• Member Since 7th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen January 8th


A New Yorker who likes anime, games, and good brony fanfic.

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Highlights From BronyCon 2018: Introduction · 9:39pm Aug 5th, 2018

BronyCon 2018 was my very first convention ever, as well as my very first MLP convention. I came to BronyCon expecting to meet some of the members of the brony analysis community, as well as to make a few new friends. Though I haven’t had as much success on the friends part as I would have liked—though I did get to see face-to-face a friend that I made online—BronyCon 2018 still had quite a few highlights.

Over the next few weeks, I’d like to share some of those highlights here on my FiMfiction blog. Please feel free to share your own memories in the comments. Who knows, maybe you may have played a part in one of the highlights without me knowing it!

Before I go any further, let me introduce the dramatis personae who will be appearing over the course of these stories:

son_of_heaven176: me, the author.

NR: One of my roommates at the Sheraton Hotel. Best pony to him is Rainbow Dash, and he’s a plushie collector.
Pinkie Guy: The other roommate. Best pony to him is Pinkie Pie (hence the nickname I’m giving him). He considers himself a brony-by-proxy, as he was not part of the fandom at all until he was brought to BronyCon 2017 by NR.

DarkWind: A friend that I met at the BronyCon forums. We originally met on a thread for roommates, but even though things fell apart on that front, he has grown to be my closest friend and a brother in all but blood.
Pink Flash: DarkWind’s best friend since childhood.

Also, many of the highlights feature actors from Brony D&D: DRWolf001, joshscorcher, Aramau the Fiery Secretary, finnthepony, and Lightning Bliss.

So please travel with me down memory lane, and feel free to chime in as well as we relive some of my highs from BronyCon 2018.

First Highlight: That's Not Firebrand!

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