Feature Bar! · 11:45pm Nov 21st, 2012
Guardians of Magic has hit the Feature Bar! I am happy!
May the Grace of the Valar Protect You
Shire Folk
Guardians of Magic has hit the Feature Bar! I am happy!
May the Grace of the Valar Protect You
Shire Folk
The last 3 slots there are for popular stories that update. You should make it in every time you upload a new chapter.
525370 Well this is the first time it's hit the bar, so I'm very happy.
525373 Eeyup. Always great when awesome stories get more attention and exposure. Hope it stays there for a while. I've seen a story up there for less than a minute once because so many were updating.
Was wondering when this would happen.
Aww, I missed it.
Oh well, I'm glad that it got there, period.
Congratz! Its about time!