• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
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Chrome Masquerade

Dashing do-gooder dog? Accomplished, affable aeronaut? Big-time brony? Lazy lackluster lackwit? You decide!

More Blog Posts107

  • Sunday
    Father's Day Poetry

    I know a man
    He puts the strength into my hands.

    And he's so amazing
    Although the home will continuously change.

    And I've done what I can
    To follow his footssteps, and the strength he commands.

    But long ago I did see
    I don't hold a candle to what he means.

    Children be good to your fathers.
    Fathers will teach what to do.
    Kids don't get youger
    So love one another

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  • Friday
    Power Outage?

    So... As it turns out, a huge storm went by our area. Our power was out all night.

    For the nonce, we're on generator power.

    Should have power around 6:00, though.

    At one point i jokingly said, "If I have to initialize my PS4 AGAIN, I'm sending a complaint to the power company... is what i would say if i had the resources or clout to make them do anything about it."

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  • 3 weeks
    Okay. I'm Incredibly Annoyed

    I was just playing Deep Rock Galactic. It was on special just the other day (for the Ultimate edition, it was $22, originally for about $81. Yyyyoink!)

    Anyway. I was just playing a Hazard 3 mission, which took about an hour, all-in-all. I died a few times, but eventually we were about to extract, right at the door to the Drop Pod and lookinbg forward to the rich rewards... and suddenly,

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  • 3 weeks
    Fallout 4: Somewhat Funny Occurrence

    I was playing Fallout 4 earlier. I use some mods, so i receive no trophies, which suits me fine. But that's getting off topic already. Kind of.

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  • 4 weeks
    My opinion: Centaurworld

    Recently I've been watching Centaurworld (which much like MLP is a lot more than it appears).

    Minor spoilers, btw? :unsuresweetie:

    It has a lot of fun bits, quite a few laugh-out-loud moments, and almost all of the musical numbers are good, thus far.

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Cropped Scene · 11:14am Mar 8th, 2018

I may or may not continue my Ghostbusters crossover story... but i know EXACTLY how this scene will play out.

"Mind telling me what's going on, here?" the president queried testily.

"As i've told you before, mister president, these frauds are simply trying to steal your money." Peck responded readily.

An audible CRACK was heard and Twilight's right eye started twitching. The temperature in the room began to rise.

"Uh... Peck?" Ray said, backing up as his PKE meter started ticking, "You may want to take that back."

Peck, of course, was the only one who didn't get the hint.

"I absolutely will NOT!" he said, "In fact, as soon as i get a proper warrant, i'll see your containment unit shut down and your collective asses kicked from the city! Or better ye- WHOA!" Peck never finished, as he was surrounded by a red aura. He looked back toward Twilight, who was quite changed. Her mane and tail were now red flames and her coat was white. Her eyes were pure red.

"Mis-ter PecK" Twilight began, with emphasis on the k, "I have NEVER EVER, in this life or the previous, met someone as closed-minded, egocentric, ignorant, arrogant, petty, small-spirited and borderline STUPID as YOU!" she roared. "Even after seeing ghosts, even after seeing the Stay Puft marshmallow man rampaging about the city, Even after ghosts crashed your little party, EVEN after you were bucking POSSESSED by one you STILL don't believe?! What the actual buck!?" she continued.

Peck opened his mouth to respond, but his mouth was forced shut.

"NO! You've done enough talking! I'm not finished! As i was going to say, Magic is real. Ghosts are real. The THREAT they REPRESENT is real! We are not extortionists, con-men, thieves or what have you! We protect the city. We save lives. We are THE REAL Ghostbusters. WE. BUST. REAL. GHOSTS!!!" she bellowed.

Then a lightbulb appeared above her head for a fraction of a second. Her colours reverted to normal as she develped a frighteningly smug smile.

"But maybe i've been too hard. Maybe it's your upbringing that gave you such a disdain for the concept of the supernatural." she continued. "So," she said, lighting her horn, "I'm going to help you." she finished, casting the spell.

Peck rose intto the air as swirling wisps of magic surrounded him. When that cleared and he fell to the ground, he landed as a pale pink unicorn mare. "Wh-wh-WHAT!?" she exclaimed, incredulous.

"Now you ARE magical, and you'll HAVE to live with it. Maybe now that you have second sight you can open your eyes." Twilight said with finality, walking past the stunned mare. "Shall we?" she said, going out the door.

The rest of the team followed. "Remind me not to get on Twilight's bad side." Peter commented.

Comments ( 5 )

oh... you're not dead? great... it means there are still hope :twilightblush:

I just felt that i had to get that out, if nothing else. Mostly i made that story to vent some of my frustrations with certain plot elements. Unfortunately, I no longer am using a PC and all of what i have is in my Dropbox, hence currently unretrievable. Also, most of my inspirations come and go. But i do have little flashes of it from time to time, hence this.

Put shortly, thanks for hoping. It might/might not work out.

Also, i AM doing other stories. Check it out.

I'll check... also, you know there is dropbox for mobile right?

4815152 Using my PS4. It can do... most of what a computer can, with some exceptions.

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