• Member Since 7th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen September 14th

Sky Blue CMC

"You're not a burden, my love" Simon comforted his partner, Prince Lucian. "You're all 7,634,420,069,142,002,387,487,862,912 stars in my sky, Luce. And I love how brightly you shine"

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Just another night... · 3:30pm Mar 23rd, 2017

...with something beautiful and magical happening.

Report Sky Blue CMC · 355 views · #love
Comments ( 21 )

Please explain.

4468977 Love... and sex. (Wish I could give her the real thing instead of just a roleplay)

4468984 :unsuresweetie:
No further questions or comments.

4468984 :applejackconfused:
I was not expecting that...

*Response Lost In Translation - Please Reboot*

4468987 I would, but I don't know how your OS works... sorry. Now, what's this red button do..?

4468987 She wants the D as much as I wanna give it to her... but we live on opposite sides of the fucking cuntry.

4468990 Sounds rough. In my limited experience, long-distance relationships don't work out as often as they don't, but have a go at it and see how it plays out.

Good luck! :twilightsmile:

4468989 *Self Destruct Sequence Initiated - Have a nice day!*

4468990 The Issue of Two Distant Lovers...
I wouldn't know since I'm single and haven't been dating for over a year... :twilightsheepish:

4468992 Oh dear... this is why there's always a help manual and instructions.. :derpyderp2:

4468991 Yeah... I'll hopefully be able to see her during everyone else's spring break... I'm on mine right now but my family's going to Cali for theirs... I'll be able to see her then if I'm lucky.

4468992 Did you get my pun? FUCKING... and CUNTRY?

4468995 I've never even heard of Cali... I'll have to look it up. Is it nice there?

4468999 Oh, I thought it was some obscure city I've never heard of :twilightblush:

4468994 :rainbowlaugh:

4468996 FUNNY JOKE... (Use Yoda Voice)
I do feel sorry for you, though. A long distant relationship is extremely hard to do, but I has the faith in you!
Use the force!

4469004 Another pun? The FORCE! Also... STAR WARS FTW!

4469749 Welp... read the comments.

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