• Member Since 27th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen May 24th, 2021


I am a Dreamer, a Dragonrider, a Friend, a Disciple of Jesus Christ, a Reader, a Writer, and a Pega-sister. ;)

More Blog Posts7

  • 190 weeks
    A Grateful Post

    This week, I've been thinking about some of the things I'm grateful for in my life. Here are seven of them in no particular order:

    Family--Because they are the greatest. I'm grateful that the people I share my life with are also my best friends.

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  • 242 weeks
    Why My Mom Is Amazing

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    Mom: Why don't you try writing everything you want to happen on some note cards and rearrange them a few times until you get an outline you like?

    Me: I don't think that'll work!

    One hour later

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  • 257 weeks
    The Inner Workings of a Writer's Mind

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    So, yeah, so the news is I'm still writing. What? Well...it honestly depends on my mood at the present moment.

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  • 266 weeks
    You'll Always Be Mine

    What do you think of this?

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  • 272 weeks
    Sketches 1#

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A Grateful Post · 4:49pm Nov 29th, 2020

This week, I've been thinking about some of the things I'm grateful for in my life. Here are seven of them in no particular order:

Family--Because they are the greatest. I'm grateful that the people I share my life with are also my best friends.

Cats--The neighborhood kitties come over a lot, particularly a gray and white one we call Dobson. I'm grateful I can enjoy feline companionship, even though I can't afford my own cat right now.

Moonlight--The moon was especially bright last night, and there was a patch of it's light on my bed. I must have sat there for at least half an hour, trying to soak it in. I'm grateful for the tranquil beauty of such a small thing.

Thanksgiving--It bugs me a little that this holiday seems to get more and more overshadowed by Christmas as the years go by. I'm grateful for a holiday that helps me focus on all the good I enjoy in my life.

Knowledge--I don't know everything, but what I don't know I can learn. I'm grateful for the ability to expand my mind, and grow a little bit better everyday.

Warm Blankets--Absolutely nothing is quite as comforting as curling up in a warm blanket. I'm grateful that we have several in my house, because that way I don't have to feel guilty about hogging one.

Storytelling--Whether they are my own or have been created by others, whether they're in the medium of book or TV show, stories have always been a critical part of my life. I'm grateful that I have taken the time these past few months to study about storytelling, what makes it work and what doesn't, and for the opportunity to work on my own stories.

If you need something to make your life a little better, I'd encourage you to start a gratitude journal and write down at least one thing you're grateful for each day. I really believe gratitude is one of the key elements in a happy life, and I'm grateful I took time this week to focus on it (so I guess that moves my grateful count up to eight, but whatever). Here's to being grateful!

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