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I keep brining this up and I absolutely feel like fist fighting a person who thinks Alicorns—namely Luna—are not immortal.

Think about how MLP:FIM introduced itself by explaining that when Luna gave into her resentment and became corrupted with envy, turning into Nightmare Moon. After having no choice, Celestia banished her to the most barren wasteland in any solar system any being has ever walked on. And yet wether or not if she was inside or on the moon, she came back unscathed in Season 1: ep.1. As nightmare moon of course. The thing is though, is if Alicorns were mortal or had the immunity to time, she would have perished in seconds in or on the moon. Via the immense vacuum she would feel. Suffocation. Starvation. Dehydration. And total body failure. These and freezing to death. And yet nightmare moon and Luna both came back unscathed. And no one say “Celestia put a protection spell on her sister.” Because she said herself in the very same episode Nightmare Moon was meant to stay there permanently, which is equivalent to petrification and death in Equestria.

I don’t know why I can’t leave this particular hot button alone, but darn it there are no good excuses for her being mortal or simply has a long life span.

And don’t use the cloud form either. As incorporeal as that form is, it takes magic to do that to herself. And Magic uses energy. And as powerful as Alicorns certainly are in the show—even though they don’t seem to do much with it—could not remain in her cloud state for a thousand years. Luna is very powerful, but even she has her limits as a alicorn. So does Celestia. So Does Cadance. And so does Twilight as we see over and over again.

And the elements Celestia used on her sister did not separate her form either. She literally screamed “nooo…” the entire way to the moon, like vector did in despicable me as he was fired into space as the moon grew back to its size.

Anyways. In what universe does this show given evidence say that Luna is not Immortal. We can also talk about the times when Luna became scared while being turned to stone in the movie. I used to think that could’ve meant death for her if she shattered. But if that is the case then here are two things I question. First of all, Tempest did not seem to care if she shattered or not. She was either reliant on springing a trap for one of the other princesses to catch her, being momentarily immobile do to the amount of concentration it would have taken for one Alicorn to catch her. Or she knew that even shattered she would not perish, like the credits show with stormkings lurking eyes when the Storm beasts try to put him back together. His eyes were still full of life and rage, even though he could not move he was still very much alive.

At the end of the very same movie, we see a reversal spell not only undo petrification in seconds while simultaneously avoiding the Storm kings remains, we see it rebuild an entire castle in seconds. And free a mortal derpy as well—which shows when petrified all of your senesces are still functional, with the exception of touch smell mobility breathing and talking.

There is no way in heck Luna is not immortal. Maybe not exactly eternal which means a living thing will exist even after time stops, but she is undoubtedly immortal. And I can make a similar arguement for the case of Celestia, Cadance, shining—whom is the only non Alicorn on this list—and Twilight Sparkle. I feel anyone who says otherwise may have ignored crucial evidence in the show. This does not make them ignorant tho. Perhaps they just wanna be different? Either way I will not let this slide. I’ves watched the show, and the evidence is definitely in the pudding.

I'm not going to argue with you - Luna and Celestia do possess a form of immortality. The exact details of it, of course, are very much up for debate, as is whether or not other alicorns are immortal.

Comment posted by KirinNirikarereallyc001 deleted May 29th, 2023

I can prove it!

Twilight has been through hell in her young years as a newly princess. The Tirek fight is all I needed to see, because magic does not = life on any level. After she and Tirek got thrown into the ground at fatal and some how non bloody impacts with mountains and the earth itself, Twilight and Tirek both reached an impass without a scratch.

With Cadance and Shining, it goes back to the wedding. We see a dirty Cadance but nothing more. She is not injured in anyway just dirty. I don’t know how long weddings last but if she was down their long enough to get that level of dirty, she must haven been down there for a super long time. And with the exception of being dirty, she was still strong enough to sprint to save her spouse.

Shining armor has not always been immortal because he is a unicorn. The way life spans work in Equestria my guess is that he would live to be like 600. Anyways, in mythology—namely Greek myths—immortality is is something your either born with, are rewarded with, or are cursed with. Shining was given the second part of the latter when he and Cadance both vanquished the changeling army. I firmly believe that was some sort of soul binding spell. The rest of my proof comes from Flurry Heart. She was literally born a Alicorn and already had limitless power at her tiny hooves. In biology, the male Y chromosome typically decides all the genes. It’s my understand that XY can be dominant, but with Flurry Heart I don’t think that’s the case since her hair and coat mostly look like shining armor and only a little bit like Cadance. And the fact that they are the only two beings in the literal universe to give birth to a Alicorn does not raise any conclusions to anyone??

To be fair, no one has ever had a baby with a alicorn. 3-4 Alicorns are virgins canonically. But here’s the thing, biology works pretty much all the same in most mammals that have intercourse, with the exceptions of any adaptations that happen over time. This and the ability to evolve to environments. It just does not seem likely to me, that a mortal and an immortal can make an immortal product of their love making.

