• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen March 27th

chief maximus

Why do I write? Because I can't draw! I write mainly as an outlet, and don't take it too seriously. If you like what I write, awesome! If not, that's cool too.

More Blog Posts173

  • 87 weeks
    I'm still here folks

    The time really escapes me but there are stories I want to continue. Also some I want to add to.

    4 comments · 278 views
  • 146 weeks
    Goodbye Dad.

    If you are lucky enough to have a decent relationship with your father, tell him. Mine left two days ago, and you dont realize when the last time you'll see them truly is. cherish every moment.

    13 comments · 425 views
  • 259 weeks
    I wish I could have gone to the last bronycon

    But it wasn't in the cards this time. I love every last one of you folks that have kept me going since 2012. it wouldn't be the fandom without you

    5 comments · 539 views
  • 269 weeks
    Bless the fallen

    Now, in the past and in the future.

    Happy memorial day.

    4 comments · 473 views
  • 287 weeks
    My boys are making a run for it!

    I grew up in New Orleans, Metairie to be exact. My city has been through so much since 2005, and now saint Brees looks like he's gonna deliver us another shot at a championship. Bless New Orleans, Bless Louisiana, and Bless the Saints. Who Dat!

    13 comments · 475 views

Proof readers. · 7:40pm Oct 30th, 2011

Anyone interested in Beta-reading for me? I need someone who can pick out errors or plot holes that I miss. I'd prefer someone with experience who also doesn't mind getting a peek at chapters a little early. Message me if you're interested!

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