• Member Since 26th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Why do I do the things I do? BECAUSE I CAN.

More Blog Posts19

  • 212 weeks
    Failed Arc

    I have decided to strike the current arc from the record. I'll leave it in a new story ill label as non-canon chapters or something.

    It's gone way too far from my original vision and my usual style of writing for this story. On top of that, it's also left me in writer's block for the story as I can't really enjoy writing it.

    Sorry for the bad chapters guys.

    6 comments · 811 views
  • 214 weeks

    Sorry that took so long. School, the quarantine, work, other inspirations and aspirations, and writer's block for the arc really slowed me down.

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  • 251 weeks
    School is the bumcuck

    Due to extreme school and work scheduling, my updates will likely slow even more than they already have.


    I’m also writing a proper book series on the side as a hobby, so I’m sorry to say that most of my books on here should be considered on hiatus.

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  • 254 weeks

    Hey all, things have been slow on this site mostly due to a lot of school and bad time management, but I assure you i'm still working on my currently active stories. "A Real Wendigo" "Photophobia" and "Sex, Drugs, and More Drugs" are definitely pushed back farther on my to do list, but I am still working on chapters for them. Expect another update for "Certifiably Insane" sometime in the next

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  • 261 weeks
    Not Dead

    I swear I’m not, honest. Just gone on a trip and forgot to tell you guys. I’m back now, but I need to watch more of the series before I can progress much further. I’ll be moving along shortly.

    Just letting you guys (or gals) know.

    1 comments · 231 views

I LIVE SON · 8:05pm Sep 20th, 2018

I just want everyone to know I am not dead and that I still think about this story a lot. I've been blocked from the site at home because of some bull parental controls so i'm writing this message from school. Thank you for all your support. I hope to make a resurgence one day, just keep those notifications live and i'll do my best (once I get a new computer).


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