• Member Since 24th Oct, 2019
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I am but a simple brony who loves everything My little pony FIM

More Blog Posts147

  • Saturday
    More News on: First of the month

    I'll be working on this story more. I plan on putting out multiple chapters at once, but I really want to let you all know that chapter one is getting an extension/re-editing and depending on what I decide to do, chapter two's plot line might go through some changes, I haven't decided yet.

    All in all, I'm continuing the story, that's my real goal, and I hope to update soon.

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  • Saturday
    NEWS ON: First of the month

    I just want to say that I will be re-editing the sex scene between Sunset and Sal in Chapter one, maybe even extend it.

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  • 2 weeks
    Ending changed for Flurry’s Favorite Guard (HISHE)

    To help figure out a perfect way to start the next chapter, I tweak the ending to 1st chapter a little.

    It's nothing major or over the top, but It helps me finally figure out a proper way to start chapter 2.

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  • 4 weeks
    A chapter for Sunset's Special Detention will be taken down for re-editng

    This is something that I had been meaning to do for a while now.

    The main thing being re-edited is Celestia's and Luna's trip to the sex shop. Not the whole thing, but just before they leave.

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  • 7 weeks
    More NEWS for: OBJECTION

    As mentioned in my last blog post, I will be making changes and additions to the previous three chapters. Originally the additions were minor and did not change things too much going forward, it was just supposed to help chapter 4 make sense. But now the changes are going to be bigger than I planned, as the new additions will change the timeline of the events we have seen so far. (Excluding the

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Update and a sneek peek on WAIT THIS ISN'T OVER YET!!!! · 11:03pm Jun 16th, 2021

I know many of you are waiting for the next chapter to see the continuation of Raven vs Fluttershy for the fate of Discord.

I'm sorry its been taking so long (thanks to life and what not) but just be patient a little longer. I'm almost finished with this chapter and will have it out sometime this week (possibly Friday when I'm off from work)

Normally It shouldn't have took me this long, but with getting new ideas and adding what was originally in chapter 3. Streatch things out longer than it then I planned.

But because I kept you all waiting so long I will give you all a sneak peek at the story by showing you all what was originally was going to be a part of chp.3


(Celestia Study, Seven months ago)

Celestia was sitting at her desk drinking her tea. In front of her desk hovered a small, glowing, light blue crystal that projected a life size holographic image of Princess Cadance around it. The same thing could be said for The Princess of love as she sat at her desk in her own study back at the Crystal Empire. With a holographic image of The Sun Princess in front of her.

The two Princesses had many conversations like this, for a few months now. What they're using are simply prototypes to what Cadance have in mind to create more different versions of these "Telecrystals" to spread and give to everypony in Equestria. The idea of ponies being able to call others and talk from long distances will revolutionize the future of the world.

But enough about all that. Let's get to the real reason why we're here.

"I still can't believe this actually happening." Cadance said sadly. "After all these years you're going to retire."

The news wasn't new to Cadance. Celestia told her months ago about the retirement as well as Twilight ascension to the throne. Even after all this time she still couldn't believe that soon her aunt's will step down and leave in just three more days.

Celestia sat down her tea and smiled. "Come now Cadance. Its not like Luna and I are going away forever; never to be seen again." Celestia said. "We will be living in Silver Shoals. You can come visit anytime you can and we will be sure to visit The Empire from time to time."

"I know! It still doesn't make it any easier." Cadance replied.

Celestia nodded. "I understand! Just remember this isn't goodbye, just "see you next time"

Cadance smiled. "You're right auntie. I'm getting myself worked up for nothing."

"Its quite alright Cadance." Celestia levitated her cup and took another sip of her tea. "So is there anything else you wanna talk about?"

Cadance perk up at the question. "Ooh! Yes there is! I've been wanting to asked you about Twilight's training."

Celestia raised an eyebrow while taking another sip of her tea. "What do you mean exactly?"

Cadance had a devious smile on her face. "I want to hear all about the many and no doubt hilarious mistakes she'd made while learning how to be a ruler." Cadance giggled. "I remember the mistakes I've made when you were preparing me for the day when I had to rule The Crystal Empire. I want to hear if Twilight made the same if not worse mistakes during her training then me." Cadance leaned forward on her desk, resting her chin on her her conjoined forelegs, and stared joyfully at Celestia. Eagered to hear some gossip about her sister-in-law.
Celestia sat her cup down on the desk once again before speaking. "Actually Cadance there was no need to give Twilight the same treatment you had to go through." Cadance cocked her head in confusion. Celestia continued speaking. "She had proven herself more than ready to rule. Thanks to her many accomplishments and because of that I am certain Equestria will be in good hooves with her taking over."

