Happy Birthday · 4:01am Aug 18th, 2022
So, 20 years, huh? Ain't that a cool number. A lot of stuff happened both globaly and in my personal life, good stuff and, well, bad stuff to.
International conflict was worrying, and the death of my beloved cat of 12 years around march didn't help things, but having a blast at studying and having fun with friends in university helped take my mind of things.
And of course, how could I forget, FimFiction!
This year was great in terms of growth, I've learned a lot of things, met a lot of good people, one of whom stood out.
Thank you Reviewfilly for all that you've done, from comments to reviews, to advice. You're a great dude and I respect and appreciate you greatly.
I also would like to thank my dear readers who support me, I'd never get this far without you.
So yeah, here's to 20 years of walking this Earth, let's hope I'll live to four times that number.
Congrats dude! Happy Bday!
Happy birthday dude! I'm happy I could make a positive impact and I also very much enjoyed your interactions with me as well. Keep up the good work! You're gonna make it.