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For as long as I can remember I've always had this powerful desire to make people laugh.

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    MLP Season 3 Notes

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Top 10 Boy Meets World Episodes · 5:35am Jan 19th, 2021

To celebrate Super Stallion getting over 1K views and since I finished skimming through the show I'm counting down the best episodes of the classic sitcom Boy Meets World. A landmark of a sitcom that tackled quite a few things most of all the frustrations of growing up with hilarious writing great stories and characters we could never forget it's a great show to say the least so let's dive right in and get on with the list.

10 The Fugitive Starting off the list is one of many that shows just how strong the bond between the main character Cory Mattews and his best friend Shawn Hunter really are. After Shawn ignites a firework before he even knew and in a panic tosses it in a mailbox he acts like he's on the run from the law and needs Cory's help. Cory of course wants to but being just a kid at this point there's not much he can do and Shawn while having messed up in the past fells like this was the point of no return and wants to run away. Giving this show's version of the old saying you can't go home anymore. The episode does a good job explaining how running away isn't the answer and as scary as it might seem it's best to just face the music so to speak. It's also nice to see while Cory is loyal he won't do everything for Shawn such as when he's doing something he doesn't think is right this also shows that if you're in trouble a friend can help you get back to the other side of the line. (If you saw the episode and have a good memory you'll see what I did there)

9 An Affair to Forget After getting broken up by a girl named Jennifer Cory makes Shawn feel better by dishing out a series of insults. When Jennifer learns about this she agrees to date him again but on the condition that he doesn't see Cory anymore which he does at least that's what she thinks. Another great episode that shows the bond between Cory and Shawn also seeing them sneaking around like a married man and his mistress is just hilarious. Also it works in a good lesson about how friends are a part of you and those you get involved with romantically should accept them about as much as you. I'll have to remember that if i ever go on a date.

8 A Long Road to Pittsburgh While having several love interests throughout the show Cory's main one is the lovely Topanga Lawrence and here we see that while they're young their love is strong. Cory is told that Topanga's family is moving to Pittsburgh and Cory tries to find the right way to deal with that. However after moving Topanga comes all the way back to Cory's home because that's how much she loves him leaving Cory's parents to try and figure out what to do. As well as figure out they're on Cory and Topanga's side who in return convince them that they are in love and they mean so much to each other. There's also a part where Cory was involved with her before the start of the show that's when they were acquaintances and became that because Cory's brother Eric told him she was a girl so he threw dirt at her. Cory calls those the lost years maybe a bit unneeded but it is kind of nice to see that they go way back and later in the show shows how unique this couple really is. In the end the parents who believe in their love despite Topanga's doubt are able to talk something into her aunt who lets her stay at her house showing that as bad as life can get true love conquers all. (I want love so bad)

7 Cult Fiction Shawn having doubts and insecurities during his last year of high school stumbles across a cult run by Mr. Mac who would probably make quite the bad guy if he had a lot more screen time. When his friends learn about this they try to talk Shawn out of it while they show how much they care about him and that he shouldn't lose the things that truly matter to him. Such as when his friend and teacher Mr. Turner gets into a wreck leading one of the most emotional moments in TV history where Shawn is left alone with Turner in a coma and Shawn tells bother Turner and God not to give up on him. It also kind of shows how and why people join cults fun fact this was the last episode where we saw Mr. Turner leaving people to think he died but he shows up in Girl Meets World.

6 We'll Have A Good Time Then Now in college Shawn along with his newly discovered half brother Jack meets up with their father who wants to spend time with his boys. While Jack is all too eager to spend time with him Shawn isn't interested as his father has a bad habit of running off. The show never really shied away from the dysfunctional family Shawn has and neither does this episode but also shows his father really tried we especially learn this in later episodes. As Shawn argues with his father he suffers a heart attack and has to stay at the hospital leading to more emotional moments from Shawn. I'm not going to give away the ending but let's just say while in the last episode on this list where everything more or less turns out all right here not so much.

