• Member Since 21st Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen May 24th


I am trying to be Writer but, my english is not so good. ONE PUNNNCHCHHH!

More Blog Posts35

  • 100 weeks
    Hello and how

    Hello everyone is beena long time since I posted anything how is everyone doing I myself am doing ok I think covid will soon be gone completely unless their is a new varient at this point
    I can say I am one year to go with school and I will be done, I hope everyone is good too !
    And I am sorry I have not updated my story in a long because, it takes me time, sorry

    1 comments · 143 views
  • 134 weeks
    Happy new year

    It is now 2022 and we have reach the next year!! Happy new year everyone on here and have a good year ahead of writing and reading and hopefully no virus anymore!!!!

    1 comments · 138 views
  • 140 weeks
    New chapter out!!

    It has been a while since, I have posted and, it has been a while since I have posted a blog. I am ok feeling better since my last time, I've been down some of because, I feel my story is not read so but, because of my friend mlpdisneyfan I will keep writing when I can come up with my story!
    And if you do like my story Thank You, it means a lot that you like!

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    0 comments · 175 views
  • 143 weeks
    Update on me and story

    Hi everone it has been a while I have done Anything. So I will update you. I am ok I am still doing normal at school and live. I hope everyone is still safe and ok especially now with no restrictions

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    3 comments · 194 views
  • 157 weeks
    Second story coming

    Hey everyone I want to say that I am finally sending the second story to approval and here we go! Also I have been good, sleeping a lot more this few weeks, I hope everyone is also doing Ok like me !

    0 comments · 156 views

To the new · 12:56am Jan 21st, 2021

To the new president of the un nited states congragulations to the finally being president to be changing the country I hope now is finally the time for the country to move into a better time since the last year because, their is to much to deal with and I hope it can be back to before normal. :rainbowwild:What do you Think?

Report Georgdoza · 87 views ·
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