Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Cavalry Studios' FimFiction hub. We're very eager to meet you, and perhaps even share a little about ourselves if you are interested.
Come now, don't be shy! We're here for you, my fine friends. Tell Cavalry all about you!
EDIT: Ha ha! The staff doesn't think it's so difficult, I see. Hell, they've written more about themselves than I did. Now I'm beginning to feel a little short-winded.
My comrades are Noatoa, SocraticBrony, and _Medicshy, co-founders all.
About me... I'm an eccentric sort with a very active imagination and sense of humor. Writing is my passion and I adore it unlike any other hobby in the world. If I could make a viable profession of it, I would do so in a heartbeat. I strive to be a gentleman, and remain courteous and humble all the days of my writing career. Pride sours the spoils of your labors.
I am currently 21 years old, living and drinking in Michigan. I'm a bit of a night-owl, because as I'm posting this it is... 6 a.m. I believe sincerely that sleep is overrated, and I can be found on FimFiction almost eighteen hours a day. I can almost guarantee that I'm only ever actually using the website for maybe two. Tabbed browsing is where it's at.
I am an avid whiskey drinker and video-game player. I love League of Legends and EVE Online, and in basically every video-game I play you can find me by adding 'SteelMyst'.
I love helping others and encouraging everyone to reach for their best. If you ever need to bounce an idea off of someone, need friendly but honest writing critique, or just need a fellow brony to talk to, I humbly offer my services.
Hello there my friends! I am _Medicshy (or just plain Medicshy on most services. It was already taken here, I'm afraid...). I don't like to talk about myself, and
... Not good enough? okay... Well, I'm currently 21, I live in Hawaii, going to school at UH Hilo for a degree in Performing Arts and English, most people find me terribly difficult to read, even though I doubt I'm nearly that complicated, and I strive to become the next Doctor or Bill Nye, though any career acting would be amazing. My love of the stage stems from years of doing it, not fame or need for recognition, as I'm actually a rather shy person and tend to deflect complements to others more deserving or who helped me along the way.
I like to write, even though I am a terribly impatient procrastinator and don't move nearly as fast as I'd like through my ideas, though my skills seem better suited to improving the works of others. I freely offer my services as an editor for those hoping to improve their work, though I do need to warn you of two things: 1) I am very direct with my critiques, which some view as being mean, but I mean it with the best intentions, and 2) Razorbeam's work and the next review for SFFR take priority over new authors. (This means maybe a delay of a few hours, a day in rare cases)
I strive to be a friend, entertain with every action, and do my very best no matter the scenario, but I must warn you that I do not suffer fools lightly and can very often say things that sounded kinder in my head than on the screen...
I play League of Legends (the Medicshy account is level 18, but I'm actually a level 30 on my main. I just only give that out to certain people) quite a bit, Team Fortress 2 (as [NLR] Medicshy, guess which class I'm best with) much less regularly, but dabble in everything from Minecraft to Magicka to handhelds and consoles, and I delight in obscure gaming history and odd games (a surprising amount of my time is consumed by Let's Plays).
I strive for the best I can in all things and love helping things and people reach their full potential, whether kindness, honesty, or force are the needed methods, but if you ever need an honest story critique, a focused editor, or a brony to help you through a problem, I will do my very best!
362348 The order is not indicative of anything! Kind of like how 'A' is the first letter in the alphabet, but the sixth letter in the word 'contrary'. It's all arbitrary.
Anyways, wonderful intro. Though from my experience in your League career, you actually do suffer fools rather lightly.
362664 Well shit, I never knew you wanted a degree in European history. Nice to know these things are useful even for the other members of the group, lol.
Wonderfully done, and twice as long as my post to boot!
362664 Wait, wait, you wrote all of that and couldn't read music? Wow... makes my little thing I made under the effects of a music theory class and years of musical theater and reading music well look even worse...
Since it appears that I am the fourth member, all be it not actually the final founding member (and I know who it is,) I guess I should give my own introduction. (first community fan/member mayhaps?)
I am, at the very least, me. I'm 21 half0breed Irish / Dutch. I attend(ed) a college that ultimately forced me to deal head on with Razorbeam. I have even gotten so plastered to do the "I LOVE YOU BRO *hurk*" while praying tribute to the porcelain goddess. Yeah, that I love you bro was to Razorbeam, and guess what, ponies made it happen.
