• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 22nd


More Blog Posts110

  • 389 weeks

    Cross-post from Tumblr;

    Just a sketch.

    He’s supposed to vaguely resemble a humanized Dusk Shine, and the colors allude to that. The image is an abstraction for certain types of anxiety I tend to feel quite a lot.

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    0 comments · 572 views
  • 425 weeks
    Sketching and the creative process.

    Sketching and the creative process.

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    2 comments · 580 views
  • 428 weeks
    Recent Tumblr updates!

    So, there have been a few new posts to the Ask Asylum Twilight tumblr lately. A message from one of my readers via Patreon made me realize how foolish I was to let the tumblr slide in to inactivity in the way that it did. So I've been getting back in to the swing of things with it.

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  • 434 weeks
    New commission for Rated Ponystar!

    I've been working on this one for a while, and it is finally done!

    Rated Ponystar commissioned this comic a while back. Featuring Applejack and Rara/Coluratura. Looks like some AppleRatura is in their future!


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  • 435 weeks
    A few photographers that everyone should see pt. 1. Houses and flying plates.

    I really should blog more often. Anyway, since imgur is no longer an option for posting my own stuff on here, I'll just have to talk about something else until I settle on a better solution. So, I thought I would share some of my favorite photographers, because photography is an art form that needs more proper appreciation.

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Stupidity. · 6:38pm Feb 4th, 2017

Cross-post from Tumblr;

Just a sketch.

He’s supposed to vaguely resemble a humanized Dusk Shine, and the colors allude to that. The image is an abstraction for certain types of anxiety I tend to feel quite a lot.

This image came from a desire to do a drawing representing emotions and thoughts that mixed some fairly standard sketch practice with Brian Catnley style abstraction of things like space and motion.

The imperfect color and detail are due to the fact that this was done on a small sketchbook of 60lb sketch paper. So the markers are not going to look quite as smooth on that media. But again, it’s just a sketch.

So, here it is!

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