• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023


Just an introvert who likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also like to write MLP fanfiction. Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony.

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November, 2017 Update · 9:10pm Dec 1st, 2017

Today has been and will continue to be a busy day for me. I woke up later than I had planned on (went to bed later than I should have, too...), then started writing (I've started doing this in the morning, rather than waiting until after college work is finished for the day- this works out well, except for the fact that I still have not returned to historic levels of writing), only to find out I needed to do something else, and I still have to write a paper for my final project in one class, and that's due on Monday.

And I am still just getting started on that paper. Finals and all that. However that said, I think Finals for me should be relatively easy for some reason...

This month was better than last month. I've written more (or perhaps, actually wrote, might be a better way to say it), and made progress on my ideas, and whatnot.

A recap and summary of my writing in November...

I want to say that November was a busy month for me. It seems like it was, but I really don't remember that well. It was challenging to find the time to write, but I did manage to resume writing. I had to get myself back into the mindset to write, and it wasn't easy. I think my problem was that I got busy, demotivated, and the such, but also that I forgot that I write because I want to and I enjoy it, where it had become a need, thus taking away some of the desire to write. While I'm not writing as much as I had before, it's still progress. I also started to resume on reading, so things are beginning to normalize. Hopefully, this trend will continue. My current plans are to reread Civil War of Harmony over the Winter Break so I can resume writing that ASAP. I am planning to reread (I say reread, when the only time I've actually read it is when writing it) Critical Mass over the Winter Break too. Additionally, I will attempt to resume working on the Author's Commentary soon. I've found that I really want to gush about this series... more on that further down.

I've made progress in The End War. I published a chapter last Saturday and depending on whether my prereader gives me the okay, I'll publish the next chapter tomorrow (Saturday, Dec 2, 2017), or the next one. I'm enjoying it.

In terms of one-shots, I've made no progress on the story with Rainbow as Celestia's filly. I've hit a wall of sorts with it. I just can't figure out the plot for it, and so I've kinda lost desire to work on it. I will have to see if I figure anything out. I've been getting assaulted by tons of ideas lately...

As you may be aware, I wrote a comedy fic and published it last Saturday. I'd call it a resounding success- it was great. This story was based solely upon wanting to write the scene with Pinkie and Twilight and the chloroform. So thus this story is a result of me just writing for fun, and I really enjoyed it. I'm kind of thinking about a sequel, "How to Ponynap Birdhorse." I had planned to work on writing it this week, but... it didn't happen.

What to expect coming soon...

You know, I just had to check my last blog post to refresh my memory on some of this... Anyway, tomorrow I'll be publishing another comedy. It's sort of a Twidash comedy, focusing more on the comedy part. It's a series of scenes revolving around jokes. The story is titled "Alicorn Nature." Perhaps that will help you figure out what to expect. It's only about 4k words long in about 4 chapters right now. I may add more to it- it's marked incomplete. I have another idea or two to add to it, but I don't know if I will. I hope you all enjoy it. I know I enjoyed writing it.

And I'm working on a secret project. I may release the first chapter of it on Dec 9, 2017 (next Saturday). It depends. The first chapter is finished, and the second chapter is almost finished (I had planned on finishing it today before things came up). I'm not completely convinced to publish it because I have two potential plots for the story- the one that the story was actually supposed to be, and then the one that the story seems to be progressing towards, which may be better. But, then again, they could be so intertwined that it doesn't matter. I don't know how long of a story it'll be either. Should I spoil anything about it? Well, the original idea it's based on is bittersweet. The original story idea is bitter, but it has a sweet ending. And well, you know, I seem to enjoy that sort of thing, judging by Critical Mass and Reaction... I kind of want to wait until this story is finished being written before publishing it.

I've been giving a lot of thought to Reaction and Critical Mass. A lot of that thought has been directed towards the next story in this series. That's both great and infuriating. It's great because I've discovered how to make something work that I really wanted/needed to weave in. It's infuriating because what I want to weave in will take time and can't really be woven into the next story. So, basically, what I'm still debating on is the next story in this series. So expect at least 2 more stories in this series. The second one has more thought given to it than the next one. The way things are necessitates that this happen. I really want to gush about this.

...I'll probably start on the sequel sometime in January or February of next year. That's my current plan, anyway. The plan is also for the next story to be fairly short, a few chapters long. What I do have of the idea for that story so far involves them being in the Crystal Empire for a celebration/holiday. It happens fairly soon after Critical Mass (I have not decided on an exact date yet. Still working out specific details which are very spoilery and you may have some idea about if you've read Critical Mass). I'll make a blog post about it with more information when I get close to starting it or have started writing it.

I could talk more, but you're probably all tired of reading this incredibly long blog post.


Additional Comments...

I really should use new individual files for each month of statistics. That would be great. I'd be able to compare things month by month, in terms of story statistics.

I'm really tired now. And I don't feel like working on my paper. Or writing. I guess I could (and should) read.

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Comments ( 3 )

A sequel called "how to ponynap birdhorse", well you can't forget about applehorse, dresshorse, partyhorse, and animalhorse. Hmm I think we need a better name for fluttershy, 'animalhorse' doesn't sound very good.

Shyhorse? Softhorse?

And what about Sunbutt and Moonbutt?

So many options... although ponynapping Fluttershy seems mean-spirited.

Yeah, demotivation sucks. I haven't touched the second chapter of my fic, and I'm behind on my homework. Ah well, such is the life of a grad student.

And what about Sunbutt and Moonbutt?

Reminds me of Princess Celestia Gets Mugged. I'd love to see your take on something like that.

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