I've played many a game, from the time I was four until well now. Because of being very involved with tech and science in school, I've played anything from Runescape, Pokémon, the medic in TF2 (Medicshy, I think I've played with you, but was royally outclassed do to a crappy computer). I did a WoW stint, either playing on pvp with my first really close friend from college, or RPing the same exact spec as a forsaken priestest that had this really awkward thing about gnomes.............. I never got past level 56. (I died at least 80 times in Gnomer because of my RP)
For the most part, if you find someone in a game with the name Doorknobs, you've probably got a 30% chance it was me (Specifically Steam, I am DOORKNOBS. I'll admit that here). Otherwise my handle is sobnrood3 (LoL, Youtube, WoW (DemonSoul), RS, Maplestory, Silkroad....)
What got me to be a brony? Well, I was walking by my friends in a lobby in the dorms when I saw Fluttershy's introduction to Twi, and I just stopped and watched the rest of the episode. When it was over someone said, "Now if only everyone could love and tolerate, then we'd be a golden society." Since then "Love and Tolerate" has been a motto I am hard pressed to forget.
My contributions to this community can include helping with debugging, some minor music mixing (I can't claim that I am a composer, I can just read sheet music for not a piano really well), possibly voice acting (did a long stint in a catholic choir) I am attempting to write a fanfic, but until I am done with the whole thing to get edited first, I won't post a single chapter. I also might be working on a side project with Socratic, if I can manage my time correctly.
I hope I can, as some probably minor insignificant voice, contribute where I can. If I had to make a claim as to who is my favorite, I would say every last pony, griffon, changling, pet ect... Oh, except Trixy, that mare does not deserve the hard-on EQD seems to have for her...
Anyways, long winded and probably unnecessary, but if you have questions for me, feel free to ask.
363540 Well, you do a fairly good job of bringing my attention to it, but it's almost an automatic reflex at this point.
363548 Well, there's always the next time I go on my medic sprint. I have a horrid computer, I just work REALLY HARD to keep my friends alive. I'd heal the other team too, but they always shoot at me...
364069 Ah, Pyroland brought TF2 back for me, but it's still an off and on thing. And I love the fact that my pyro and my medic are both pretty in pink as I save lives with fire and love.
364081 I haven't been keeping up with the TF2 updates, I might check out this Pyroland sometime, but the only class I actually enjoy is the medic, even though at one point I had every achievement on the Heavy... I don't know how that one worked. But I digress with games, I have a good 100+ games (bundles) I have yet to finish that can actually be completed. (23 games I own on Steam I claim are impossible to beat, where 2 have a story, the other 21 don't) if you look at my steam games, there's only 11 I have fully seen the story. plus I have 2 PS2 ratchet and clank, the last Jax&Daxter game, the .hacks, the 4 personas, and I haven't gotten around to beating FF5, FF10, FF10-2, Shadow of the Colossus, oh and the handheld Kingdom Hearts games. In the end, combined I have some 15000 hours of gameplay to look forward to, from just the games I own
364108 Unfortunately, I am broke and have been for... far too long. Therefore, when I buy a game, I get every ounce of enjoyment I can from it. Since I have a crappy computer, even the steam sale often has far too many things that make my computer chug (I mean, Magicka and Minecraft slow it to no end, imagine what a high end game would do!)
Everything I own was beaten into dust, everything I can get on an emulator is beaten just as fast, so we're down to PvP games and that which is free, new, and low tech.
First thing I do when I have money: beast of a computer, then start checking off my unplayed games list one at a time.
364115 See, I went three years of buying steam games I couldn't play when they were on sale at 50% or more, until I realized if I held off for about 2 months, I could get that beast of a computer and go back at them. I haven't bought a game since I have polished off a couple games since then, like ME1, HL2:E2. I also prefer not emulating games if I get a chance, the feel of a real controller in my hands make me want that to stay that way. However, in trying to speed up completion time, I have since started cheating my rear end off for the gameplay so I can see the story faster (Bethesda and Bioware games specifically)
So, Umm... not sure if this is supposed to just be about introducing mods or.... Ahh fuck it.
Guten Tag. Ich bin GoldenArbiter. Ich genieße lange Spaziergänge am Strand, und ich sehr gerne unsere vierbeinigen Gefährten. Mein Deutsch ist unterdurchschnittlich, als ich begann nur zu lernen, es im letzten Jahr, und ich bin Englisch als Muttersprache. Ich genieße auch Schildkröten .....
Oh wait... you want it in English, don't you? I'm GoldenArbiter, and I enjoy ponies. I reside in Ontario, Canada and am an avid video gamer. I am 18 and just finished highschool, and am in the middle of applying to the military. You never really know how short and uninteresting your life is until you run out of things to say...
