Salen's Thoughts on the Finale · 1:21pm Oct 14th, 2019
I doubt many will read this. That's okay. This is mostly for myself I suppose. The Ep. 24-25 two-parter was epic and exciting and it was full of emotion. Honestly one of the best endings ever. But Episode 26, that was a tidal wave of feels.
In the Epilogue, Twilight goes over the pain of leaving, and her friends trying desperately to not think about it, to not focus on the thing about to occur. I know that all too well. That feeling of focusing on something else, so you don't focus on the pain. March 10th, 2000; I left Pensacola for Jacksonville. I didn't want to leave. Most of my friends had gone elsewhere. And my mom was dealing with an alcoholic PTSD-addled vet with bouts of violent, irrational behavior. To say I was being crushed by emotions would have been putting it mildly.
Driving 6 hours away, to someplace else, to try and find a real job after graduating college, to not have to deal with some alcoholic judging me... It was a lot of emotions. And the worst was leaving my mom, knowing what she was staying with. But I had to leave.
I wanted to call her before I left, to tell her I was leaving. This was before cellphones were EVERYWHERE, and as a poor, recent graduate of college, who couldn't find a job doing IT work in a mostly boring, backwater town of retirees... yeah...
So I knew how Twilight felt, knowing she was leaving behind a life she'd grown accustomed to, for something different. And you swallow that emotion till you can get through it.
So, yeah, I know what it's like. And the episode was probably one that hit harder than many others. I still have my friendships with those I knew from Pensacola. We may not see each other much but we still care for each other. My mom is in a better position now. And my friends have even checked in on her for me. My friends were always friends with my mom. To some, they were family in my family. And so even now, those bonds of friendship remain. They helped me when I could not be there for her. And for that, I'm grateful. My friends are the best.
I guess, I just wanted to say, that this was an ending that I needed. It may mean something else to others, but for me, it'll always be a reminder that life and change can be painful, and it usually is, but friends, real friends, will still be there in some way, even hundreds of miles away. Wherever we go, we carry that love and friendship with us. And I'm grateful. For the friends I have, the show we had, and for a wonderful finale.
Maybe next time, I'll write something less "stream of thought"-ish, but for now, work calls, and I need to take care of some things.
I'm glad to hear you found something in it. :)
I'm glad I found something in it as well. It was a heck of a ride, and even now I still think about my time when I had to leave even now. But I know that while things hurt, and things change, some things don't have to, and I'm glad for what I do have. The finale ended well, in a way where it had weight not only for the characters but myself. And honestly, having a show end in a way where you are moved on so many levels, it's something to be appreciated and held up for the diamond it is.
Now for IDW to release the "Season 10" comics, because I want to see a few more stories still.