• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Fallout dude 50

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  • 82 weeks
    Hey guys its been a while huh!

    Hey guys long time no see huh? Sorry about being gone for so long life has kept me busy mostly my job has been hell and then two of my sisters had kids! I’m an uncle now and I got promoted at work for all the stuff I’ve went through to help at work! I never forgot this place though I was always reading stories to Relax so…sorry for being gone guys. Also here’s a little blog bumble did for

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    13 comments · 144 views
  • 109 weeks
    Clearing a path

    How much further do we need to go Fluttershy?

    not much further I promise I’m sorry for taking you away from your game with spike Big Mac and Discord

    Eh it’s ok babe honestly I don’t know how they convinced me to even play with them I don’t understand the rules of…uh….whatever that game was

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    9 comments · 190 views
  • 110 weeks
    Since is magic

    hmmm….this can’t be right the necklace should have ……

    *as Sunset continues to mumble to herself fallout shifted in his seat across from her covered in various wires looking confused and scared, one moment he was taking a nap under a tree by the soccer field until sunset woke him up and dragged him here*

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    13 comments · 182 views
  • 120 weeks
    Fresh start

    *it was a lovely morning in ponyville as one certain pony makes his way into his kitchen where he spots his little sister getting a drink*

    Well good morning there sis did you sleep well?

    *turns to give him a tired smile* yeah it was awesome are you gonna make breakfast big bro?

    Hmm I was planning on it did you have a request?

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    8 comments · 158 views
  • 123 weeks
    Pinkie surprise

    *it was another beautiful day in canterlot high as students walked through the halls to meet there friends or head to there next class but for one student we all know as Fallout was having some….trouble*

    dude just do it! This song is great

    All I did was change a few words bumble that’s it I-I don’t think….

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    8 comments · 163 views

Short but sweet · 4:17am Feb 5th, 2022

*Rainbow dash walks out of the kitchen and into the living room where she sees her sleeping husband sleeping on the couch and smiled and approached him then poked him *

hey wake up stud

Hmm…what is it babe

nopony Is here can we….

Can we what?



yeah come on stud please~ We only have a little while until the others get home I wanna cuddle

Dashie please let me sleep for-

no I’ve been waiting all day for everypony to leave so we could be alone

*yawns then chuckled* you know what sure Dashie we will

really! Awesome let’s head to our room fast!

*without another word she quickly began to drag him to there room*

Report Fallout dude 50 · 73 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Like a doll being dragged up the stairs hitting every step lol

Hehe, that is cute!

Well, you can cuddle until you fall asleep, but if you don't want anyone else to see, I hope Dashie doesn't!

What I thought it would be cute

….maybe one step

I said sorry!

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