Cadance just sat there still confused for a bit, until she suddenly burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Now it was Celestia turn to be confused. "What's so funny?" Celestia asked.

Cadance took a moment to calm herself before speaking. "What's funny is that poor excuse of a reason." Cadance started laughing again.

"I'm being serious Cadance." Celestia said.

Cadance stop her laughing to pay attention.

"Twilight have prevail over every challenge that came her way. She is more than ready to take Luna and I place as the new ruler of Equestria."

"(Snort) Yeah! Whatever you say Princess Trollestia." Cadance taunted. "You can't truly believe thats reason enough for Twilight to rule."

"Twilight said something similar, when I spoke to her earlier."

That got Cadance attention.

"She did start Twilighting after hearing the news but I'm confident that she will rise to the challenge and above as she and her friends always had."

When Celestia finished her speech she noticed that Cadance was just sitting there, staring at her with a confused look. All traces of amusement gone.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence. Celestia spoke.

"Umm! Cadance.....are you ok?" Celestia asked worriedly.

"....You said you spoke to Twilight earlier, right?" Cadance asked calmly.

"Yes I did!" Celestia answered.

"What exactly did you talk to her about?"

"I told her the news about me and Luna's retirement as well that she will be the next ruler of Equestria."
Cadance eye twitch. "And you were really telling the truth, when you said you didn't train her to be a ruler like you did for me?"

Celestia nodded. "She was a special case. Everything she'd been through had been a training program and she prevailed over every challenge that came her way."

"By challenge you mean mainly defending Equestria, right?"

"I suppose so, yes. But there are other accomplishments then just that."

"And just so we're clear here. You're telling me that you just told Twilight the big news for the first time. Three days before she's supposed to be crowned?"

"That's correct!" Celestia shrugged. "I don't see what the problem is." Celestia levitated her cup of tea and took anoher sip. With her eyes closed as she drink. She didn't even noticed Cadance jaw drop and left eye twitching like mad.

"Y-you don't see the problem." Cadance slammed her hooves on her desk, scaring Celestia, and almost making her drop her tea cup as she bellowed. "Have your old age finally started effecting your mind. Because that's the only reason I can think of for you to come up with something so stupid."

Celestia gasped in shock at her niece hurtful words.

She sat her cup down on her desk. "Cadance!? What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with you? Why are you going to put Twilight in charge when she's clearly not ready."

"Of course she's ready, more than ready to be exact."

Cadance shook her head. "No. She's. Not! She's no where near ready for the level of responsibility that comes with being a ruler, and you know why!?"


"BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO BE A RULER!!!!!!" Cadance bellowed. Causing Celestia to flinch back in her chair. "Now don't get me wrong. I do believe Twilight could definitely be a great ruler, greater than you, me, and Luna combined. She's just not ready yet."

"And how exactly is she not ready, Cadance?" Celestia asked.

"Well for one! Being a ruler is very busy work. Day after day we have to attend to our royal duties, that could take all day to complete. Now! I know Twilight haves her own set of duties and responsibilities, and I know she and her friends dealt with things like diplomacy between the Yaks and the Dragons. But here's the kicker. Twilight isn't nowhere near on our level as a Princess! Yes she haves the title, but that's mostly it. The thing is Twilight no doubt believes she is doing her part as the Princess of Friendship and everything she'd done up to this point since earning her title have been focus on her goal to spread friendship through out Equestria and beyond. She always doing things related to that. Such as going on those friendship quests and running her friendship school...Which leads to the next issue."

"Which is?"

"Her freedom!"

Celestia stared at Cadance confused. "What do you mean by 'her freedom'?"

Cadance let out a deep sigh. "Celestia!? Twilight is able to do things that you, me, and Luna can't always do. For example you too have your own school that you yourself started and despite what pull and control you have over it. You don't run it like Twilight does hers, You don't sit in in the headmares office everyday like she does,instead you have other ponies run your school for you."

"That's true, but I'm still not seeing your point."Celestia said.

"Fine! Lets get straight to the point. You said that everything Twilight been through over the years have been a training program for her to take over, is that correct? Cadance asked.

Celestia nodded.

