• Member Since 29th Jan, 2016
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Erina Tail Yellow

I'm back and ready to stay

More Blog Posts32

  • 128 weeks
    Centre Stage Romance: 4 Years in The Making

    As of today, Centre Stage Romance is officially being marked a completed story. After spending months attempting to evaluate what would make an epilogue for the story feel complete I could find no reason and no inspiration to add on to a story that had very well ended. Perhaps at some point this may change but to be entirely honest I don't see that happening. Once again an overwhelming thank you

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  • 160 weeks
    Centre Stage Romance Status Update

    Hey, to all fans of Centre Stage Romance I have some absolutely fantastic news. After a rather unprecedented hiatus I have returned to work on the story. I know this'll be the third time I've promised to return and work on a story here but this is as real as it gets this time. It's no "return to form" as I've toted before. I'm returning a mildly more seasoned human being with different intent and

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  • 255 weeks
    UPDATE: Everything V.2

    Hello everyone, Erina Shindou here. Or as you can all refer to me now Maxine Fowl.

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  • 326 weeks
    FEATURED: Follow You Down


    But in all seriousness thanks to all of you. This blew my mind.

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  • 337 weeks
    Update: Just about everything

    What's up everyone. If you've stuck around this long, I'll go ahead and say I'm shocked. I've been a little down on myself the past few months and because of that haven't written much for you. And to that extent I apologise. I'm currently getting in with an amazing group of people who are inspiring me to do something I've never done before. To update everyone on stories CSR is at a dead

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Review: Hot Coco with Marshmallows · 6:21am Jan 8th, 2017

Review: Hot Coco with Marshmallows

Well that’s one way to fall in love.

What? Drunk and in during a storm?

No falling in love with the competition.

Oh! Right but, she really only said something ‘cause she was drunk and provoked.

You do know she went their to with the wine intentionally to talk to Rarity. As for why she needed the wine you can figure it out.

Okay you’ve got me there. The shy-er the mare the more alcohol for the confession. Or in my case two shots of hard cider and I’ll answer most things.

You really are lightweight Erina. But lets not get ahead of ourselves and start from the beginning.

Okay. So the beginning Rarity’s parents are there. Yay? I guess. We truly don’t even see much of them in the fandom.

But not for long they are about to leave for Las Pegasus for a white chimeras? Ok then also Sweetie Belle is going with them. So yay for no siblings around to annoy you.

Implying that siblings are annoying now are we?

Yes I am and they are I have three of them. But now that the sister and parents are gone Rarity is going to enjoy a good book.

Good is a relative term. If you consider smut about your best friend banging the ruler of your land good then by that standard a lot of things are good.

Ever heard of subtlety? But you are right Rarity is reading a racey novel about Twilight banging Celestia. That is called Spring Time for Twilight by The Producers.

No you’re wrong. It’s by a pony using the god forsaken alias of… get ready for this… ButterFlush. I-I can’t keep a straight face.

Well with a name like that who can? So as the rain comes down and so does the temperature. With the chill in the air it brings an unexpected visitor arrives.

And who else would be at the door than Coco herself. Giving the excuse of ”Just being in town.” We all know better. Especially because soon after she arrives she pulls out the good stuff.

So after a few glasses of the fine wine both Coco and Rarity lighten up. Rarity recalls a bar fight that she started. But just like all good things it must come to an end. By that I mean they run out of wine.

Oh so you mean even in her inebriated state Coco still has enough self control to put off her inevitable confession? And are you completely certain it was a bar fight and not just Pinkie being Drunk?

Either way. Coco in her drunken state decides that it's a great idea to stow the empty bottle in the couch.

Well on the unfortunate behalf of our Marshmallow that’s where she hides her smut from her friends. And what just so happens to fall out the couch. Go on Winter tell em’ what she won!

A one way ticket to a strawberry marshmallow. Coco picks up the mature themed novel, while Rarity is clearing the table she looks to see the book. Also Erina didn’t you get caught in a similar situation?

*blushes furiously* I was holding it for a friend! Aside from that Coco mentions that she didn’t know Rarity was into mares.

Yeah right. Just be happy I found it before your mom or dad did. Rarity tries her best to play the book off as a "cheesy romance”. But Coco see through her lie.

That she does and she proceeds to question rarity’s interest in mares. Ya’ know I’m trying to streamline the review process and you’re adding details I forgot. That aside Rarity blames and I quote

”You can blame a bottle of cider and a rather grabby farmer for teaching me that.”

Rarity then proceeds to ask Coco if she’s into mares. To which coco gives a fluttershy yes. SO then they talk about what it was like when she worked for Suri. Here we go again.

Coco notes that Suri frequently threaten her that if she were to catch her ogling any of the models that she would to be fired. Hmmm… I seem to remember my father once something similar about me bringing any girls home… ever.

Yeah your biological father is an ass. Well After Rarity apologies for Suri’s actions Coco reveals that she never liked any of the modes.

Coco goes on to describe the perfect mare. Rarity being dense doesn’t realizethat it’s her coco likes!!!! You need to calm down. I was gettin’ there. You mad?

A little. But as you're taught in combat training that your original plan will never survive initial contact and when all else fails call in an airstrike.

So Rarity in being dense asks what she would do upon seeing that mare again. Coco says she would tell her how she felt and then kiss her. And Winter what happens next?

It's super effective. Coco goes in for Rarity’s to deliver a deep passionate kiss But Rarity jumps away startled by the sudden actions of her drunken companion.

you had to kill the mood. After Rarity’s actions Coco tries to run away but is stopped by a A hoof on the shoulder as Rarity stops explains she was startled and throws Coco into a kiss so passionate even Princess Celestia whistled.

Are you going to keep doing that? Well in the Rarity and Coco end up together. They both agree to take it slow. Then they go back to making out. So a 7/10 just because of the prodi Bullshit! Fuckin’ what are you even saying!? Slow is not being forced against the couch. That shit isn’t playful.

Would you quit doing that, for the love of everything holy. SO *looks with a menacing stare* I would the story a 7/10. Due to the fact that storyline was straight forward. Erina on a 1 being the worst fic you’ve ever read (Starlights return) and a 10 being the best fic you ever read (Anthropology.)?

It impacted the fandom majorly. As far as I know that is why Lyra is obsessed with humans in the fandom. Gushing aside, I’d give this fic an 8/10 for the major reason of I want more!. Plus this ship relatively rare and I give them props for this. Aside it suffers major one-shot syndrome and had occasional mistakes.

Here's the story:

Woopsy Doopsy forgot an important credit. Here's Winter:

There sis ya' happy now.

Comments ( 5 )

They didn't hate it?:rainbowderp:




Sorry for being late with this comment.:twilightblush:

4378752 no worries thanks for checking it out

4379323 Thanks for checking out my story out in the first place.:twilightsmile:

4379340 how could I not it was amazing

I remember that fic! Partly because I edited it. :rainbowlaugh:
But I recall finding it very enjoyable when I had. It's not love at thunderous first sight, which I thought was nice, plus I thought it was an decent ship.

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