In an equation, without proper numbers and variables, you get a blasted decimal. But when everything is indeed there, the product is always complete. This is my proof for Alicorns and only one prince being immortal. I’m not gonna waste time with discord, because spikes word is law. No one fights the sarcastic sassy dragon best boi.

Luna is probably ageless, but I base that on her being like her sister. Turning Muffins to stone didn't harm her which indicates that such spells are not permanent.

And the banishing spell which Celestia used on Luna left a pony shaped shadow on the moon impling she was fused with the moon itself.

Since such a spell would be similar to petrification it doesn't surprise me that Luna returned from the moon without any wear and tear, the same way Discord in stone didn't wear away after a thousand years of exposure to the elements.

This raises all sorts of interesting questions for Generation 5-is Sunny immortal, given the status of her alicornhood seems to be rather different to Luna and Celestia?

I think that alicorns have only partial immortality. They, like elves, are not subject to aging and can live indefinitely, but their life can be interrupted in many ways. They may be stronger and survive in extreme conditions, but they have their limits of strength.
the Nightmare/Luna situation on the moon can be explained in two ways:
1) the turn spell itself is a kind of stasis that freezes the target being turned and therefore no other factors are affected.
2) The moon is a "place of power" for Luna and supports her in every possible way by nourishing her with magic, preventing her from dying. (The "object of power" can explain the source of power for all alicorns.
Cadence "Princess of Love" draws strength from love, and as long as there is love, she is strong. It is because of this peculiarity of her that it is unprofitable for changelings to kill her, since she is an almost unlimited source of "food" and therefore they simply kept her in a cave without causing much physical harm.)
Twilight probably as a "princess of friendship" really draws strength from the friendship in the world and that's why she so quickly reached the height of Celestia at the end of the series because the friendship in the world at that time reached its peak.
Celestia and Luna naturally draw strength from the sun and moon they have bonded with. and maybe that's why the stars helped Nightmare/Luna escape.

and about the spells of turning to stone, I never considered them deadly. the victims remain alive as long as the spell is still there. thus, if you break and then assemble the statue, the victim will remain alive.

In reality, there isn't anything in their profiles that says that they are immortal. My guess is that it was bronies who came up with that claim, because I didn't see anything mentioning that on either the show or the wiki pages. It's possible that both Celestia and Luna have long life spans, but that still doesn't make them immortal. If they were immortal, then they would have been seen on G5, and that doesn't seem to be the case. BTW, it was even mentioned when G5 was first introduced that Twilight was already dead, which might indicate that alicorns aren't immortal. However, without real backstories, we'll never know the real nature of alicorns.

It’s different period, and I hate it. I hope starscout is not immortal and that whole generation will just die already.
I HATE g5 mlp: make your mark. For those that like it, I respect you. But I will never give it a chance. My vote? Continue with G4. ‘S how Hasbro made money as well as they did anyways. That and the fall and war for Cybertron video games they did with activision and treyarch i think.


You literally just ignored everything I just said…*sigh*…I will say it nicely. G5 is horrible. It needs to perish. It must be destroyed.

Go back and watch the show too. I did not pull all of that proof out of my butt. It’s all there. Please look into my proof and I promise it’s the truth. It’s just not possible for Alicorns to not be immortal after their lifes have been around for so long, and all the things they have survived and given to the world.

Keep you opinion. But g5 is a not relevant to the mlp storyline no matter what the creators say. It’s not the same universe. It’s not the same mlp. It’s just mlp rebooted. G4 is the only thing that matters. G1-3 can be appreciated because Bonnie did a good job at making a comfort show. But Faust’s creation is independent. And the creators of g5 have hurt mlp more than helped it.

Also, can I just say that opaline reminds me of gargamel from the smurfs. It’s my understanding that she sits in a tower. And has the adorable/annoying sidekick which in her case is misty if I’m not mistaken. Gargamel had that cat.

I like your head canon dude. May even adopt some of it. Gotta add though, twilight would more than likely draw power from friendship and Magic. Although her official title is princess of friendship, she is also element of magic and is incredibly skilled with said matter.

