• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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A conversation me and my older sister had a few days ago · 3:34am Feb 23rd, 2020

Me: You know what?

Sister: What's that honey?

Me: The more I look at her, I swear that [insert oldest niece's name here] is an exact copy of you at 13 years old.

Sister: How so?

Me: The mannerisms, Ways of moving about, Complete lack of caring and above all, the SASS! Seriously, I thought [insert name of 2nd eldest niece here] was getting bad and she's almost 10! [Eldest niece's name] is somehow worse. And you know what? I partially blame the easy access to the ever changing internet and fads. I try to protect her from some of the stuff that can be...dare I say...inappropriate for young teen girls to witness.

Sister: Oh really? Well [insert my name], you have to see it from her perspective. She's grown up in such a tech savvy world, how else is she gonna adapt?

Me: And that's another thing entirely! You wonder why I like watching them, yet can completely say you will NEVER get any nieces or nephews from me? These times are changing and some of my....discipline formats apparently aren't as effective as they were when we was growing up.

Sister: True.

Me: Don't get me wrong! Certain things they're still keeping in line for fear of what's gonna happen. I can't use a belt as a threat on [eldest niece name] anymore because she can try and do something drastic or fight back (and I don't wanna have to fight a 13 year old). Whereas I can do so for the other 3 and it's effective as hell. [insert names of other 4 nieces and nephews here] will run scared if I caught them doin something they ain't s'posed ta and I get a belt out. Nowadays it's considered "child abuse" or heaven forbid "unnecessary forceful punishment". Kids need to toughen up! We didn't have these issues as kids!

Sister: You right, but at the same time you have to remember that back in the day it was somewhat safer in the world too.

Me: True. So what should I do?

Sister: Send them to me, I'm their mother.

Me: You think your 13-year-old sass bucket won't mouth off to you?

Sister: True...

Me: My other idea is simply leave them to Mama. Yeah they nana will set 'em straight.

*Both of us laugh*

Comments ( 6 )

Me: Don't get me wrong! Certain things they're still keeping in line for fear of what's gonna happen. I can't use a belt as a threat on [eldest niece name] anymore because she can try and do something drastic or fight back (and I don't wanna have to fight a 13 year old). Whereas I can do so for the other 3 and it's effective as hell. [insert names of other 4 nieces and nephews here] will run scared if I caught them doin something they ain't s'posed ta and I get a belt out. Nowadays it's considered "child abuse" or heaven forbid "unnecessary forceful punishment". Kids need to toughen up! We didn't have these issues as kids!

Sister: You right, but at the same time you have to remember that back in the day it was somewhat safer in the world too.

True, tho I don't think it's any less safer then back then, that aside we just need to make/find new ways to do the needed deed.

Well yeah, but at least back then a kid could walk down to school and be surrounded by others without the inate fear of being snatched. There was one time as a young girl, that myself and nearly all the other young girls on my block got all dressed up in our Sunday best and had no other option but to walk the 2 and 1/2 blocks to church one fine spring Sunday. Only because my neighbors car had amazingly broken down (yes. Yes we did get some looks and a few older people [read seniors] asked us where we was headed looking all "cute". I, being the second oldest one of us simply replied with "we heading to church because Ms. Dotty [My next door neighbor at the time] car broke down".). It was somewhat a simple answer. Nowadays it's you gotta find a ride or you betta bring some form of protection if you going anywhere.

ah right, almost forgot about that.

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