Story Inspiration · 1:51am Dec 22nd, 2016
Okay, so I needed some story inspiration, (Not for 'WtW?' you guys gave me a ton of really good suggestions I intend to use, ) and I found these videos.
(Link) <-------(You can still click these btw, I just colored them.)
Here's the Second One:
The Third One:
I found them to be really inspiring, and I hope you all will too.
Also, there's this, which I will mention in later chapters of 'WtW?'
(I can't be the only one who's happy for those two, be sure to give them your congratulations!!)
Thanks for reading! And hopefully I can get an update up before Christmas. But don't quote me on that. (My computer and I aren't on the best terms atm. :/ )
Have a lovely day/evening/whenever you're reading this!