Also got some Percy Jackson vibes from the source of power Theory of yours. It’s like when Percy touches the water, it heals and takes care of his body. So the moon sun love and friendship give their guardians the strength power and immortality to do their duties. I must concur though, what your saying makes since but if that were the case then why did the magic of Luna’s moon stasis lock nightmare. Also I don’t think she would have been in stasis at all. When she returned she looked like she had been waiting and watching for eons without extended intentional sleep. Although it’s possible she came out of some kind of stasis where she was fully aware. But even that’s not possible, as sleep nullifies the senses. Being petrified does the opposite, to where you’re fully aware, and able to feel see and keep your consciousness. How ever, even petrification varies. So when Tempest captures Cadance Celestia and Luna they were more than likely aware of everything happening around them, and more than likely felt the pain of their magic being pulled from their bodies (again). But when Twilight got petrified by the cockatrice back in season 1 she fell into some kind of unconscious state. Kinda like being put into stasis as your described. Recall when she woke up she did not remember much of the cockatrice attacking her. Although this could simply be a side affect of the animals magic after prolonged exposure for more than 10 minutes. The chicken the cockatrice petrified seemed perfectly fine when she woke up. But when Twilight was freed, she literally said “what happened?” As if someone woke her from a dream.

This is not to say you’re wrong. As it looks like we both agree that Alicorns canonically live until the fausticorn above calls them all home. Which in their case is Heaven. Everyone does die eventually, but not them. They would be more like Enoch in the Bible and be simply taken to the heavens in a beam of light. Or like Elijah who was taken up in a chariot of literal fire. As well as two horses made of fire. If something like that exists in Heaven I don’t doubt unicorns Pegasi and pegacorns and Alicorns are their two for All of us to cuddle love and take care of when our human life’s end. Anyways, Alicorns are immortal until they are called home to Heaven. But yet again I must concur because every villain in the show had a chance to end the lives of each mare and stallion. Namely Tirek who did not handle the Alicorns with care at all. Recall he literally threw them into Tartarus. That should have broken some major bones and drew blood to a severe degree as well. If the cutie bond is a product of magic. And to bond and keep your bond with love sun moon magic and friendship, you must have your magic, otherwise you’re just a pony. And with Luna and Celestia being thousands of years old, by all logic, they should not have still been standing as ageless as they both were when Tirek came to pay them a visit. They all three were simply drained and fatigued. In all reason, there must be more to it than simple bond to inanimate objects and emotions and bonds. It strictly falls onto biology. Meaning Alicorns are naturally immortal until called to heaven. However I don’t doubt that each princess has a bond to either emotion bond or object. They are the things that help them be them. But i don’t believe it works like how zues is with Lightning as portrayed in Percy Jackson or Poseidon with the water in the same series. However your petrification theory is solid and I will adopt that from your head canon.

However the fact these objects bond and emotion exist could equally as likely be the source of their life. With our the sun and moon Celestia and Luna would have no reason to exist and fulfill their destiny. I’d love was super fragile and I fixable Cadance would not have a reason to exist. And if friendship was as fragile and dependent as some people have described in this fandom to me have said, Twilight Sparkle, the best girl, would have no reason to exist either. Saying that aloud it is more likely they are linked to the objects bond and emotion they all have titles for. And if that is the case, then the soul binding spell Cadance performed with shining or at the very least sharing her undying love with her spouse did indeed make shining armor immortal and have the Genes of a immortal, hence flurry heart. Whom I would deem princess of light, for love light and friendship are similar in the category of guidance and bondage. I agree with the bondage of object emotion and bondage from your theory and will adopt it. I don’t believe it works quite like how you described, what as a source of power, but there is certainly a bond between the Alicorns and their individual titles. I just don’t think either object emotion or bond works to that extent, and the Alicorns are just simply immortal because they are. They cannot be killed by other means either, as Tirek and Storm King proved as well. And yes this includes stabbing and shooting. I mean if twilight can survive being thrown into a mountian, and a weakened Luna Cadance and Celestia can survive being literally thrown into Tartarus as the speed of a suburb driving car, then i don’t think there is a way to kill a Alicorn and everyone knows this.

about "why Celestia and Luna" didn't instantly age when they lost their powers. If we assume that it was magic that did not allow them to grow old, then most likely there is the same principle as the WOW elves. (As long as the world tree exists - Night elves continue to live young, but as soon as the tree was destroyed they lost their endless youth, but the aging process just becomes like that of ordinary people. Even a character who lived 10,000 years but looked 25 after the destruction of the tree began to age as if this The character is only 25 years old.)
but personally I like the theory that they just don't age at all.
why didn't the alicorns die when Tirek threw them into Tartarus. I personally did not see in that action serious (by the standards of the series) harmful actions. The series is full of examples where ordinary mortals fell from a great height or crashed into something at high speed and none of them died yet. (Rainbow Dash constantly crashed into a Twilight window at high speed in the first seasons and only once in the series did she end up in the hospital with damaged wings.) Therefore, it is unlikely that the Princesses in Tartarus received injuries incompatible with life.
the battle of Tirek and Twilight is not worth taking into account, since they fought on equal terms and both had a lot of powerful magic. You said that Twilight didn't take any damage, but you didn't take into account that Tirek didn't take any damage either despite some pretty devastating explosions.
Lastly, I doubt that Cadance was able to transfer her immortality to her husband. It seems to me that the spell that banished the changelings was just a combination of Armor's shield spell and Cadance's love magic. And the fact that they had an alicorn could be a signal that Armor has the potential to ascend to the status of an alicorn like his sister. (Does it realize this potential? That's another question entirely.)

also in fiction often immortals can voluntarily renounce immortality. (for example, in the Doctor Who series, one character with a bullet wound [this wound is considered only a scratch for his kind] specifically by willpower did not allow his body to regenerate in order to die.

