• Member Since 2nd May, 2015
  • offline last seen Sep 8th, 2022


I write in my free time, just for the sake of it. I also like to draw here and there, mostly the Cmc or background characters. I'm a huge fangirl, and a part time otaku. And YouTube Trash ;P

More Blog Posts116

  • 391 weeks
    About "WtW?"

    A few days ago,I tagged "When's the Wedding?" as complete, despite my intentions to add on to it and update.

    I believe I need to explain myself.

    While I could say that "life is rough" or "I don't have the time for it," it's not the case. Sure I've had changes to my schedule, but my life still has room for writting stories. And I do, just not for Rumbaloo anymore.

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    7 comments · 809 views
  • 398 weeks
    Happy Valentine's Day!!

    Love you guys. ;P :heart:

    2 comments · 507 views
  • 403 weeks
    Gosh Darn It

    I can't believe I missed "JKA!"'s anniversary. As of January 9th, I published it. Seeing that it's currently the 13th, it's safe to say I missed it.

    And I had so much I wanted to say too. I wanted to give all the lovely people who have read it a thank you.

    But I guess it's better late than never.

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    0 comments · 706 views
  • 403 weeks

    Click to see

    Also sorry for my absence, my computer officially died, so I had to find another way to get on this site. I hope the app will be done soon. Also, I'm working on a new chapter, so yeah.

    Also, WTF How did Hasbro afford Zoe Saldana and Sia?!!

    1 comments · 533 views
  • 406 weeks
    Happy Holidays!!

    Hope you all are enjoying and/or enjoyed your holidays, and that you were able to spend time with your family and friends! Even if you don't celebrate any holidays.

    Unfortunately, the day did have its downs. I recently found out about George Michael's passing. I didn't know much about him, but I knew he was a great man. He will be missed, and may he rest in peace.

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Story Inspiration · 1:51am Dec 22nd, 2016

Okay, so I needed some story inspiration, (Not for 'WtW?' you guys gave me a ton of really good suggestions I intend to use, :twilightsmile:) and I found these videos.

(Link) <-------(You can still click these btw, I just colored them:derpytongue2:.)

Here's the Second One:


The Third One:


I found them to be really inspiring, and I hope you all will too. :twilightsmile:

Also, there's this, which I will mention in later chapters of 'WtW?'


(I can't be the only one who's happy for those two, be sure to give them your congratulations!!)

Thanks for reading! And hopefully I can get an update up before Christmas. But don't quote me on that. (My computer and I aren't on the best terms atm. :/ )

Have a lovely day/evening/whenever you're reading this!

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