comet is orphan · 1:12pm Aug 5th, 2021
comet has no parents he is alone and is an antisocial, his father killed his mother, his father was a drug addict and drunk, comet is useless you will never achieve anything, in your miserable life and your mother must have aborted you comet, your mother was a bitch
You just cant seem to learn baby dragon. Though perhaps that's asking too much and to think I was going to leave you alone today. But nope I'm awoken by discord alert by a friend and no it wasnt comet. And I see this. Well let first start out by saying you've just pissed me off and I'm incredibly tired. So that means no fucking mercy. I'll give you ne chance to back out delete this blog before I go nuclear on your little punk ass shit stain you call a face.
Dragon, I'm asking you to leave me alone Please
you took my girlfriend from me
Understand, you went infiel to her, and I've been for her 3 years in the same city that I met her, and if necessary I'll wait 15 years for her
seriously what will you do to me ?? You may block me here but that doesn't mean I won't do something to star in real life
Don't stick your time with my mother My mom wasn't a bitch
your mom is and will always be a bitch and idiot
Nobody insults my mom!!!!! Stupid
What I said about your mother hurt you because you don't kill yourself and go with her
Shut up, I won't let you insult my mom
You have no one to help you, you are vulnerable, poor thing, you want your mommy to lull you in.
Oh you sad little man with littleman syndrome. You think you're scary but you screw with star.... especially now you will be the scum of the earth and word can not express the level of anger I will reach. I may not be able to touch you, but I dont have to. Because there will come a point in your life where cant even stand up anymore, and I want you to remember that it was my doing. Comet didnt steal star. She left you because I told her to. I told her you werent worth it. Some snot nose brat who is drinking at the age of 14 to try and fit in with the cool kids when they probably wont make it until their 19 because they over drink or get run over because they are too drunk off their ass to know what's going on and where they're at. I told her you were bad for her, but she insisted that you were nice and sweet and you were just drunk. I couldnt give to flying rats ass if you were drunk you say the things you say and do the things you did. You were toxic to her and told as such. And I can not express my joy when I was told she broke up with you. I was happy as could be. So how about you grow a pair balls you wimpy little coward and go after the person who caused you so much trouble. Or is little dragon baby tired and need me to sing him a song?
I wish the star was here to hit her and rape her again
Who the fuck do you think you are,huh?
Just bloody delete this and save your sorry ass before you make it much worse.
Besides, I doubt you can do any better, and don't you ever dare say anything like that about comet
Who are you to defend the piece of shit?
Obviously bloody better than, talking shit about someone's mom is the absolute worst you can do. How low will you sink down?
Must be sad to disappoint your parents like that. How their own son could grow into a monster like you. I bet they dont even see you as their son anymore.
But if the comet mom is a whore, I'm just telling the truth
Just stop, please stop.
I'm not a monster
My mom was not a whore and I don't want you to call her that again, did you hear me or I sue you for cyberbullying
So, comet has like defending yourself. I thought you were stupid
Please, people have been called a monster for not even half the shit you've done. And called much worse for the stuff you have done.
I don't care much
Only stupid one here is you dragon.
That much is apparent.
Then, why are you here? Why don't you just go?
Seriously, who the flying fuck do you think you are to be acting like this towards anybody? I don't give a shit if you dislike the other user; you never, EVER speak to somebody like this.
I also see you're banned now, so see how well that worked out for you.
Threat averted, user has been banned. Stand down.
they blocked it
I just saw....thank you
Victory is ours.
Well you're stopped now, a$$ wipe. You don't deserve jack now.
He's dead and has been for a while now.