Anyway, I jumped on board the fandom school bus nearing the end of the wait for season two. I actually got up on time to see it air, but my computer died that week due to my video card melting. I was so sad. Luckily, my friend who introduced me to the series, had the same idea. We enjoyed quite the season starter there... From there I got more active in the community, and he got less active. I started writing fanfiction a while back as a collaborative project with Ty500600, and from there I have accumulated a small fanbase.
Anyway, other things about me include the ability to code in Python, a morbid sense of humour, I swear way to much (unless I'm in a professional setting, then I only swear a little), and I have more problems sleeping than you can shake several sticks at. I look forward to assisting this, Cavalry Studios, in any way I am called upon to.
364115 Minecraft is a really high end game... It uses practically all of your processor... all of it.
Lets see now, im 21, live in Washington DC (ish), and am an enormous nerd. I am a pacifist and always avoid conflict if i can and always help where i can. I've been making up stories since i was in the forth grade, writing a comic (if you can call it that ) and loving every moment of it. This coming Friday is my 1 year anniversary of becoming a brony, a friend showed it to me at Otakon telling me it was like a 90's cartoon (the good stuff). I started reading pony fanfiction about 12 weeks ago (according to my account) and started writhing as soon as i got back from college. i um... guess thats it
My name is Serpenti, the Italian word for Serpent, and I like Video games, A good book, the internet (even the disturbing crevices), and Food.
I try to be a regular updater, and consider myself a bit of a critic/troll.
I'm 16, in high school, and enjoying the friends that I have in both real life, and here! I will admit that It's considered embarrassing for me to say that I have friends I know little to nothing about, But I'll treat y'all like a cousin! a rather... weird group of cousins, but cousins none the less! I consider myself an apprentice when it comes to writing. unwittingly, razorbeam, you've kind of helped me think about whether I should write on this site or not. I have to say that I feel good about my story, and hopefully will get more publicity and likes. because having all those views, and only a few of them saying 'hey, i like this!' is getting rather annoying.
Whoop, I'm Truth of Chaos, or if you prefer, you can call me Tick ToC. I enjoy reading, and surfing the net, drawing for my draw blogs, and making little flash animations (that I never finish).
I'm 15, soon 16, still in high school, and actually have somewhat of a life, with friends and everything, though I prefer the internet most of the time. All of you I already consider friends, I consider no one an enemy, though I may dislike you if you try to start a fight with me. I prefer to stay neutral in most arguments, and will always, always be there for a friend. I'm new to the fanfic department, and hope to arise in the ranks.
I'm an Aussie. You know, those guys from down under, with the kangaroos and boomerangs? Yeah, those.
Also, huge Discord fan. And Twilight is best pony.
A tall, large yet young looking man makes his quiet way up and onto the stage, hands moving erratically as if trying to grip something, but are being forcibly held to his sides. Arriving at the mic, he removes his fedora, fiddling with it idly. He opens his mouth as if to speak, before coughing. Clearing his throat after the failed attempt at speech, the man takes a cursory glance around at the small groups scattered among the tables. Less than half the place is lit up, causing everyone too seem like they're sitting at the edge of the light, cold in comparison to the heat he feels in the spotlight. Funny how the simple meeting of light and darkness can seem so sinister ...
"Hi everyone, heh ..." He begins. Crap, should have said `hey`, not hi! ---
Welp, I thought I might start off this introduction post with a bit of prose. I thought it might help you understand a bit more about me on a more personal level. I can tell anyone that I'm shy meeting people, I can tell anyone that I get almost painfully shaky and hot when nervous, but I thought showing you would do more than that; hopefully you got even more from it.
I'm not exactly shy. I'm quiet, or rather `reserved` when I meet new people and I'm definitely out of my comfort zone in a crowd. However, I'm not nervous unless all their attention is on me. While I may be introverted by nature, the more I get to know you the more comfortable I get around you, thus the more extroverted I become. However, being cyclothymic (a less extreme case of Bi-polar disorder, which I used to be) this extroverted attitude can mix with a manic state and make me very annoying. It doesn't help that symptoms of my disorder include an increased difficulty in reading social cues, or that I have OCD and ADD tendencies (OCD and ADD/ADHD are along the same spectrum of disorders as Bi-polar and even Autism). Knowing all this, along with my natural discomfort of conflict, makes me paranoid I'm gonna mess up.
