Yay! People are following me, whoopee!! · 2:07am Jun 26th, 2017
Hi gals and guys, howchya doing? I'm not sure why, but I have been gaining momentum even though horribly inactive and been unable to do any of these posting stuff.
Anywho weewow, thanks for following me!
Wait a minute... Why are these people following me?
Optimism/Ego feeding side: Because you're adorable, hilarious, charming?
Paranoia side: 'Cause the human trafficking ring has found it's next target?
ID: Sexy fun times?
Rational side: You've just gone through a period, and you've just suffered from after school laziness while worrying about your unproductivity, thus the stress has gotten to you making you ask an irrational question.
Darnnit, the rational side wins again. Why can't it ever be sexy fun times?! Or me being intellectually attractive. (dramatic tone)
Paranoia: What about...?
Shut up and wait for the Apocalypse or something! Geeze, wheeze, being paranoid in the internet is the worst :V
Oh well that's all it for this post