• Member Since 19th Sep, 2018
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A Writer/ Artist whose crazy for Dragons and heavily influenced by FIM.

More Blog Posts8

  • 158 weeks
    Some Writer I turned out to be

    I apologize to all those who commented and read "Forbidden Odyssey". I'm sure you've been waiting for an update and I'm sad I haven't been able to deliver it.

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  • 236 weeks
    Fan continuations?

    I've been re-reading a lot of my favorite stories here. Most of them, sadly, are cancelled and will never be completed.

    When a story you love ends prematurely, you can't help but think up your own interpretation of how it would be continued and ended. These ideas may be enough to be written down and, with consent from the author, shared.

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  • 260 weeks
    Am I a fraud?

    I'm sorry I still haven't posted any stories here, I was working on one, but unfortunately, my priorities have changed.

    I finally started working on my own Novel again. However, in order to do so, I have to actually push myself to work on it. The reason I wasn't writing was because I just felt bored whenever I had to focus on it.

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    1 comments · 216 views
  • 288 weeks
    Pains of Writing

    I have many story ideas, but currently am focusing on two at the moment. Unfortunately, progress is hindered by a couple of factors.

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  • 298 weeks
    Sleepless Update

    Jeez, it's been a while hasn't it?

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    0 comments · 225 views

Am I a fraud? · 1:22am Dec 7th, 2019

I'm sorry I still haven't posted any stories here, I was working on one, but unfortunately, my priorities have changed.

I finally started working on my own Novel again. However, in order to do so, I have to actually push myself to work on it. The reason I wasn't writing was because I just felt bored whenever I had to focus on it.

This lead me to a shocking realization. I tried thinking back to when I enjoyed my written works and, well, there are barely any. There are only a few stories I enjoy working on, solely due to a strange interest I have. Other than those, however, writing is pretty boring most of the time. I first started writing Video Game Parodies for Fanfiction net, but I had to push myself to work on those too. It seems the only reason I was writing them in the first place was to become popular with the parody crowds.

I really do want to be a novelist, I want to leave my mark on the world that way. However, if I don't have the passion to write, why should I be writing at all?

Report Leon13DM · 216 views · #am #I #a #real #writer #problem
Comments ( 1 )

You are certainly 'not' a fraud, Leon. Those of us who write often struggle to do so for numerous reasons. It is also way easier to do fan work than it is to do original work due to how, more often than not, we put less strict guidelines on the quality of a fan fiction than we do something that is of our own making.

When I write stories based on pictures, ponies, etc., I can easily just have 'fun'. I don't feel pressure to meet a standard. Though this could be a result of having so much content to know how I can work within it.

Our own works require lots-and-lots of fleshing out. There is no set standard. So it is difficult to keep within the lines. fan fiction is easier as we can take an existing idea and have fun with it. As original creators we have the unfortunate task of creating the 'box' in which others may think outside of.

Overall, just know you are going through what all writers do. You are certainly not a fraud and, with time, you will achieve your goal of being published and recognized for your own work. :)

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