Truely intresting. You have solid canon evidence with the being thrown to Tartarus thing. And you’re right I did not take into account that Tirek and Twilight fought on equal terms. I shall edit this out of my theory and agree that with the nature of the series, it is unlikely for a character to be murdered via falling or crashing.

Rainbow dash and that adorkable pose of hers everytime she crashes in the early seasons does indeed make your point solid.

I’m afraid we’ll have to agree to disagree with Shining armor becoming immortal. However I do have one Last counter for solid evidence as to why I think he is immortal now, but not a Alicorn. Throughout the series we know for sure the only beings who can ascend to Alicorn—sister—hood are indeed females as the sisterhood implies. Throughout the series we are shown that only females can become Alicorns. Not males. Although males can be come royalty, they cannot become Alicorns—with the exception of McIntosh ascending in Luna’s super dream to catch the tantabus. I really do believe that Cadance and Shining made a soul bondage spell in order to never be apart again, like they were in the caves and Canterlot. It would seem to me the very same banishment protection spell the two casted linked Shinings mortal life to Cadance immortal life, giving shining armor Immortality. Also Cadance did not give it to him, it was given to him through magic. Through love. Through True Love and the need to never be apart again. And again I truely think that Flurry Heart is the result of Immortal love. Biologically and magicly it’s impossible to give birth to a Alicorn unless both parties are truely immortal. Celestia and Luna know this and the only thing that really surprised Cadance and Armor was her sheer power and energy. Not the fact that she is a Alicorn. Which is irrelevant now because I’m sure everypony would have been shocked when Flurry came out of Cadances womb as a Alicorn. Again it’s just not magically possible for a mortal and immortal to give birth to another immortal being. And it’s certainly not possible biologically either.

Also another thing. As much as I hate G5 the same thing appears consistent in their abomination of a world. Only females can become Alicorns. Opaline is a natural flesh and blood Alicorn and Sunny is a waky earth pony whom can magically sparkle and become her abomination of a princess.
P.S. die Sunny starscout. And take your world with your demise.

*ahem* anyways, I just don’t see how it would be possible for Shining Armor to not be immortal. Every moment of the wedding and the season 6 episodes points to him being immortal. Would this have eventually happened anyways? I think so, because the changelings were an ever consistent threat at the time, and so was King Sombra. As well as the winds of the north.

But I still propose an agree to disagree thing between us. I think he is immortal and you don’t. Simple. But if you don’t change your mind somehow, I won’t stop ya. :)

in fact, I do not have clear arguments and facts to confirm or refute the immortality of Armor, but I want to believe that this problem has been solved. Because the alternative turns out to be very sad for Cadance.
I like your version, but for now I will continue to doubt this statement.

However, elevation to alicorn status is unlikely to be based on gender. Celestia herself told Twilight the probable reasons for the "elevation" and there were no statements that only girls could do this. (Also, Celestia's choice cannot be the only correct one. Alternatives should always be considered.)
The fact that all female alicorns known to us can be attributed to convention and coincidence. Same as the fact that all the main characters are female. (By the way, Sunny can hardly be considered an alicorn. Rather, she is merely an avatar of a force that just happens to take the form of an alicorn.)
By the way, Big McIntosh is not the only male alicorn in the series. although it's most likely just a stupid animation error. ;)

I always assumed it was kinda of a tolkein elves thing. they can die, but not naturally or sickness.

Whether or not you like G5 is an opinion that will differ based on who you ask. Since they are supposed to be related, my point is that if both Celestia and Luna are immortal, they should make an appearance. If that's not the case, then maybe they did die at some point. Keep in mind that it was said that even gods can be killed despite being claimed to be both immortal and all powerful. Then again, I will always find it strange that Granny Smith is a fraction of their age and has wrinkles despite the fact that neither of those two tend to have wrinkles for being over a millennia old. Noticing that almost makes me wonder if alicorns can actually preserve their youth by always looking young even when they are old.

I believe that’s called eternal youth. It’s different from immortality, because on the inside your still aging, but physically you look no older than 21.

Speaking personally, I would never wish to be immortal myself. Mortality just makes life precious in my eyes. Always cherishing each moment because you know you won't last forever :twilightsmile:

Who wants Immorality, not me.

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