Fun eh? The internet is a great place! The relative anonymity allows me to be more comfortable and thus sillier easier. It also removes almost all semblance of inflection (unless you want to look like a middle school girl and throw emotes everywhere). This means that social cues are nigh unreadable, if they even exist online.
Ok, on a less sarcastic note, let me state some general information about myself. I'm 21, without a job, bumming off my parents and currently in community college to raise my GPA since my utter travesty of first year in college. Hopefully I'll eventually transfer and pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Wait … if I have the mind of an Engineer, shouldn't I be unable to ART? Yes, I used art as a verb. And yes, generally speaking. Thankfully I've been blessed to use both sides of my brain equally (though on an odd numbered scale, my right brain is dominant). I used to be an English major …
That is how my love for semantics and writing factors in. I love semantics! The little nuances of language fascinate me! When it comes to writing, my mind builds worlds in 3D (which is very handy in Engineering) and I think is a sort of cinematic way; I construct movies rather than books. This, however, translates poorly directly into writing (except for screenplays/play-writing). I have an enormous amount of documents that contain half a first chapter or less. I so admire you guys who have the patience (or drive) to sit down and just write! I wish it was that easy for me …
Oh, hey, I haven't stated my name yet! Hi, I'm SilverBrony! :D You can call me Silver, Mr Smith (my ponysona and Tumblr ask blog; ask-mr-smith) or Kell. That's right, I'm not paranoid about my name getting out there! My name is Kellen Smith. No, you cannot have my middle name. Yes, you can still guess. Yes, Kellen is Gaelic. No, I am only 1/3rd Scott-Irish at best. Both sides of my family have been in the United States since the settler days before the Civil War and I am proud of my 100% American heritage.
I'm rambling now …
(( Here's to hoping I didn't annoy anyone and hopefully making someone laugh! ))
370498 More irish in the mix? [sinister] yeeeessssss, welcome to the fold. Or, you know.. whatever (Think of the dad in earthbound in the Nin10doh! to the 64th power youtube thing) Anywho, introductions are probably the best place to ramble. Also, if you ask anyone from the college I've been attending for the past 3 years, very few could tell you my real name without checking facebook. To them "Doorknobs" is my surname. Technically its "Doornbos", but I take the nickname in pride more than people originally hoped for. (in elementary through middleschool it was supposed to be a way to make me freak out) now i'm just
370487 Discord is probably one of the better villains to root for, so I can't complain there.
369878 Well, as more stories get added here, it will recieve publicity from us less inclined with writing (specifically myself)
So, on behalf of well... me... I welcome you three to C.S. (just ignore me when I kinda go )
{Edit, and if you want to reply to this, try tacking it into the nonsence thread, so that this doesn't get too long winded, like what happened with me and _Medic above}
Hi everyone! My name is Mark of Two, although I am also known as MeMark2 in other forums. I'm 19, I live in Ontario, Canada and I am an aspiring musician. Like many others here, I'm also a fairly hardcore gamer (I mostly rely on free games nowadays though).
I started playing the saxophone in school when I was 12 and around the same time started taking private piano lessons. I only ever played the saxophone in school and never really made it very far with it but I love love love to play the piano. My music theory is only as good as any high school student's, but improvising on the piano has helped me a great deal in my composition. (If anyone is interested, my YouTube is here.) I aim to take music composition in college and hopefully become a composer, although I expect to end up as a music teacher at one point or another. I've recently started using FL Studio and I do my best to work on one song or another every day.
I'm not particularly sociable, mostly because making friends and keeping (but mostly keeping) friends requires quite a bit of effort from me and I am expending every bit of energy I have on my music. (Sorry about that.) ^^; However, I am trying my best to get involved in the brony fandom and I am constantly filling my time with projects for which my musical talents could be of use.
I've enjoy reading fanfics and I am quite interested in writing, but my grammar needs some work and my music has top priority at the moment.
That basically explains what my life is like right now.
I'm Fury of the Tempest. 18 year old Brit and wishing I realized that this was a group sooner and joined earlier. That's all I'm saying You'll have to learn about me though interaction!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Cavalry Studios' FimFiction hub. We're very eager to meet you, and perhaps even share a little about ourselves if you are interested.
Come now, don't be shy! We're here for you, my fine friends. Tell Cavalry all about you!
EDIT: Ha ha! The staff doesn't think it's so difficult, I see. Hell, they've written more about themselves than I did. Now I'm beginning to feel a little short-winded.
Now on to business!
I am Razorbeam, founder of Cavalry Studios.
My comrades are Noatoa, SocraticBrony, and _Medicshy, co-founders all.
