• Member Since 5th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2023


More Blog Posts8

  • 109 weeks
    Apologies for the long wait

    I apologize for the long delay for the most recent chapter. I was having real trouble with anxiety and depression, and it was hard for me to find motivation to keep working. I'm learning to make writing fun for me again, rather than feeling like work. I might have needed the rest anyway to gain more inspiration.

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  • 120 weeks
    Spoilers -- Character Development for the Knights of Order (and Twilight's reaction to their insults)

    During their stay in Tartarus, I attempt to extrapolate the personality of each of the Knights of Order, trying to uncover what barriers might be in the way of them considering the love of friendship. King Danu comes across as the most angry, rebellious, and self-destructive. Indeed, his foolishness and hypocrisy feel like pre-reformed Chancellor Neighsay on crack.

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  • 121 weeks
    Developing some chapters out of order

    Until recently, I was publishing my story completely linearly. Now sometimes I might add a chapter between two chapters I've already published. However, the central elements of the main plot -- they will still be published in chronological order. Side plots, on the other hand -- they may not be published completely in order (but they will be properly numbered and

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  • 122 weeks
    One chapter is out of sequence ("Spike's Friendship Triangle")

    "Spike's Friendship Triangle" is currently listed as #15. I think I want to add at least two chapters between "Meeting the Students" and "Spike's Friendship Triangle". Therefore, the next two chapters I post will probably come before "Spike's Friendship Triangle", bumping it to #17.

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  • 128 weeks
    Preview of next chapter in "Camp Harmony" -- "Honesty & Laughter"

    I'm in the middle of writing the latest chapter of my story. Here is what I have so far:

    In another big lecture hall, 100 students sat in the benches surrounding the teaching area. Again, ten of them were Royal Guards. Flim and Flam sat in the back, between a dragon and a gryphon.

    "So, brother," said Flim, "I hope this honesty stuff isn't as hard as it looks."

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Apologies for the long wait · 1:06am Sep 8th, 2022

I apologize for the long delay for the most recent chapter. I was having real trouble with anxiety and depression, and it was hard for me to find motivation to keep working. I'm learning to make writing fun for me again, rather than feeling like work. I might have needed the rest anyway to gain more inspiration.

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