• Member Since 16th Jan, 2013
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Lord Seth

Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.

More Blog Posts53

  • 8 weeks
    It's Over!

    My Little Pony: Friendship Is Absurd is at last completed. No, no April Fools joke this time, it's finished. Thanks to everyone who read it, and I apologize again for the lengthy hiatus! I'll probably have some additional "final thoughts" to post later, but the story itself is complete now.

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  • 11 weeks
    The End Will Begin! (Tomorrow)

    So, in the previous post I said I was definitely going to get something out by the end of the month. Well, that's not going to be the case. Given the time of year, my original plan was to start putting up chapters in March and then finish with the last chapter on April 1, which seemed thematically appropriate. But I got a bit delayed. So instead, I'm reversing course, and to try to make use of

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  • 12 weeks
    New chapters coming soon... no, really!

    Okay, it's been long enough. Honestly, for a long time I've been in this idea where I just kind of kept putting off getting the work finished, partially with an idea that I just had to get things just right. But then I would never end up working on it. It's been nearly four years since the last chapter, time to rip this band-aid off and get the conclusion of Friendship Is Absurd out. It might not

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  • 60 weeks
    Update, I guess

    So, a year ago I posted that Friendship Is Absurd was nearing completion. As you might have noticed, it isn't complete yet.

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  • 111 weeks
    Friendship Is Absurd is finally nearing completion

    So, been a while since the last blog post, and I figured it was time for another update. Not sure how many people are still interested in my silly little fanfic given how long it's gone without updating, but I will note that I have been working on it (although very, very slowly) and I think the first draft of the final chapter is finally, FINALLY done.

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My Little Pony: The Movie Mini-Review · 6:39am Oct 9th, 2017

So, I saw the movie. My thoughts on it are a bit jumbled, so I'll just try to give a short, spoiler-free version.

You've probably heard it everywhere else, so I'll confirm it: The movie completely ignores various established characters that would have been very beneficial to the main characters. They don't try to get help from Discord, Ember, Thorax, or anyone else they're on reasonably good terms with that have pretty powerful forces at their command. And no explanation whatsoever is offered. One could try to excuse it by saying that the film just takes place earlier in the series before they met Ember or Thorax, as I didn't see anything offhand that would require it to be later than season 4 (still need an explanation for Discord, though), but I read that apparently it's between seasons 7 and 8, so that's out.

Still, that aside, how is the movie on the whole? It's... okay. There's a number of smaller issues I have with it that I could discuss, but for brevity's sake I'll say the single biggest issue is this: I found it very rushed. It feels like the whole thing could have been a half-season-long story arc to better develop things that are just rushed through. In particular, both the movie-specific allies and the antagonists could have used a lot more time to develop them. I would've liked to see this expanded into a half season of the show (I don't think it could sustain a full season, but 10-13 episodes seems reasonable).

So, bottom line, is it worth seeing? Well, despite being so problematically compressed, I still thought it was okay. Not great, but okay. This was one of those films that was fine, but left me disappointed because I felt it could have been so much better than it was because, again, of how rushed I felt some aspects of it were. I don't think my time watching it was misspent, though I'm not sure I'd recommend paying full price for a ticket. If you're wondering, you're not going to get anything out of this film if you're not already a fan. Then again, I'm not sure why you'd be reading this if you weren't.

Of course, thanks to Friendship Is Absurd, I couldn't watch the movie without constantly thinking of ways to possibly warp it in Friendship Is Absurd, but at my current rate it'll probably be quite a while before I finally get around to reaching it. And, speaking of which, the next chapter will be out soon... hopefully.

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Comments ( 1 )

I thought it was kinda weird, too. You see Starlight and Trixie in the movie for half a second in a montage near the beginning, and half another second in the credits. There was also a balloon Discord in the beginning, and his silhouette during the credits.

As for why they didn't get help from anyone else... they got thrown out of Canterlot. And their only clue was to get help from the "Queen of the Hippo-". I'd imagine it's more of a "This plot makes it so that the only option is this and that" thing than a "So many options are available right now; might as well pick the most arbitrary one!" or something of the like.

But yeah, there was a joke they missed out on. The plot twist is that the Hippo- are actually the Hippogriffs, but it would've been even cooler if they called themselves Hippocamps after turning aquatic.

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