Some Writer I turned out to be · 10:07pm Nov 16th, 2021
I apologize to all those who commented and read "Forbidden Odyssey". I'm sure you've been waiting for an update and I'm sad I haven't been able to deliver it.
I used to have difficulty working on a novel series that I wanted to be my "Magnum Opus", however, book 2 has been in development hell for years due to lack of interest. Recently, I discovered that ANY form of writing is a struggle for me, even when the ideas excite me. As such, I feel I must be suffering from a massive case of writer's block, as I can usually only write a couple of sentences before I have to take a short break.
Just wanted to update any potential fans out there, so I don't leave you hanging. It would be nice if I could get more done on the story, but I have a feeling that won't happen for a VERY long time.