monsters are portrayed I guess.

i can see your point, definatly make some alterations to my characters past.

Group Admin


I think its best to put her in the same shoes as Makarov from Fairy Tail, as the veteran she should be the one to handle managing the Ponyville hunters guild (with local help of course), train the other hunters (and any interested recruits from Ponyville) and only step in if the threat is too much for the rest to handle. I think its gonna be her personality that would make or break her so I think you should focus on that.

Oh and you have to promise the presence of Lynians and Piggies or I will no longer help you! :trixieshiftleft:

Now I'm sure you've heard this last bit already but remember whatever you write, once its out in the open you stick with it! Second guessing after the fact won't do anybody any good!

lynians? your reffering to felynes and melynxe right? and the pigs a must, there your hunters pet after all.

Group Admin


Plus shakalakas, they are also lynians.

And the MH manga also states they are very strong and can haul a fully loaded cart. (Overloaded actually sounds more appropriate.)

963493 i'm juggling the idea of the dragon tribe(sometimes called wyvariens, the villiage chiefs of pokke and the first games village, and the artisan in try are examples of this race) either being actual dragons, or kirin ponies, thats a hard call to make. anyway actual recruits from ponyville well take time, most ponyvillians are peaceful and a monster hunters life is anything but.

oh and for the record i always intended for my char to be the kind of character you described. the backstory is just an indication for her attitude at the star she doesn't want to be stuck there she wants to be back at pokke.

Group Admin

Dragons as the stand ins for Wyvernians is a good idea and is easy enough to do.

But since you've brought it up how will you fit Kirins into the story, and what would they be? A type of pony, a monster, a mix of the two, or something completely different.
I have a suggestion but I wanna know what you've got first! :pinkiehappy:

I agree with what you say about the Ponyville recruits, but I'm rather sure some like Rainbow and maybe Snowflake may jump on the opportunity to join in early when given the chance. Besides, the desire to protect one's home would surely kick in for a lot.

On a side note I just had an image pop up in my head.

Cheerilee teaching while being assisted by a felyne. Wonder where that came from. :derpytongue2:

963903 i really have no idea with kirins.

you also need to remember with recruits, not everyone is cut out for it and the guild well only take certian types, i can see rainbow or snowflake yes but not alot would pass the 'pre-augmentation' stage. i say this cause i believe well being trained the guild augments hunters through science (magic here) and stuff like that.

ontop of the other facets of hunter life, recruits must be prepared to have there digestion changed to full on omnivore as a hunter is never sure where there next meal is coming from.

the cheerilee being assisted by a feline i could definatly see.

972493 also if you could respond by replying to my last comment i'd apreciate it, that way i get instant notification that you responded.

Group Admin


While I agree that for them to be hunters they need to become considerably less squeamish, I don't think they have to be omnivorous. Being herbivorous pretty much gives them an easier ticket in the wilderness in terms of survival as any plant life that is won't make one sick is a free meal. The only meat I think they I'll bother trying are the special felyne meals because of the benefits those are known to give.

Can you also explain what you mean about augmentation?

972639 first off they need to be omnivores cause not all terain offers excess plant life, i do intend to have hunters going to places like the tundra where plants are slim to none.

anyway a average hunter can swing a hammer larger and heavier then there physical self with ease, i have always believed this si because when a hunter joins the guild they are subjected to numerous herbal stimulants and some possibly not so herbal. in this universe the guil likely uses science to force the rate in which there bodies gain strength, speed, and heartyness. shortening growth that could normaly take years under strainious conditions, into months. if you note from the missions proceedings, several of them imply that a single monster hunter, is worth a large squad of well trained soilders.

Group Admin

I have always considered hunters to be well supported and highly prepared individuals. Also remember that even in the most cold and hot areas in the games it is still possible to find shrubs, herbs and nuts. Anyway the need or a hunter to be an omnivore in this setting (MH x MLP) depends on how one views the game and therefore very subjective.

Now while I don't agree with its necessity I won't comment anymore on this for the reason stated above. I just ask that you make it meaningful and not just because hunters in the game eat meat so any hunter has to as well.

For reference the only times I've ever accepted ponies eating meat were in the FoE universe, Chip in "The Ambassador's Son" and various instances when Celestia and Luna had to eat meat for diplomatic reasons.


Now for the next bit, I am sorry but I disagree with hunters having to go through any type of augmentation to be what they are. From start to finish any sort of leveling up a hunter goes through is either them getting more skilled or obtaining better equipment. Any boost they receive has always been external, I've always seen this as a message from the developers that you don't have to be born great to be great and that anyone can be awesome!

As for the unusual strength, that can simply be attributed as a common characteristic for people in that world. Another more for feasible explanation for their strength would be to a common wvyernian heritage.

As for the bit about common soldiers bit, I attribute that to training, equipment and specialization.

975656 except generaly hunters are pure human, no wyverian heratage too them. but you make a good point on both counts.

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