• Member Since 13th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 4th, 2022


Has a strange liking to writing solely about their OC.

More Blog Posts2

  • 330 weeks
    On Writing...

    I've been doing that... regularly now. Surprising, I know. Nothing is here, but not that it matters too much. What I write doesn't normally end up here since the circumstances surrounding most of my stories wouldn't pass moderation. Much of what I write has been put onto FA, or with coinciding images on Derpibooru involving my OC. One story, one that I'd wrote quite a time ago (A Night of

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    0 comments · 353 views
  • 380 weeks
    Been a While, Hasn't it?

    Oh, look. Some unknown author (who is a nobody) has made a pointless return. Yes, thank you for stating the obvious. Anyways... three years of lurking...

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    0 comments · 253 views

Been a While, Hasn't it? · 9:29am Apr 8th, 2017

Oh, look. Some unknown author (who is a nobody) has made a pointless return. Yes, thank you for stating the obvious. Anyways... three years of lurking...

Huh, time really does go by that fast I suppose. Life happened on a regular basis, as did falling out of writing. Lately, I've been picking it up again slowly and looking upon old and unfinished works of mine. I've looked over To Lands Unknown time and time again, the ending being near the forefront of my mind as I know what I want to do to finish it. I know what I want in revising it... but it's been so long.

This is just a little blog post to tell those that still care to keep an eye out on me if they so choose. I've stories on the way, and ideas on the brain (but really that's just me repeating myself). So... yeah.

Stay tuned, if you're feeling inclined to.

- Latch

Report Latch · 253 views · Story: To Lands Unknown ·
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