• Member Since 18th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2017


Girls just wanna have fun---Albert Einstein. I agree---Marie Curie/Meryl Streep/Me.

More Blog Posts6

  • 384 weeks
    Yay! People are following me, whoopee!!

    :pinkiehappy:Hi gals and guys, howchya doing? I'm not sure why, but I have been gaining momentum even though horribly inactive and been unable to do any of these posting stuff.

    Anywho weewow, thanks for following me! :rainbowwild:

    :twilightoops:Wait a minute... Why are these people following me?

    Optimism/Ego feeding side: Because you're adorable, hilarious, charming?

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    0 comments · 602 views
  • 387 weeks
    Procrastinating is magic

    Filly cheese sticks!!:fluttercry: I need to do work and blogging at the same time, but scarcity forces me to choose one over another:ajsleepy:...

    So I chose work, suckers:raritywink::heart:

    See ya later b:yay::yay::yay:es

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    0 comments · 372 views
  • 388 weeks
    Quick, the Church of Shy needs pictures of Fluttershy!

    I decry to all ponies/humans that the High Priest of Shy quote: needs a slew of pictures of fluttershy, and the High Priest might sacrifice them to Knighty.

    :pinkiegasp:! We fandom know what we do best...

    POST PONIES!!!:flutterrage:

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    0 comments · 454 views
  • 389 weeks
    What would I be like if I was one of the mane 6?

    Many would want a summary of my day and my personality, but instead of telling you with words, I'm just gonna show how I feel like on an average day through the mane 6:pinkiehappy:

    Wakes up from the morning from all the work I've done yesterday

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    12 comments · 554 views

Yay! People are following me, whoopee!! · 2:07am Jun 26th, 2017

:pinkiehappy:Hi gals and guys, howchya doing? I'm not sure why, but I have been gaining momentum even though horribly inactive and been unable to do any of these posting stuff.

Anywho weewow, thanks for following me! :rainbowwild:

:twilightoops:Wait a minute... Why are these people following me?

Optimism/Ego feeding side: Because you're adorable, hilarious, charming?

Paranoia side: 'Cause the human trafficking ring has found it's next target?

ID: Sexy fun times?

Rational side: You've just gone through a period, and you've just suffered from after school laziness while worrying about your unproductivity, thus the stress has gotten to you making you ask an irrational question.

:ajbemused::twilightangry2:Darnnit, the rational side wins again. Why can't it ever be sexy fun times?! Or me being intellectually attractive.:raritycry: (dramatic tone)

Paranoia: What about...?

Shut up and wait for the Apocalypse or something!:flutterrage: Geeze, wheeze, being paranoid in the internet is the worst :V

Oh well that's all it for this post:twilightsmile:

Report ZestyPegasister · 602 views · #Comedy!
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