5 Everybody Loves Stuart Cory's gang have a new fun teacher in college named Stuart that doesn't talk to or treat them like students but like equals. But things get bad in a hurry when the hip cool teacher comes on to Topanga and threatens to get Cory expelled after he punches him for that. It's quite the scary thought and Mr. Feeny aka the guy everyone goes to for advice can't really do anything to help them. Though he does do what he can in the hearing where we see Stuart the guy everyone thought was cool is really a selfish slime ball that will do and say anything to cover his tracks. Thankfully the dean sees right through him and Cory is only suspended for 1 day :applecry: 1 day. (It was the only Apple Bloom emoji there) She'll look into Stuart and let's just say we don't see him in the show anymore, Cory really dodged a bullet here and it ends rather bittersweet bad in a good way as they realize they're grown up. They aren't kids anymore sucks doesn't it?

4 Dangerous Secret What a like about this episdoe is that it has a big change in tone halfway through it and it really works. Cory sees Shawn has a girl over it his house and wants to go the next step with Topanga, it doesn't quite work out. Leaving Eric to give his unique but profound words of wisdom sex is like riding a bicycle without training wheels, do it when you aren't ready and you'll fall down and crack your skull open. After that Cory learns the real reason why the girl stayed over, it's because her father hits her and the rest of the episode is Cory and Shawn trying to do what they can to help her. Again this show doesn't shy away from dark subjects and that's one of the reasons it's so great not just because they go to dark places but because they take you seriously when they do. I'm not talking as much here as I am in the other top 10s but I guess that's what's also great about this show it kind of speaks for itself. Also the girl who's name escapes me finds a better family and Cory go with Topanga at his own pace.

3 Angela's Men/ No Such Thing As A Sure Thing I put these together because not only are they quite similar but they come right after another. After Topanga learns her parents are getting a divorce she calls things off with Cory (for the umpteenth time) and Angela does the same with Shawn. It's also worth noting that this is the 4th time Topanga broke up with Cory the other times weren't so bad the 1st time fear of romance not working out and resolved in same episode. The 2nd is when they thought they'd be better as friends which lead to one of the show's best line.
Topanga: We broke up for a reason right?
Cory: Yeah.
Topanga: What was it?
Cory: So we could get back together.
The 3rd is when Cory was having doubts with his relationship as another girl got involved Topanga tells him to on a date to see how he feels and he loves Topanga more but she breaks up with him because he couldn't figure that out sooner. This was when it started to get old I get she was upset but you broke up with him for something you told him to do and here the 4th time it's because she's afraid she and Cory will end up like her parents which is pretty unjust. I like Topanga but doesn't she make it hard to root for her half the time? Anyway while old and unneeded the show uses this to show how love is about taking chances and that you can't let fear of what might happen get in the way. And even if it doesn't end well all the fun you'll have along the way won't get erased. Plus these episodes aren't quite as dramatic as you might think they both have a nice balance of comedy as well mostly thanks to the side stories. Said it before say it again true love conquers all.

2 The Psychotic Episode I think this is one of those episodes from the show that everyone remembers, shortly before the events of the episodes in the previous slots. Cory has a repetitive dream of killing his best friend Shawn but it's a dream they could mean anything. This causes Cory to avoid sleeping but no problem gets solved by avoiding it and Mr. Feeny the none dream Mr. Feeny tells him to finish the dream leading to quite the surprise twist (is that an oxymoron?) and leading to quite the ending that I won't dare give away but isn't exactly a happy ending.

1 The War/The Peace I think I'll just get right to the plot for this one Rachel gets pissed at Cory and Shawn for taking for parking spot and bans them from the dorm room. In response to that they put her car right in her room which leads to a prank war between Cory, Topanga, and Shawn and Jack, Rachel, and Angela. (Eric is neutral) However Cory and Shawn (apparently) go too far with a photo of Rachel that humiliates her so badly she cries though it's kind of hard to feel sorry for Rachel as her last prank on the others involves super glue, honey, and a live bear so I think she just kind of acts like a big baby. This leads to tension between everyone however it still works as the episodes still have a good balance of emotion, drama, and comedy as well as explaining how stupid little fights can becomes stupid big fights. We also see how Rachel feels like her bonds with the others aren't as strong as other bonds but then it shows us a possible future if Rachel leaves the group showing that every friendship every bond is important.
Lose 1 friend lose all friends lose yourself.- Eric Mattews aka Plays With Squirrels
That's why I think this 2 part episode is the best of the show because it shows the importance of all bonds which to me is the heart of this show the connections of the characters.

But that's just my opinion (a rather good one but still just mine) What do you think agree with my list? What episodes connected with you? Is Girl Meets World any good?

I'm the Pioneer of Imagination and, I love you all, class dismissed.

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