• Member Since 24th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Nov 15th, 2018

Kunama Windrider

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Sign the Petition! · 2:54am Apr 5th, 2018

Hasbro is thinking of making a new generation of MLP in 2019, so Mylittleponyfan has asked me to spread the word about a petition to keep the current generation going. To sign, go to Mylittleponyfan's user page and click on the link in his blog about it.

Report Kunama Windrider · 375 views · #MLP
Comments ( 3 )

I mean the new generation looks good and its just concept art and plus we can’t have it kepp going its gonna be like one of those shows that showing for too long

Yes, but I love the current generation!

I was really upset with the news. I'd love to keep the current generation going! Long live G4!

EDIT: Signed! Now I'll share!

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