• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2015


More Blog Posts4

  • 591 weeks
    Mind if I brag? :)

    Wow! I mean... wow! Thanks people! I discovered this sometime yesterday and I'm still kindof stuck in an amazed can't-get-my-face-to-unsmile state.

    Number 1 and number 3 on Fimfictions top-rated erotic fictions. I mean... I'd best enjoy it while it lasts!

    5 comments · 979 views
  • 632 weeks
    The great 500! Milestone!

    Where the Mind Wanders hit a major milestone today! No fewer than five hundred simultaneous favorites!

    That's quite a massive pile of favorites considering it's a one-chapter completed story, since most people tend to use the favorite option to help them keep track of new chapters.

    I think I deserve to give myself a pat on the back. *gets washed away by a breaking dam*

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    8 comments · 646 views
  • 668 weeks

    This might sound like a rather silly confession, but: I've been going at this whole writing thing without any real proofreaders. That doesn't, in itself, seem to have harmed things much, but you can only read your own story so many times before you stare yourself blind and start missing typos and other obvious errors. The place I thought I could find some unfortunately doesn't allow clopfics

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    23 comments · 803 views
  • 679 weeks
    Since people seemed to be enjoying my writings...

    I decided to see if 'The Great and Corrupted Trixie', a rather old story of mine, meets with the readers' approval. Alas for the clop-hungry, it's more a general-audiences tale with a more ridiculous premise: A TRON/MLP crossover!

    The third chapter is approaching completion, but I have a fair bit of time, so I'll get some work in on the third part of the 'Where the Mind' series too.

    5 comments · 499 views

Since people seemed to be enjoying my writings... · 11:41pm Feb 1st, 2012

I decided to see if 'The Great and Corrupted Trixie', a rather old story of mine, meets with the readers' approval. Alas for the clop-hungry, it's more a general-audiences tale with a more ridiculous premise: A TRON/MLP crossover!

The third chapter is approaching completion, but I have a fair bit of time, so I'll get some work in on the third part of the 'Where the Mind' series too.

Report VelvetHeart · 499 views ·
Comments ( 5 )


I think before and after, bits of it, although I'm not sure. And if you're wondering 'why' I did it: I like surrealism, but even more importantly, glowy things!

"Since people seemed to be enjoying my writings..."

Understatement of the year? :rainbowlaugh:

Tron/MLP hmm,should rewatch Tron then in hopes that i get more of the story this time :facehoof:

"Since people seemed to be enjoying my writings..."

Understatement of the year? :rainbowlaugh:

Tron/MLP hmm,should rewatch Tron then in hopes that i get more of the story this time :facehoof:

Hmmm, I do like Tron, so I guess I'll have to check this out!

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