About me... I'm an eccentric sort with a very active imagination and sense of humor. Writing is my passion and I adore it unlike any other hobby in the world. If I could make a viable profession of it, I would do so in a heartbeat. I strive to be a gentleman, and remain courteous and humble all the days of my writing career. Pride sours the spoils of your labors.
I am currently 21 years old, living and drinking in Michigan. I'm a bit of a night-owl, because as I'm posting this it is... 6 a.m. I believe sincerely that sleep is overrated, and I can be found on FimFiction almost eighteen hours a day. I can almost guarantee that I'm only ever actually using the website for maybe two. Tabbed browsing is where it's at.
I am an avid whiskey drinker and video-game player. I love League of Legends and EVE Online, and in basically every video-game I play you can find me by adding 'SteelMyst'.
I love helping others and encouraging everyone to reach for their best. If you ever need to bounce an idea off of someone, need friendly but honest writing critique, or just need a fellow brony to talk to, I humbly offer my services.
Always a pleasure,
Welp, I guess I can add to this next...
Hello there my friends! I am _Medicshy (or just plain Medicshy on most services. It was already taken here, I'm afraid...). I don't like to talk about myself, and
... Not good enough? okay... Well, I'm currently 21, I live in Hawaii, going to school at UH Hilo for a degree in Performing Arts and English, most people find me terribly difficult to read, even though I doubt I'm nearly that complicated, and I strive to become the next Doctor or Bill Nye, though any career acting would be amazing. My love of the stage stems from years of doing it, not fame or need for recognition, as I'm actually a rather shy person and tend to deflect complements to others more deserving or who helped me along the way.
I like to write, even though I am a terribly impatient procrastinator and don't move nearly as fast as I'd like through my ideas, though my skills seem better suited to improving the works of others. I freely offer my services as an editor for those hoping to improve their work, though I do need to warn you of two things: 1) I am very direct with my critiques, which some view as being mean, but I mean it with the best intentions, and 2) Razorbeam's work and the next review for SFFR take priority over new authors. (This means maybe a delay of a few hours, a day in rare cases)
I strive to be a friend, entertain with every action, and do my very best no matter the scenario, but I must warn you that I do not suffer fools lightly and can very often say things that sounded kinder in my head than on the screen...
I play League of Legends (the Medicshy account is level 18, but I'm actually a level 30 on my main. I just only give that out to certain people) quite a bit, Team Fortress 2 (as [NLR] Medicshy, guess which class I'm best with) much less regularly, but dabble in everything from Minecraft to Magicka to handhelds and consoles, and I delight in obscure gaming history and odd games (a surprising amount of my time is consumed by Let's Plays).
I strive for the best I can in all things and love helping things and people reach their full potential, whether kindness, honesty, or force are the needed methods, but if you ever need an honest story critique, a focused editor, or a brony to help you through a problem, I will do my very best!
Have a wonderful day everypony!
Your faithful writer,
The order is not indicative of anything! Kind of like how 'A' is the first letter in the alphabet, but the sixth letter in the word 'contrary'. It's all arbitrary.
Anyways, wonderful intro. Though from my experience in your League career, you actually do suffer fools rather lightly.

Well shit, I never knew you wanted a degree in European history. Nice to know these things are useful even for the other members of the group, lol.
Wonderfully done, and twice as long as my post to boot!
362664 Wait, wait, you wrote all of that and couldn't read music? Wow... makes my little thing I made under the effects of a music theory class and years of musical theater and reading music well look even worse...
You've got to find some way to stop discouraging yourself in public.
Since it appears that I am the fourth member, all be it not actually the final founding member (and I know who it is,) I guess I should give my own introduction. (first community fan/member mayhaps?)
I am, at the very least, me. I'm 21 half0breed Irish / Dutch. I attend(ed) a college that ultimately forced me to deal head on with Razorbeam. I have even gotten so plastered to do the "I LOVE YOU BRO *hurk*" while praying tribute to the porcelain goddess. Yeah, that I love you bro was to Razorbeam, and guess what, ponies made it happen.
I've played many a game, from the time I was four until well now. Because of being very involved with tech and science in school, I've played anything from Runescape, Pokémon, the medic in TF2 (Medicshy, I think I've played with you, but was royally outclassed do to a crappy computer). I did a WoW stint, either playing on pvp with my first really close friend from college, or RPing the same exact spec as a forsaken priestest that had this really awkward thing about gnomes.............. I never got past level 56. (I died at least 80 times in Gnomer because of my RP)
For the most part, if you find someone in a game with the name Doorknobs, you've probably got a 30% chance it was me (Specifically Steam, I am DOORKNOBS. I'll admit that here). Otherwise my handle is sobnrood3 (LoL, Youtube, WoW (DemonSoul), RS, Maplestory, Silkroad....)