"Ok then! So tell me when and where in this 'training program' did Twilight learned how to have royal court?"
Celestia opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

"Did you teach her how to deal with politics, does she have royal guards of her own to learn how to deal with?"
Celestia said nothing.

"Did you even teach her how to raise and lower the sun and moon?"


Cadance shook her head in disappointment at Celestia's lack of response. "Celestia!?" She said calmly as she could, trying to hold back her frustration. "I still remember everything you thought me about being Princess and a Ruler. It was a process that took years for me learn as you help prepared me for the day when The crystal empire returns and I will take over. It was thanks to all that preparation, I became confident and easily settled into my role. You even told me the story about yours and Luna's training and how long that took before you two were ready. But the thing about Twilight is that you'd only help teach her how to be a Princess but not a ruler. Which of course are two entirely different things......Just because Twilight done so well in her years as a Princess and protector of Equestria. Doesn't mean she's instantly ready to take on a job she haves no experience in and if you want proof on that just remember what happened when Starlight came to help you and Luna with your friendship problem."

Celestia winced at that. She does remember that day and she immediately knew what Cadance was talking about.

"So by your logic. Because you raised and lower the moon for a thousand years. Automatically means you are more than capable of taking on Luna's duties in the dream realm, despite never doing it before in your life."

Celestia shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She's was starting to understand what Cadance as well as Twilight were trying to tell her.

"And Luna's situation makes an even greater example. For she had been a Princess and a ruler far longer than Twilight and thought doing your job would be easy. Thus she immediately jump in to your role completely unprepared and doing things she don't normally do and barely made it through the DAY." Cadance slammed her hoof on that last bit, scaring Celestia again.

Cadance continues. "So tell me Auntie. How the hay do you expect Twilight, who haves no experience in running a country, and take on the responsibilities she'd never dealt with before. When you and Luna; who haves far more experience than me and her put together. Couldn't even handle each other royal duties for a day."

It was in that moment Celestia knew. She Buck Up. She couldn't deny Cadance words any longer, The Princess of Love had opened her eyes to the truth and Celestia finally understand that Twilight wasn't ready rule.
Celestia clutch and bowed her head between her hooves, ashamed at herself for not realizing her folly sooner.

Cadance notice Celestia's frustration. Seeing that the sun Princess finally realized her mistake.

"So do you see the problem now, Celestia?!" Asked Cadance.

Celestia let's go of her head and simply nodded.

Cadance sigh. "I mean seriously auntie. What were you thinking....were you that desperate to retire that it blinded your judgement or did you just wanted to hurry and get out here and throw Twilight into the deepest depths of the ocean not caring if she sink or swim?"

That broke the older alicorn out of her self loathing.

What, no! I was not trying to rush her so I can hurry up and retire. I honestly did believe she was ready." Celestia bowed her head. "and you were right! I was blinded by Twilight's many accomplishments that it never once cross my mind how she still needed time to prepare for such a role....She tried to tell me earlier, but I didn't listen and her friends was just as sure as I was that I didn't see that they were just too overconfident. After all, defending Equestria isn't the same as running it."

Cadance nodded in assurance. "I'm glad you were able to see your folly, auntie. Now all you need todo is--" A loud noise from outside interupted Cadance. She turned her attention to her window to try and see what's was going on.

Though not as loud for her. Celestia did hear the "Booming" sound coming from Cadance end.

"What was that noise, Cadance?" Celestia asked with worry.

"I don't know! But I'm going to find out. You just make sure you tell Twilight that you're postponing her coronation. So she can take the time she needs to prepare, got it."

Celestia nodded.

"Good! I'll speak with you later, goodbye auntie."

"Goodbye, Cadance!"

And with that Cadance cut the feed and her hologram disappeared. The crystal Celestia was using, stop glowing, she then grab it with her magic and place it on her desk.

Now alone. Celestia took a moment to think about her mistake. She then took out a quill and parchment and was about to start writing a letter to Twilight, explaining things and apologizing. But stop herself at the last moment before putting ink to paper. Celestia thought that simply sending a letter was not the right course of action. She needed to tell Twilight in person, she deserves that much.

With that new thought in mind Celestia drop the quill and parchment on her desk, got out of seat, trotted to the door, and left her study to find Luna and tell her everything and also tell everypony working on the coronation that the event is being postponed.

The sun princess knew she was going to get a lot of backlash for this, but she was willing to accept it if it means helping Twilight properly prepare for her new role as the ruler of all of Equestria and she will make sure to help guide Twilight and give her all the time she needs until the day comes when she was truly ready.

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