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I've written two instalments of an ongoing series called 'Fairlight' (I've put it in the 'Grimdark' folder). It is, at its core, an adventure story which is centered around a pony who works as a cop in Manehattan. It starts off with a dark, harrowing couple of chapters which ultimately take him on a quest for revenge and discovery. I thought originally that this would be a one shot deal, however the story has taken on a life of its own in some respects and now spans four books. Two have been proof read and posted so far.

You should note that it does feature violence and some sexual content (I've flagged these pages in case anyone wants to skip them), however i've avoided it going into 'clop' territory as i know thats not everyone's thing. Just in case i've rated it M.

The idea behind the story was one of what goes on in the background to keep the land of Equestria safe, who protects them from the darker and crueller side of life to 'keep the wheels turning'. Fairlight is just a regular pony who is thrown into a world he has little to no control over but manages, with the help of his friends and loved ones, to fight back and try to maintain some semblance of sanity in a world he barely recognises.

Nobody is perfect and certainly not Fairlight, he smokes, he drinks and makes bad decisions, but this a story of hope as well as regret.

I was influenced by stories i've enjoyed by Robin Hobb, Terry Goodkind and the Punisher series, so you may find elements of these in there together with some comedic moments that i think many will enjoy. Theres probably a lot in here influenced by my personal working experience too, which adds a personal feel which has made this story mean a lot to me.

So far the little feedback i've had has been mixed, but some readers really enjoyed it, which is very encouraging. Unfortunately, due to the lack of comments, its hard to gauge opinion.

I you fancy having a read, please leave a comment!



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