What got me to be a brony? Well, I was walking by my friends in a lobby in the dorms when I saw Fluttershy's introduction to Twi, and I just stopped and watched the rest of the episode. When it was over someone said, "Now if only everyone could love and tolerate, then we'd be a golden society."
Since then "Love and Tolerate" has been a motto I am hard pressed to forget.
My contributions to this community can include helping with debugging, some minor music mixing (I can't claim that I am a composer, I can just read sheet music for not a piano really well), possibly voice acting (did a long stint in a catholic choir)
I am attempting to write a fanfic, but until I am done with the whole thing to get edited first, I won't post a single chapter.
I also might be working on a side project with Socratic, if I can manage my time correctly.
I hope I can, as some probably minor insignificant voice, contribute where I can.
If I had to make a claim as to who is my favorite, I would say every last pony, griffon, changling, pet ect...
Oh, except Trixy, that mare does not deserve the hard-on EQD seems to have for her...
Anyways, long winded and probably unnecessary, but if you have questions for me, feel free to ask.
Aha ha! Pony drinking night; a sad night for you indeed. Welcome, my friend!
I regret NOTHING!!!!!!
It was a fun night around fun friends watching ponies for like 3 episodes, blackout, I love you bro, hurk, blackout
363540 Well, you do a fairly good job of bringing my attention to it, but it's almost an automatic reflex at this point.
363548 Well, there's always the next time I go on my medic sprint. I have a horrid computer, I just work REALLY HARD to keep my friends alive. I'd heal the other team too, but they always shoot at me...
I don't get it.
I have since upgraded my computer, however I fell away from TF2 with the hat craze.
And I guess some people don't like all the heals you have to give out.
364069 Ah, Pyroland brought TF2 back for me, but it's still an off and on thing. And I love the fact that my pyro and my medic are both pretty in pink as I save lives with fire and love.
I haven't been keeping up with the TF2 updates, I might check out this Pyroland sometime, but the only class I actually enjoy is the medic, even though at one point I had every achievement on the Heavy...
I don't know how that one worked.
But I digress with games, I have a good 100+ games (bundles) I have yet to finish that can actually be completed. (23 games I own on Steam I claim are impossible to beat, where 2 have a story, the other 21 don't)
if you look at my steam games, there's only 11 I have fully seen the story.
plus I have 2 PS2 ratchet and clank, the last Jax&Daxter game, the .hacks, the 4 personas, and I haven't gotten around to beating FF5, FF10, FF10-2, Shadow of the Colossus, oh and the handheld Kingdom Hearts games. In the end, combined I have some 15000 hours of gameplay to look forward to, from just the games I own
364108 Unfortunately, I am broke and have been for... far too long. Therefore, when I buy a game, I get every ounce of enjoyment I can from it. Since I have a crappy computer, even the steam sale often has far too many things that make my computer chug (I mean, Magicka and Minecraft slow it to no end, imagine what a high end game would do!)
Everything I own was beaten into dust, everything I can get on an emulator is beaten just as fast, so we're down to PvP games and that which is free, new, and low tech.
First thing I do when I have money: beast of a computer, then start checking off my unplayed games list one at a time.
See, I went three years of buying steam games I couldn't play when they were on sale at 50% or more, until I realized if I held off for about 2 months, I could get that beast of a computer and go back at them. I haven't bought a game since I have polished off a couple games since then, like ME1, HL2:E2.
I also prefer not emulating games if I get a chance, the feel of a real controller in my hands make me want that to stay that way. However, in trying to speed up completion time, I have since started cheating my rear end off for the gameplay so I can see the story faster (Bethesda and Bioware games specifically)
364124, 364115
Not to be a bother, but keep an eye on this conversation.
It quickly reached the point where moving it to GD would have been nice. Just a friendly heads up!
364342 Sorry dad, we'll be quieter.
So, Umm... not sure if this is supposed to just be about introducing mods or....
Ahh fuck it.
Guten Tag. Ich bin GoldenArbiter. Ich genieße lange Spaziergänge am Strand, und ich sehr gerne unsere vierbeinigen Gefährten. Mein Deutsch ist unterdurchschnittlich, als ich begann nur zu lernen, es im letzten Jahr, und ich bin Englisch als Muttersprache. Ich genieße auch Schildkröten .....
