Everything at once · 4:18am Feb 5th, 2017
As sly as a fox,
As strong as an ox,
As fast as a hare,
As brave as a bear,
As free as a bird,
As neat as a word,
As quiet as a mouse,
As big as a house,
All I want to be is Everything,
As mean as a wolf,
As sharp as a tooth,
As deep as a bite,
As dark as the night,
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong,
As long as a road,
As ugly as a toad,
As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture,
strong like a family,
Strong as wanna be.
All I want to be is everything
Everything at once.
Did you make this?
4414741 the lyrics aren't mine. But I did do a spin on this a while back.
What was the spin you made?
4417818 Just did different lyrics as well as a cover.
Do you have a link?
4418612 I.. Don't really have it up anywhere. And my voice is awful.
Oh, okay. And I'm sure your voice is fine