Really 2016? · 6:51pm Dec 27th, 2016
Carrie Fisher dies, huh. Ya just couldn't give us a break, couldn't you 2016. This year has been terrible for all of us, the whole world. So just to ruin your day and or night, lemme list a few down for you.
-Harambe dies
-A whole ton of shootings
-Donald Trump wins the elections
-David Bowie dies
-Alan Rickman dies
-Hurricane Matthew
-Zika Virus
-Ebola Virus
-Gravity Falls ended
-Muhammad Ali dies
-Prince dies
-Earthquake in italy
-Powerpuff Girls reboot (yes I loved the old one)
-Teen Titans reboot (Still loved the old one)
-Gene Wilder dies
-Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
-Death of Glenn on TWD
-Kimbo Slice dies
-Youtube screws itself over
-Vine shuts down
-Carrie Fisher dies
I know I missed more than a few, but honestly I can't pain myself to look at all the things that happened in just one year. We've all been through a lot, but we as humans have the ability to survive and adapt. Let's hope that New Year's Eve will signal the end of a dark year for the world, and bring us happiness and joy (I've just jinxed us haven't I).
God... this next year won't be the greatest, will it?