Oh wait... you want it in English, don't you?
I'm GoldenArbiter, and I enjoy ponies. I reside in Ontario, Canada and am an avid video gamer. I am 18 and just finished highschool, and am in the middle of applying to the military.
You never really know how short and uninteresting your life is until you run out of things to say...
Anyway, I jumped on board the fandom school bus nearing the end of the wait for season two. I actually got up on time to see it air, but my computer died that week due to my video card melting. I was so sad. Luckily, my friend who introduced me to the series, had the same idea. We enjoyed quite the season starter there... From there I got more active in the community, and he got less active.
I started writing fanfiction a while back as a collaborative project with Ty500600, and from there I have accumulated a small fanbase.
Anyway, other things about me include the ability to code in Python, a morbid sense of humour, I swear way to much (unless I'm in a professional setting, then I only swear a little), and I have more problems sleeping than you can shake several sticks at. I look forward to assisting this, Cavalry Studios, in any way I am called upon to.
364115 Minecraft is a really high end game... It uses practically all of your processor... all of it.
Introductions are for everyone! Welcome aboard.
Lets see now, im 21, live in Washington DC (ish), and am an enormous nerd. I am a pacifist and always avoid conflict if i can and always help where i can. I've been making up stories since i was in the forth grade, writing a comic (if you can call it that
) and loving every moment of it. This coming Friday is my 1 year anniversary of becoming a brony, a friend showed it to me at Otakon telling me it was like a 90's cartoon (the good stuff). I started reading pony fanfiction about 12 weeks ago (according to my account) and started writhing as soon as i got back from college. 
i um... guess thats it

Hmm... May as well give this a shot!
My name is Serpenti, the Italian word for Serpent, and I like Video games, A good book, the internet (even the disturbing crevices), and Food.
I try to be a regular updater, and consider myself a bit of a critic/troll.
I'm 16, in high school, and enjoying the friends that I have in both real life, and here! I will admit that It's considered embarrassing for me to say that I have friends I know little to nothing about, But I'll treat y'all like a cousin! a rather... weird group of cousins, but cousins none the less! I consider myself an apprentice when it comes to writing. unwittingly, razorbeam, you've kind of helped me think about whether I should write on this site or not. I have to say that I feel good about my story, and hopefully will get more publicity and likes. because having all those views, and only a few of them saying 'hey, i like this!' is getting rather annoying.
On an unrelated note;
Whoop, I'm Truth of Chaos, or if you prefer, you can call me Tick ToC. I enjoy reading, and surfing the net, drawing for my draw blogs, and making little flash animations (that I never finish).
I'm 15, soon 16, still in high school, and actually have somewhat of a life, with friends and everything, though I prefer the internet most of the time. All of you I already consider friends, I consider no one an enemy, though I may dislike you if you try to start a fight with me. I prefer to stay neutral in most arguments, and will always, always be there for a friend. I'm new to the fanfic department, and hope to arise in the ranks.
I'm an Aussie. You know, those guys from down under, with the kangaroos and boomerangs? Yeah, those.
Also, huge Discord fan. And Twilight is best pony.
A tall, large yet young looking man makes his quiet way up and onto the stage, hands moving erratically as if trying to grip something, but are being forcibly held to his sides. Arriving at the mic, he removes his fedora, fiddling with it idly. He opens his mouth as if to speak, before coughing. Clearing his throat after the failed attempt at speech, the man takes a cursory glance around at the small groups scattered among the tables. Less than half the place is lit up, causing everyone too seem like they're sitting at the edge of the light, cold in comparison to the heat he feels in the spotlight. Funny how the simple meeting of light and darkness can seem so sinister ...
"Hi everyone, heh ..." He begins. Crap, should have said `hey`, not hi!
Welp, I thought I might start off this introduction post with a bit of prose. I thought it might help you understand a bit more about me on a more personal level. I can tell anyone that I'm shy meeting people, I can tell anyone that I get almost painfully shaky and hot when nervous, but I thought showing you would do more than that; hopefully you got even more from it.
I'm not exactly shy. I'm quiet, or rather `reserved` when I meet new people and I'm definitely out of my comfort zone in a crowd. However, I'm not nervous unless all their attention is on me. While I may be introverted by nature, the more I get to know you the more comfortable I get around you, thus the more extroverted I become. However, being cyclothymic (a less extreme case of Bi-polar disorder, which I used to be) this extroverted attitude can mix with a manic state and make me very annoying. It doesn't help that symptoms of my disorder include an increased difficulty in reading social cues, or that I have OCD and ADD tendencies (OCD and ADD/ADHD are along the same spectrum of disorders as Bi-polar and even Autism). Knowing all this, along with my natural discomfort of conflict, makes me paranoid I'm gonna mess up.
