• Member Since 14th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Mar 5th, 2018


More Blog Posts3

  • 335 weeks

    Honestly.....I can FEEL my brain cells dying with every dumba** I find on here. The few stories I like are the only reason I keep coming back here though I wish they would go to Fanfiction where it's easier on my mind.

    17 comments · 543 views
  • 337 weeks
    I Do NOT Wish Death On Anyone However...

    I may not like this place, the corruption makes me sick, but I do not wish death or any real dark thoughts on anyone here.

    Forgive but not forget.

    (Also, for Meester: I did NOT threaten anyone you mook.)

    3 comments · 406 views
  • 343 weeks
    The Point (New)

    Well I don't need to repeat myself (cause some can't handle the truth) but what I said before stands.

    Trying to block me from spilling the truth.

    Saw that coming miles away.

    14 comments · 474 views

The Point (New) · 4:23am Dec 30th, 2017

Well I don't need to repeat myself (cause some can't handle the truth) but what I said before stands.

Trying to block me from spilling the truth.

Saw that coming miles away.

Comments ( 14 )
Comment posted by TheRedButcher deleted Dec 31st, 2017
Comment posted by TheRedButcher deleted Jan 18th, 2018
Comment posted by That Guy Who Plays Isaac deleted Dec 30th, 2017
Comment posted by TheRedButcher deleted Jan 18th, 2018

Just in case anyone might wonder, I delete comments because I'm not wasting my time anymore with inane stupidity, self-righteousness
or plain obliviousness.

Honestly, I do hope a number of liberals on here stop being evil and start seeing the light.

Heh, downvote all you want jackasses. Don't know how you think that makes any difference.

Do you get spammed with hate from liberals?

Like you wouldn't believe and I know it's not because of the way I speak to so many of them.

If you're not with their sickness, you're against them.

Hopefully, they will realize that they're just despicable. If you need help, call me.

Considering they love to flock around here? I would need to hire a computer tech to get this place of Hell shut down.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

And the beginning of the end for them is a bullet to the head. Apparently anyways.

Well I'm out now in any case, I've had all I can take of Society's Rejects.

I wish you well.

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