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So I have a good, if not, creative idea for a dark, tragic fic. I've created a short an' sweet overview. So here it is:

During his high chaos days, Discord was experimenting with his magic on pony transformations, particularly into monsters. Discord had become flustered and distracted by the great alicorn Sisters. Out of anger and frustration, Discord created a true pony-monster hybrid. This particular monster was a tall, white pony-like hybrid wearing a suit. This hybrid had no face, just a blank canvas. The hybrid could control his height and foreleg and back leg size. He also had tentacle-like appendages coming out of his back. Discord was overjoyed with his beautiful hybrid. He decided to name his creation "SlenderPony" because of the hybrid's astonishingly tall and skinny frame. But the alicorn Sisters had gathered the Elements of Harmony to banish Discord into stone. When Discord went, so did his magnificent creation. When Discord escaped his stone emprisonment, SlenderPony escaped with his master also. But being emprisoned in stone, can make a certain chaos-bringer forget full. Now with no home, refuge, and master, SlenderPony takes his rage out on the innocent foals of Ponyville, capturing them and hiding them so he will have some company and friends. Somepony will have to stop him. Show him the true meaning of Friendship. Somepony from the Mane Six. One of them will prevail with heroism, and this time, it's not Twilight Sparkle...

So, yep, that's the overview/preview. Now to the point of this thread. I need a co-author to shoot me ideas and stuff. So, yeah...

2330925 Um, sorry, but what's that supposed to mean? Do you want to be my co-author?

2330920 Sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it.

Thanks, but no thanks. Developing the Slenderpony's origins kinda destroys the scary factor. Because few things are as scary as the things we don't know. Besides, I really don't care for your idea here, sorry.

2330977 It isn't supposed to be scary, it's supposed to be a tragedy. And I doesn't bother me that you don't like it. So, derp.

2330975 Awwwwww, thank you! Would you like to co-author?

This is such a good idea. I might want to be your co-author!


2331010 I could try, but I use my whole account on my IPhone. I have never been a co-author before as well... (How does a co-author work?)

2331687 A co-author helps the mane author by giving them ideas, pointers, etc...

2331426. Awwwwww, thanks for the compliment! I may have a co-author already, but it wouldn't hurt to have two. ;)

Oh god, what have I done?

I've started a trend ī_ī

2332021 How do you think Lauren Faust feels. Probably somewhere along the lines of: where did I go wrong...

Although probably not. This is just how I would have reacted if I was in her position.

2332047. Lol, makes sense, though.


Someone who sees my genius. I can die happy now. Just not today that is...

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