• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 13th, 2021


"Words build bridges into unexplored regions" - Adolf Hitler

More Blog Posts14

  • 408 weeks
    woah look who's alive

    guess what guys. I'm back. I passed school. It's summer. It's time to start typing. I'm planning on writing more for Attack On Equestria. However it has come to my attention that my writer's block has become bigger than an elephant, and if you so kindly mind I need a bit of help moving this elephant. So to address the elephant in the room, mind you different from the elephant blocking my writing,

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  • 423 weeks
    Really 2016?

    Carrie Fisher dies, huh. Ya just couldn't give us a break, couldn't you 2016. This year has been terrible for all of us, the whole world. So just to ruin your day and or night, lemme list a few down for you.

    -Harambe dies
    -A whole ton of shootings
    -Donald Trump wins the elections
    -David Bowie dies
    -Alan Rickman dies
    -Hurricane Matthew
    -Zika Virus
    -Ebola Virus

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    2 comments · 348 views
  • 446 weeks
    Welp, I need a break

    Hey guys I need to take a little break. I recently just lost, a best friend of some sorts. All stories will be continued of course, maybe not now. I just need time to get back in touch with, life I guess. I've spent too many hours typing to no progress, sorry if you expected more from me. Again I will come back, just not within a week or two. I don't think you guys

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    0 comments · 405 views
  • 448 weeks
    Group Collab

    Hello all my pretties, I have news for you! I did a thing, apparently I'm part of a group collab now. So why don't you give it some support? My name is in the credits so that's cool, also ironically it will be my OC Hot Shot's first appearance on this website, and I'm not the one publishing it. But that doesn't

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    0 comments · 395 views
  • 453 weeks
    NEW STORY!!!!!

    Heyo all my fans? people who have decided to take interest in my shoddy work. I have a new story, because I'm a horrible person and I can't continue nor finish things properly. NO SPOILERS ON WHAT'S IT GOING TO BE ABOUT. Maybe the others are dead, maybe not. Probably not, I'll get to work on it right away. I just need to distract you guys with a new story I just want to make sure

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    1 comments · 333 views

woah look who's alive · 5:26pm Apr 16th, 2017

guess what guys. I'm back. I passed school. It's summer. It's time to start typing. I'm planning on writing more for Attack On Equestria. However it has come to my attention that my writer's block has become bigger than an elephant, and if you so kindly mind I need a bit of help moving this elephant. So to address the elephant in the room, mind you different from the elephant blocking my writing, I require some assistance. No money involved, just you kind souls helping a damned "writer". Just message me literally a sentence, no a phrase, heck even a word, of what you want to see, or any ideas or suggestions you may have to get my story going and chugging along. Any stories included, which means the two ones that I had the dignity to publish. Because trust me I have more unpublished stories than I do fingers on my hand.

Again, no money included, just you helping me if you want to. Cheers! - dp

Report Darth_Pinkie · 343 views ·
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