• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 21st


Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, and, I, do stories..... At Random.

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  • 280 weeks
    Storiesatrandom Stories are going to be rebooted

    Back again. Hey, I know I haven't been able to be around as much, but I had to do alot of hard thinking and, I realised that due to how some of my stories' content, contain alot of unpleasent things, not to mention alot of LOOOOOOOOOOOONG outdated content, I desided that the Storiesatrandom Stories would need to be rebooted to match current canon, and that too many of these stories are either

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  • 465 weeks
    Now that I am back, I need new help.

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  • 525 weeks
    Top 14 things I never expected to see in MLP:FIM season 4.

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    Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have to.

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review on the thanksgiving that almost wasn't · 4:03am Nov 17th, 2012

Hello, i'm storiesatrandom, i remember it, so you don't have too. originally, i was gonna post the top 15 parodies and fanon i have issues with, but, the computer restarted itself for an upgrade, and i lost progress. i will do that another day, so instead, i am going to do another review. since Thanksgiving, the legal day for turkey genoside, is gonna be apawn us soon, i am going to look at the hanna-barbara variation of when it all started, "The thanksgiving that almost wasn't". to those that don't know, it's this one one-shot hanna barbara project that give us another fabercated verson of the first thanksgiving. it can sometimes be caught on Boomer-rang during thanksgiving time if you can catch it. it's, ok. it's not perfect, just another fabercated, fictional story of the real creation of thnaksgiving. i really, don't have alot of problems with this old cartoon, but the problems that do exsit, you'll be aware of soon enough. so, with no further ado, let's look at, The thanksgiving that almost wasn't.

we start with, as traditional of Hanna-barbara, a very surreal intro the cartoon, and this is no different, random colors, picture of the historic feast, and, the first look to at our protaginests, a kid pilgrim and a young native amarican, and more surrealness, a little tune, and our title beforehand. i remember seeing this cartoon sometime ago, and even back then, i though it was, ok. a brief prolonged look at... the night sky?

then suddenly it exblowed on us! the FUCK!
and there is the song as a series of images we won't see in the cartoon expect the intro, and re-used again in the outro (typical old yester-year cartoons) and we see an native amarican with cake....... HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!

Cake in the first thanksgiving day?!

ok, that seriously, makes no sense!

moving on.

the song contiues as we see even pilgrims have to deal with trolls, Internet trolls: that guy stole his drink with his own cup, the ass! anyway, we resume on as eventally, the song ends.

we then cut into a windy day, as we follow a squirl- then we're not anymore, as we then see a modern-day boy and.... His sister, cousin, girlfriend, regular friend, whatever, as the mom calls the kids back in. oh, so that means the girl is either his sister or cousin. the boy leaves his sister/cousin as she jumps off and falls on her ass!

man that boy is a twat.

the kids run into the house as we see the thanksgiving dinner with the kids annoyingly saying how awesome it is. unrealistic kid behavior, not alot of kids would actselly LIKE half the stuff served here! the father has the kids do a prayer of being thankful (hence the word Thanksgiving) as we go to a differnet group of squirls.... and one of them is wearing clothes.... what.... the... hell....

i know hanna barbara has an obession with talking animals, but, this?!
the dad squirl explains that the humans are celibrating the holiday of thanksgiving and give prayer and thanks, and have lunch. we see that the squirls are having thanksgiving of their ow-

i am sure sentient animals are unable to actselly celibrate human triditions! they can be able to do this without explaination! and an explaination, we're gonna get! turns out, thanksgiving had a hidden hero: another sentient squirl named Jermey squirl. appeartently, if it weren't for him, thanksgiving wouldn't had happen. and i guess, squirls celebrate it too, because of him?

the dad explains as we finally go into our story, and the basic origin is reveled. a history lesson later, we finally see our hidden hero, jeramy, just getting himself some lunch, as we seen one of the boys from earlier, the pilgrim boy named Jonny, pretending to be a hunter. he eventally runs into the native amarican kid, who have a bit of a rough encounter because they both blame eachother for chasing off the turkey that wasn't there to begin with. the arguement gained the attention of jermimy, as the arguement gets higher, Jeramy breaks it up, and... none of the kids have a problem that a squirl is talking to them..... ok, the native amarican i understand, they believe in commuicating with the animals but that pilgrim kid should be freaking out like this:

no normal kid should react normally at a talking animal. unless your Eliza Thornberry.

unless your her, talking animals cannot be a normal thing to you! ok, there's also the kid from 'My gym partner's a monkey", but i already made my point.

Jerame introduses himself and explains that these two shouldn't be fighting eachother, they should be pals, and after some convincing, it works. Jonny introdues himself to the native kid called "Little Bear."

no, not this little bear, it's the name of the native amaircan kid. weird that name isn't patiented by Nick Jr. though.

anyway, the two become friends with eachother as well as the Jerame, and the group went on their marry way. and went back to say who's better hunter.

