• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2015


More Blog Posts4

  • 591 weeks
    Mind if I brag? :)

    Wow! I mean... wow! Thanks people! I discovered this sometime yesterday and I'm still kindof stuck in an amazed can't-get-my-face-to-unsmile state.

    Number 1 and number 3 on Fimfictions top-rated erotic fictions. I mean... I'd best enjoy it while it lasts!

    5 comments · 979 views
  • 632 weeks
    The great 500! Milestone!

    Where the Mind Wanders hit a major milestone today! No fewer than five hundred simultaneous favorites!

    That's quite a massive pile of favorites considering it's a one-chapter completed story, since most people tend to use the favorite option to help them keep track of new chapters.

    I think I deserve to give myself a pat on the back. *gets washed away by a breaking dam*

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    8 comments · 646 views
  • 668 weeks

    This might sound like a rather silly confession, but: I've been going at this whole writing thing without any real proofreaders. That doesn't, in itself, seem to have harmed things much, but you can only read your own story so many times before you stare yourself blind and start missing typos and other obvious errors. The place I thought I could find some unfortunately doesn't allow clopfics

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    23 comments · 803 views
  • 679 weeks
    Since people seemed to be enjoying my writings...

    I decided to see if 'The Great and Corrupted Trixie', a rather old story of mine, meets with the readers' approval. Alas for the clop-hungry, it's more a general-audiences tale with a more ridiculous premise: A TRON/MLP crossover!

    The third chapter is approaching completion, but I have a fair bit of time, so I'll get some work in on the third part of the 'Where the Mind' series too.

    5 comments · 498 views

Proofreaders..? · 9:59am Apr 20th, 2012

This might sound like a rather silly confession, but: I've been going at this whole writing thing without any real proofreaders. That doesn't, in itself, seem to have harmed things much, but you can only read your own story so many times before you stare yourself blind and start missing typos and other obvious errors. The place I thought I could find some unfortunately doesn't allow clopfics and... well, to be frank, the twilestia I'm working on wouldn't fit under any other definition.

Some of you wouldn't happen to know where I could find a proofreader or two who wouldn't be turned off by some twilestia-related clopfic material? A site? Preferably people who are somewhat openminded regarding a little Luna-related Rule63 (for comedy purposes).
And Harry Potter references.
And pony bondage.

Report VelvetHeart · 803 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

I'm no english major, but if you ever needed any help, I'd give it a once over if that's what you needed?

I wouldn't mind to be a proofreader.

I actually like twilestia and i dont realy care if it is clopfic or not :)

*slowly raises hand*

I like all of that lol, but i dont care about typos and such as long as i can understand it so i wouldn't be a good proof reader probably.

77061 some people you want to see the world burn... lol kidding...

Did - did somebody ask for a Twilestia-obsessed proof-reader?

My day has finally arrived! :rainbowdetermined2:

Twilestia? Awesome.
Clop? No problems with that.

If you'll have me, Velvet, I'll offer any help I can.

Don't choose Varanus. He should work on his own buckin' Twilestia-story.

There are groups on this site solely for the purpose of finding pre-/proofreaders, so perhaps you're able to find a good one there.

Surprise, I'm not going to recommend myself, since I'm simply way too busy.

//edit: Oh, and before I forget it, nice that you're working on more Twilestia ;)
//edit2: Maybe you shouldn't "have" a proofreader who can't build a proper conditional clause.


In all seriousness, sure. I'm not an English teacher, and commas confuse me to high hell, (RUN ON AND ON AND ON) but I would gladly help.

EDIT: Also, what RainbowsCrush said. They just might be qualified to do it :3 Except for Varanus. I'd never rush an author... But...

EDIT: Just read Varanus' blog. I take it back. If you want someone good, pick him. His story is amazing, and he may not be writing for a bit, so it'll help keep his English tip-top.

Don't listen to him!!


Work! On! Your! Story!

No seriously, you're killing me. Even if the update came out today, I would have to read the first four chapters again. I don't even know anymore why Princess Celestia is in a hospital -- uhm.. okay, I still know that one... but the fruit! Darnit. WRITE ON!

I am writing, but things are complicated at home. In the meantime, I must live vicariously through others!

Aw man, so many volunteers before me! D:

I'll throw mine in there too even though you've probably already made your selection.

To quote Michael J. Caboose, I have been preparing for this my entire life.


I know where you could find willing proofreaders... this website! a.deviantart.net/avatars/t/r/truestoryplz.png

Twilestia and pony bondage? I approve of these things! I'm not sure if I'd be a good proofreader, but I'm certainly a willing proofreader.

I'm actually rather proud of my knowledge of spelling and english grammar. I can diagram sentences! It is a rare skill. I had to learn it after public schooling. None of my english teachers while I was in public school felt that sentence diagramming was useful. They never taught it. From what I've heard from my classmates, I'm probably the only person in my school district who ever regretted not learning how to diagram sentences.

With my luck, there are probably grammar errors in this very post. I suspect I should get into the habit of diagramming a few random sentences every day just to stay in practice.

Oooo, proof reading pony bondage? And twilestia? I'd love too!

Oh dear, that's a lot more than I expected. I'll have to pick!

Yeah, I'm probably up for it if you need another! :3

Oh my twilestia... :pinkiehappy: pick me pick me!!! *raises hand excitedly* I'm pretty good for a proofreader. I has tons of experience, but i need some twilestia! :flutterrage:

I may be late but, Twilestia? Any time.

I think I'll just pick from this group. There's a lot of offers in this very blogpost already. I'll poke you when I have something more to actually proofread.

Is it too late to get in on this action? :pinkiehappy:

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