• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2019
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Fallout dude 50

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  • 82 weeks
    Hey guys its been a while huh!

    Hey guys long time no see huh? Sorry about being gone for so long life has kept me busy mostly my job has been hell and then two of my sisters had kids! I’m an uncle now and I got promoted at work for all the stuff I’ve went through to help at work! I never forgot this place though I was always reading stories to Relax so…sorry for being gone guys. Also here’s a little blog bumble did for

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    13 comments · 145 views
  • 109 weeks
    Clearing a path

    How much further do we need to go Fluttershy?

    not much further I promise I’m sorry for taking you away from your game with spike Big Mac and Discord

    Eh it’s ok babe honestly I don’t know how they convinced me to even play with them I don’t understand the rules of…uh….whatever that game was

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    9 comments · 190 views
  • 110 weeks
    Since is magic

    hmmm….this can’t be right the necklace should have ……

    *as Sunset continues to mumble to herself fallout shifted in his seat across from her covered in various wires looking confused and scared, one moment he was taking a nap under a tree by the soccer field until sunset woke him up and dragged him here*

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    13 comments · 182 views
  • 120 weeks
    Fresh start

    *it was a lovely morning in ponyville as one certain pony makes his way into his kitchen where he spots his little sister getting a drink*

    Well good morning there sis did you sleep well?

    *turns to give him a tired smile* yeah it was awesome are you gonna make breakfast big bro?

    Hmm I was planning on it did you have a request?

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    8 comments · 158 views
  • 123 weeks
    Pinkie surprise

    *it was another beautiful day in canterlot high as students walked through the halls to meet there friends or head to there next class but for one student we all know as Fallout was having some….trouble*

    dude just do it! This song is great

    All I did was change a few words bumble that’s it I-I don’t think….

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    8 comments · 163 views

Hey guys its been a while huh! · 6:53pm Dec 25th, 2022

Hey guys long time no see huh? Sorry about being gone for so long life has kept me busy mostly my job has been hell and then two of my sisters had kids! I’m an uncle now and I got promoted at work for all the stuff I’ve went through to help at work! I never forgot this place though I was always reading stories to Relax so…sorry for being gone guys. Also here’s a little blog bumble did for me enjoy

Thanks for helping me get a tree for the Christmas Party!

No worries, thanks for helping me pick a present for my Twilight!

You’d think it’d be easy to find a gift for the biggest bookworm in Equestria

I know, right? She’s already read or own every book in the stores. But she’s going to love the reading lamp I got for her! The old one was a bit… meh… but the one I got her will be all like… Shazaaam! It’ll make reading time fun time!

The fun will be Doubled!

*Both stallions laugh as they come across the perfect tree*

Alright, This one’s the perfect size for the castle! Okay give me the saw and we’ll start cutting!

… What saw? I thought you brought the tools…

No! Didn’t you notice I didn’t bring anything with me?!

I thought you had them out here in one of your bunkers or whatever!

Well great, now what are we going to…

*Fallout is suddenly silent as he looks around the snow covered trees around him.*

What’s up?

We’re not alone…

*Suddenly Fallout pushes Bumble to the side and leaps upwards as an Owlbear leaps out of the bushes.*

An Owlbear?! I thought they would be hibernating!

This one probably couldn’t find a cave in time!

*Bumble studies the Owlbear then smiles deviously.*

I have an idea!

*But before Bumble could explain any further the Owlbear starts swiping at Bumble, the later uses his Changeling Magic to turn into a Humming Bird and evades its claws.*

Bumble! *Pulls out a crossbow from behind his back and takes aim, but Bumble keeps getting in the way as he flies around the Owlbear’s body.*

Move out of the way, I can’t get a good shot!

Hey Fallout, is it true that Owlbears make great babysitters?

*The Owlbear swipes again as Bumble flies around the monster.*

I hear they’re quite the hootnanny!

*Bumble laughs at his own joke, and ends up too distracted to notice another paw coming his way. Bumble returns to his pony form as he hits the trunk of the tree.*

Bumble! *takes aim*

W-Wait… I got him right where I want him…

*Bumble presses his back against the trunk of the tree as the Owlbear growls.*

Okay, Smokey the Bore, I’m giving you one last chance to give up!

*The Owlbear doesn’t answer and instead swipes again. At the last possible second Bumble turns into a squirrel and evades the nearly mortal blow. The missed attack of the Owlbear takes a huge chunk of wood from the tree.*

*As the Owlbear looks around for Bumble (Unaware that his prey is right below him) Bumble presents a sign with his hands to Fallout saying “Get his attention.” One of many they had created together.*

Alright, I hope you know what you’re doing.

*Fallout switches his ammo to a Rubber tip arrow and shoots at the Owlbear, gaining its attention instantly. Once the predator was distracted Bumble ran behind the tree, changed into a pony-sized Spider and climbed on the Owlbear’s back.*

Mr. Owlbear, How many webs does it take to take down a big fat dummy?

*the owl bear turns to Bumble, but is assaulted again by another arrow with a popping tip to daze him.*

Let’s find out! A One, A two-hoo, a three…

*Bumble counts as he shoots a bunch of webs at the tree behind them and connects them to the Owlbear. Once he did a few more for good measure he wraps it around the beast and jumps off in his pony form.*

Oh shoot, I lost count!

Nice job, buddy! Is that going to hold him?

I Hope not…

*Before Fallout could question it further The Owlbear starts pulling the webbing, causing the tree to start tipping over.*

You might want to fly that-a way!

*In the nick of time both ponies dodge out of the way as the tree falls down on top of the Owlbear.*

And you thought we needed tools!

Way to think outside the box! *Fallout lands and puts his crossbow behind him. Bumble looks to see nothing but his friend’s back.*


Where do you put your stuff?

You don’t date Pinkie Pie without learning some of her tricks! Especially the ones where she can pull stuff out of nowhere.

And you don’t have a saw in there?

No way, silly, not enough room. Plus what if I cut myself?

*as the boys were having their conversation the Owlbear slowly pushed the tree off its back; and despite having a whole tree fall on it it was ready for round two. But as it charged at the stallions Fallout threw a flashbomb at the Owlbear, blinding it instantly, before the Owlbear felt a Pony-turned-Minotaur tackle it to the ground.*

Okay, you, I know a little lady who can help you find a home for the winter. If you promise to be good, and help us pull this tree home, We’ll help you out. Deal?

*the Owlbear shook its head nervously as Fallout stared it down.*

Wow, you learned stuff from Fluttershy too? All I learned from Twilight was the Dewey Decimal System.

Report Fallout dude 50 · 145 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Happy Holidays everypony!

Nice to see you again.

merry Christmas my friend and congrats on being an uncle

It’s nice to see you too good friend how have you been

Marry Christmas bud sorry I’ve been gone

Nice post from Bumble, and it's great hearing from you again!

Congratulations on both becoming an uncle and your promotion, that's great to hear!

Thanks. Been better, but things are getting better.

Thanks bud it’s good to hear from you again! I missed this place

Lol life got me busy I’m so sorry

Yeah, work's been putting me through the wringer!

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