Fun eh?
The internet is a great place! The relative anonymity allows me to be more comfortable and thus sillier easier. It also removes almost all semblance of inflection (unless you want to look like a middle school girl and throw emotes everywhere). This means that social cues are nigh unreadable, if they even exist online. 
Ok, on a less sarcastic note, let me state some general information about myself. I'm 21, without a job, bumming off my parents and currently in community college to raise my GPA since my utter travesty of first year in college. Hopefully I'll eventually transfer and pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Wait … if I have the mind of an Engineer, shouldn't I be unable to ART? Yes, I used art as a verb. And yes, generally speaking. Thankfully I've been blessed to use both sides of my brain equally (though on an odd numbered scale, my right brain is dominant). I used to be an English major …
That is how my love for semantics and writing factors in. I love semantics! The little nuances of language fascinate me! When it comes to writing, my mind builds worlds in 3D (which is very handy in Engineering) and I think is a sort of cinematic way; I construct movies rather than books. This, however, translates poorly directly into writing (except for screenplays/play-writing). I have an enormous amount of documents that contain half a first chapter or less. I so admire you guys who have the patience (or drive) to sit down and just write! I wish it was that easy for me …
Oh, hey, I haven't stated my name yet!
Hi, I'm SilverBrony! :D You can call me Silver, Mr Smith (my ponysona and Tumblr ask blog; ask-mr-smith) or Kell. That's right, I'm not paranoid about my name getting out there! My name is Kellen Smith. No, you cannot have my middle name. Yes, you can still guess. Yes, Kellen is Gaelic. No, I am only 1/3rd Scott-Irish at best. Both sides of my family have been in the United States since the settler days before the Civil War and I am proud of my 100% American heritage.
I'm rambling now …
(( Here's to hoping I didn't annoy anyone and hopefully making someone laugh!
More irish in the mix?
[sinister] yeeeessssss, welcome to the fold.
Or, you know.. whatever (Think of the dad in earthbound in the Nin10doh! to the 64th power youtube thing)
Anywho, introductions are probably the best place to ramble.
Also, if you ask anyone from the college I've been attending for the past 3 years, very few could tell you my real name without checking facebook.
To them "Doorknobs" is my surname.
Technically its "Doornbos", but I take the nickname in pride more than people originally hoped for. (in elementary through middleschool it was supposed to be a way to make me freak out) now i'm just
Discord is probably one of the better villains to root for, so I can't complain there.
Well, as more stories get added here, it will recieve publicity from us less inclined with writing (specifically myself)
So, on behalf of well... me... I welcome you three to C.S.
(just ignore me when I kinda go
{Edit, and if you want to reply to this, try tacking it into the nonsence thread, so that this doesn't get too long winded, like what happened with me and _Medic above}
Hi everyone! My name is Mark of Two, although I am also known as MeMark2 in other forums.
I'm 19, I live in Ontario, Canada and I am an aspiring musician. Like many others here, I'm also a fairly hardcore gamer (I mostly rely on free games nowadays though).
I started playing the saxophone in school when I was 12 and around the same time started taking private piano lessons. I only ever played the saxophone in school and never really made it very far with it but I love love love to play the piano.
My music theory is only as good as any high school student's, but improvising on the piano has helped me a great deal in my composition. (If anyone is interested, my YouTube is here.)
I aim to take music composition in college and hopefully become a composer, although I expect to end up as a music teacher at one point or another.
I've recently started using FL Studio and I do my best to work on one song or another every day.
I'm not particularly sociable, mostly because making friends and keeping (but mostly keeping) friends requires quite a bit of effort from me and I am expending every bit of energy I have on my music. (Sorry about that.) ^^;
However, I am trying my best to get involved in the brony fandom and I am constantly filling my time with projects for which my musical talents could be of use.
I've enjoy reading fanfics and I am quite interested in writing, but my grammar needs some work and my music has top priority at the moment.
That basically explains what my life is like right now.
Little did you know just how fitting your profile picture would become.
I'm Fury of the Tempest. 18 year old Brit and wishing I realized that this was a group sooner and joined earlier.
You'll have to learn about me though interaction!
That's all I'm saying