• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen July 13th


I am a simple writer with simple needs. Smash two (or more) universes together and see what happens.

More Blog Posts5

  • 164 weeks
    Sequel announcement and editing

    I've had a sequel planned for this story for a long while now and I've kind of set it on the back burner for now in favor of SNST because I'm not happy with the "inciting indecent" for the sequel and how everything goes down.

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  • 276 weeks
    Rogue Sun chapter 13 Sneak Peek

    It has come to the deadline I have set up for myself to have posted a (real) new chapter of Rogue Sun; I am almost done with this most recent chapter but not yet, and I feel a little guilty for leaving you guys off with an April Fool's day chapter depicting the end of the story when the actual end of this "episode" is the very next chapter. So, I decided to give a sneak peek of the first part of

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    1 comments · 271 views
  • 280 weeks
    Rouge Sun update (March 9, 2019)

    It's been since November since I updated Rouge Sun, and I promised myself that I would post this month, but MAN, aren't midterms a pain?! I'll try to get one out as soon as possible, maybe in the middle of my spring break next week. Let's hope so. I'm just barely getting to the good stuff.

    0 comments · 216 views
  • 294 weeks
    Delay and possible hiatus warning

    My job has been eating at my day for a while now, leaving me with little energy to want to write anything. It's especially hard every time I start up a new chapter with a blank page, and I'm also at the point where all the events are mostly action scenes that would rather sum up in a single sentence, but that just would NOT be an interesting read. And that explains why there is not going to be a

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    1 comments · 216 views
  • 356 weeks

    I am going to go on a hiatus from posting anything until December, at the latest. I have school work that seems to pile up too quickly for my liking, I have to do some lab work for my welding class, and I need to go find myself a job. I also want to take this time to read a bunch of books, and though that shouldn't take me too long for any one book, I've had a book take me half a year to read

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Rogue Sun chapter 13 Sneak Peek · 3:24am Apr 7th, 2019

It has come to the deadline I have set up for myself to have posted a (real) new chapter of Rogue Sun; I am almost done with this most recent chapter but not yet, and I feel a little guilty for leaving you guys off with an April Fool's day chapter depicting the end of the story when the actual end of this "episode" is the very next chapter. So, I decided to give a sneak peek of the first part of the true ending of Rogue Sun.

Sunset couldn’t see anything, but the sounds of gunfire and screams filled her ears as she groped around, feeling only dirt and rubble between her fingers. Her vision slowly came to her as she could see the blurry forms of houses on fire and ponies running away from something. Once her vision cleared, Sunset looked to what the ponies were running away from and saw an army of iron clad soldiers marching down the streets of the Crystal Empire, mowing down innocent ponies with their rifles, and aircraft above them raining down bombs, setting houses and streets ablaze.

Sunset turned to run with the crowd of scared ponies, fear overtaking her. As she ran she nearly tripped over one who died right in front of her, shot in the back with one ear blown off as well and even more fell around her as she ran. She had gotten to town square when the sky dimmed and all the crystals around her reflected a purple light. She turned around and saw the source of the light, it was coming from an airship, a familiar ship, The Midnight. A sinister ball of purple magical energy had formed at its bow and was growing in size, its brightness rivaling that of the sun. Sunset covered her eyes from the blinding light. Once her eyes adjusted to the brightness a spear of energy shot out of the ball of magic, Sunset followed its trajectory until the spear hit the spire in the center of the Crystal Empire, an even brighter flash consumed Sunset’s vision from the light being reflected and amplified by the crystals that just about damn near everything in the Crystal Empire was made of.

When the light receded, the spire was gone and she found herself standing in the middle of a crowd at a public ceremony. An execution. A firing squad.

Sunset slowly weaved her way to the front of the crowd and saw six ponies with sackcloth bags over their heads standing in front of the firing squad. A stallion with white fur and a blonde mane, wearing a grey suit, holding himself with an air of importance began walking behind the line of masked ponies and began taking the bags off one by one.

The first pony was Firefly, her face covered in cuts and her mane frazzled, a stoic expression on her face. The second was Princess Cadence in a no different situation from Firefly. The third was Apple Bloom,  fourth Scootaloo, then Sweetie Belle, then finally Sunburst.

Sunset began shoving her way forward as she picked up her pace, her feet becoming like lead. She heard the muffled voice of the grey-suited pony say something as he lifted his arm high in the air and the line of soldiers lifted their rifles, taking aim at the prisoners. Sunset struggled to move faster as her feet became heavier.

The commanding stallion shouted something, lowered his arm swiftly, and the thundering crack of bullets filled the air.

Sunset jolted awake from her nap in her car just before the entrance of the underground tunnel to outside the Crystal Empire. She groaned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she stretched. She looked out the window that was facing south and could see the approaching armada through the dense forest of trees.

“(They must be getting ready to go on their suicide mission by now.)” she thought to herself.

Report Jninja15 · 271 views · Story: Rogue Sun · #update
Comments ( 1 )

When will the next chapter of ponys on Voyager come out?

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