• Member Since 14th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2023

Mr Curious Writer

I'm just someone that's curious on crossover stories involving MLP

More Blog Posts13

  • 283 weeks
    Status Update ON Royal Hunter

    Hey guys, for those that read the "Royal Hunter". I'm keeping this one short sweet and to the point so I can get back to it. My intention is to complete the next Chapter this week and hopefully get it through proofreading and Grammar checking ASAP after that. So I'm confident it'll be ready before February ends. Right now I'm looking back on Previous Chapters that I wrote to make sure I'm not

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  • 288 weeks
    Hey KH readers!

    just thought I'd let you guys know what I've been up to with the next CHapter since I've been quiet so far. To get straight to the point I didn't like what I was writing and ended up starting over kinda. I kept on what I liked if it could be helped, but the majority of it I had to do over. on the bright side, the fight scene I feel is pretty good, though I feel like I can push it further. I'm

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  • 298 weeks
    (To the KH Readers) Good news, and kinda annoying news.

    Hey guys, things have been... interesting for me in RL and in trying to write this next chapter. I'm gonna get straight to the point and keep this short.

    The Good News:

    Chapter is complete. albeit alittle shorter then I would like.

    The Kinda Annoying news

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  • 306 weeks
    My brain is is empty.... (for the KH readers)

    So I figured I'd post this now, I'm staring at what I've written so far for the next chapter and I believe I've run at an impasse. let me remind those that might get worried, now I'm not gonna stop writing nor take a hiatus. With that said, let me tell you what's going on with my mind, right now:

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  • 314 weeks
    Update for the Readers of Harmonic Connections

    Hello Everyone, how ya been. I figured since I've been a little quiet lately about how the next Chapter is going I figured I let you know whats currently going on. That way you won't be left wondering how long its going to take.

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(To the KH Readers) Good news, and kinda annoying news. · 10:05pm Nov 7th, 2018

Hey guys, things have been... interesting for me in RL and in trying to write this next chapter. I'm gonna get straight to the point and keep this short.

The Good News:

Chapter is complete. albeit alittle shorter then I would like.

The Kinda Annoying news

Its shorter then I would like and Real life events didn't help with eth writing process either. not gonna go into details other then that its has been hectic here behind the computer screen for me haha. I'm hoping for things to calm down soon so I can find more time to write. I'm not fond of delaying my chapters and its also eating into my other stories' deadline as well since that one is late too. sigh, but I'm done griping, time to get to it. Once my editor stephen gives the green light I'll post it up.

Oooh... and I guess in terms of why this next chapter is shorter then I'd like, is cuz I had to cut it off for now.... yes you know what that means... a cliffhanger I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. but at the very least, I do hope it will give you some thoughts on what's going to happen in the chapters to come since we'll be nearing the end sooner then I'd expect. That's all I'm gonna say for now. With this. I'm gonna get to work on my other story so i can have a clear conscience when its KH's turn again.

Report Mr Curious Writer · 439 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Damn. Sorry to hear that. I hope life goes better for you.

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