woah look who's alive · 5:26pm Apr 16th, 2017
guess what guys. I'm back. I passed school. It's summer. It's time to start typing. I'm planning on writing more for Attack On Equestria. However it has come to my attention that my writer's block has become bigger than an elephant, and if you so kindly mind I need a bit of help moving this elephant. So to address the elephant in the room, mind you different from the elephant blocking my writing, I require some assistance. No money involved, just you kind souls helping a damned "writer". Just message me literally a sentence, no a phrase, heck even a word, of what you want to see, or any ideas or suggestions you may have to get my story going and chugging along. Any stories included, which means the two ones that I had the dignity to publish. Because trust me I have more unpublished stories than I do fingers on my hand.
Again, no money included, just you helping me if you want to. Cheers! - dp