Jermimy desides to tag along to prevent these idiots from causing a conflict that, by historic standerds, would've been inedabe.
meanwhile, we get a montage and song on the pilgrims preparing the feast, and, it's pretty much the same song, different lyrics. we seen Jonny placing his finger on the ham and possably POISONING it like a twat! and yet, no picture of mom punishing him! the montage continues with the song and repeat of animations. seriously, wasn't there enough money for this? i guess if you have the budget of a ham sandwich, this kind of thing is expected. we get that cake secne again (still, the hell is with that?!) and we see that drinking troll again! he certainly has the face for it! ok, i was wrong about not seeing most of this repeat animation until the ending.

We see Jeramy again who sees those boys again chasing chickmonks. you might not wanna do that boys, i see them to crazy things to donald duck!

we see that jeramey is a ninja squirl!

this music fits him.


the twat boys still chase the squirls as we see jeramey fell into.... log. ok, he lost the samari jack theme, and got demoted into this.

he knows ninja moves, but befalls to logs.

anyway, the chase continues as everyone realises that the boys are missing and went out to find them. it is already night time and the boys are concerned. we are introdused witha camio from the scooby doo bat, as the boys deside that they're boned. ok, maybe they aren't the protaginests! it's all the that squirl guy!

they try to act tough, but end up become idiots. they agree on something and move on, but are stalked by a wolf. gee, with him growling like that they should've noticed him by now, he's even in their general direction- Oh, here's jermony being funny with that damn log! our hero, ladies and germs.

Jerame sees them about to go into the river, which doesn't lead to the settlement, it leads to a-


and it looks like they're heading torwords it, like idiots! they do turn around, but are caught in the current! well, they're junked. but wait, Jeramey goes to rescue them.
oh, like a squirl is gonna-

(He pulls it off.)

...... that is about as unbelieveable as.... this.

so, after that incredable stroke of luck and close call, the boys apologised for being twats, and Jeramey desides to get the boys out the woods abd back to the pilgrims and native amaricans. and they get going. aw gees, another song? at least it's not basicly the SAME SONG FROM BEFORE!!

afterwords, Jeramey slows them down abit, wants them to stay so he can get the adults to them. yeah, not a good idea to leave them here. they're kids, prone to do stupid things. and let's remember that wolf guy. ok, he's not really leave them alone, he is gonna put them up with-


more wild animals. yeah, they are gonna be the best defence against a wolf. maybe the bear, but the rest are useless. in fact, the bear doesn't do shit, so the boys are really unprotacted from that wolf guy. as the men still look for the boys, the boys are playing with the animals... a game of hunter and pray.... well, that's like playing a game of rape with your babysitter, you little jerks!

but then as predicted, the wolf shows up!

well, they're all fucked.
see, even the bear is useless, even the big strong bear runs off! well, to be fair, that IS a damn big wolf. i don't think wolfs are suppose to be THAT big, that is like, Great dane huge!
the boys run from the wolf but said wolf follows mercelessly, wow, talk about blind determination. thankfully, cartoon magic caused the boys to jumped upwords away but appearently, wolfs are good climbers, so it looks like mountin goats are fucked. so the animals finally grow balls and go forth to stop the wolf. they throw everything at him, but the wolf doesn't even noticed! god, he's like godzilla agains the milliterry!

it's the damn birds that get his attention but not for long, so the birds are sent to find jermey! the bird made it and gets the adults to come over! the wolf is finally about to get his claws on the boys, but Jeramey bits the fuckers tail! this alcourse, pisses the wolf off, and goes after him! after a needless chase, Jeramy has the wolf trapped in the log and defeated.

so the boys are safe, they have their thanksgiving, and Jeramy's modern day desentents enjoy their thanksgiving. oh, there's another song, but i am not bothering with that.

and that was it. well, it aged, more or less, well. it's a nice creation of Hanna Barbara and it granted a very good lesson and more or less correct history of thanksgiving. granted, i felt it had some inacterites, i mean, serious ones, but it doesn't mean it's bad. it is for kids and if it wasn't for fabication like talking animals, cakes in thanksgiving, and no mentioning of the later, grim histories of the native amaricans regreting helping the pilgrims in the later yeats, it would as well could've been a history documentary. all in all, it's a nice cartoon, and there's a good chance they might run on boomerang on thanksgiving, if not, there's always looking it up on youtube. I'm Storiesatrandom, i remember it, so you don't have to.

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Comments ( 2 )

I live in Soviet Canuckistan, so Turkey Genocide Day happened a while ago.

510739 well, amarican turkey geniside day still didn't happen. i am in the USA.

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