• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen May 5th


More Blog Posts2

  • 351 weeks
    Just don't know if should I continue

    Doesn't seem many ponies liked what I had to write which is fine...

    0 comments · 249 views
  • 356 weeks
    I sorry for being inactive

    I been busy with work. I am slowly editing my story from Amino and making it better. I still have 5 more parts to go. I might add more in between cause i felt i could have added more. So from now on there shall be more.

    0 comments · 253 views

I sorry for being inactive · 5:08pm Sep 29th, 2017

I been busy with work. I am slowly editing my story from Amino and making it better. I still have 5 more parts to go. I might add more in between cause i felt i could have added more. So from now on there shall be more.

Report UrbanPonification · 253 views · Story: Unity Equestria ·
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