Relevancy. (Please read) · 6:52pm Feb 6th, 2018
I'm not sure how to start this blog without it sounding like some self depreciating sob story which it isn't. It's me explaining my experience on this site of relevancy. When I first started on this site, I joined to read and that was it, but then I discovered the more social aspect starting with Mysterious stranger, we chatted for a while (still do) which was nice. I started to talk to more people and joining groups slowly gaining more followers as I did, those who have followed me for a while will know I started doing lyric blogs which bought In quite a few followers (No idea why) and I liked it, I was good at it, people enjoyed it. I rapidly gained followers but I had to stop, I've never truly explained why I stopped apart from to those I'm closest too.
The reason I had to stop was due to copyright issues, but since I stopped and deleted most of my blogs (from 1,000 and something to 366) Anyone notice aha? I noticed a decline in relevancy, I went from gaining 1-2 followers every day to 1 a month if that.
Being relevant was great and I loved it, I enjoyed strangers knowing who I was but it's not all it's made out to be, it was also stressful as I had to post new things everyday, I had to try and keep up to date with everything.
I guess I'm saying thank you for making me relevant but I'm happy to be in the shadow now, I'm glad my time towards the top came to an end.
TL;DR: Thank you everyone for playing a big part in my journey on this site
Copyrights... always those **** copyrights...
I'm glad I made you feel welcome here, and I'm glad to still be talking to you. You're a cool guy
So are you buddy
I am glad that we can be friends. Keep on being awesome. :)
4790876 Hey Lyra, didn't know you followed me?
4790878 I followed you a while back. :)
You're welcome
I'm glad to be able to call you friend.